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Stargate Worlds first trailer

Rally Pat

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stargate is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen. The movie(s?) sucked, the show sucks, and this game.. will probably suck.


The movie sucked. I have no idea how they got someone to approve a TV show based on it. However, the shows are so radically different from the movie, that going back and watching it is almost impossible for me now.


If you think the shows suck, I am sorry for your loss.


I bet you are a Trekkie. Fine then, go back to your land of "phasers" and "photon torpedos".


Ill stick with my P90's, MP5's, C4, and rocket launchers.

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Fuckin awesome!


Ok, I was a trekkie for the longest tiem (like I said in another thread) and never got into stargate SG-1. However Stargate Atlantis seems to be a different type of sci-fi show that ONLY shares some small ques from the original show and movie. This is the reason i like it. Honestly, I never saw the movie and only saw a handful of the SG-1 shows that I hated. but Stargate Atlantis, for some reason .... is my new Star Trek. Kickass..... im such a fuckin sci-fi loser.

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Screw Stargate the show. They canceled a much better show in Farscape because it was supposedly costing them too much money even though it was their most popular show and they just put the money into the Stargate series.


I used to watch Stargate anyway, but stopped after feeling disappointed in the what I felt was a lack of imagination. Just like Star Trek Voyager, though I heard they both improved.


We'll see how the game goes.

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Screw Stargate the show. They canceled a much better show in Farscape because it was supposedly costing them too much money even though it was their most popular show and they just put the money into the Stargate series.


I used to watch Stargate anyway, but stopped after feeling disappointed in the what I felt was a lack of imagination. Just like Star Trek Voyager, though I heard they both improved.


We'll see how the game goes.


I do hear a lot of praise for Farscape, though, I've never seen a single episode. It always looked a little toooooo out there. As if SG-1 and SG-A wasn't 'out there' enough. ;)

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if you have never seen an episode of Farscape, it probably would be pretty freaking weird to catch in the middle


but i am glad i'm not the only one who liked it,

that was my FAVORITE sci-fi show of all time, i was crushed when they canceled it,

and while i liked that they did a little mini-movie, it was not the same as getting the series back on the air

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if you have never seen an episode of Farscape, it probably would be pretty freaking weird to catch in the middle


but i am glad i'm not the only one who liked it,

that was my FAVORITE sci-fi show of all time, i was crushed when they canceled it,

and while i liked that they did a little mini-movie, it was not the same as getting the series back on the air


Yeah, I was really hoping someone would pick it up due to its popularity, but I'm kinda losing out hope on that.


Anyone ever catch the Sci Fi show First Wave?

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Yeah, I was really hoping someone would pick it up due to its popularity, but I'm kinda losing out hope on that.


Anyone ever catch the Sci Fi show First Wave?


The Sci-Fi channel has really been disappointing me as of late. They truely are putting out some horrible crap.


Farscape- cancelled (though I can't say I'm sad since I've never watched)


SG-1 - cancelled (bit it did have a GREAT run)


SG-A is, IMO, getting worse. I find myself only half paying attention when a new episode is on due to lack of interest.


BSG- Over 1 year between seasons 3-4??? Oh, and there's talk of doing half of season 4 in the beginning of '08, and then finishing it in '09. WTF? I really can't figure out why they're dragging it on so long. Idiots.


Eureka - I like this show, but 12 episodes a season? Sheesh.



Sci-Fi really needs to get their shit together.

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The Sci-Fi channel has really been disappointing me as of late. They truely are putting out some horrible crap.


Farscape- cancelled (though I can't say I'm sad since I've never watched)


SG-1 - cancelled (bit it did have a GREAT run)


SG-A is, IMO, getting worse. I find myself only half paying attention when a new episode is on due to lack of interest.


BSG- Over 1 year between seasons 3-4??? Oh, and there's talk of doing half of season 4 in the beginning of '08, and then finishing it in '09. WTF? I really can't figure out why they're dragging it on so long. Idiots.


Eureka - I like this show, but 12 episodes a season? Sheesh.



Sci-Fi really needs to get their shit together.




most of what you are noticing is from the Writer's strike, they have no control over that and that is why season's are being cut short or dragged out, lots of companies stockpiled scripts because they knew the strike was coming, and the saved scripts are now running out, so no new material


SHIT, we only got like 12 episodes of Heroes this year, last year there was like 22 or something, talk about being pissed.

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most of what you are noticing is from the Writer's strike, they have no control over that and that is why season's are being cut short or dragged out, lots of companies stockpiled scripts because they knew the strike was coming, and the saved scripts are now running out, so no new material


SHIT, we only got like 12 episodes of Heroes this year, last year there was like 22 or something, talk about being pissed.


What is this writers strike I keep hearing about? Details on who is fucking up my TV time?

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I almost forgot about Battlestar Galactica. I dont know why they dont invest more into this series its probably their most widely viewed shows but they are fucking it up with spacing out the season's and only giving us a handful of shows at a time. When was the last time a new show was on? like July? and they have a handful of new ones coming in March wtf?!?!?!?
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I almost forgot about Battlestar Galactica. I dont know why they dont invest more into this series its probably their most widely viewed shows but they are fucking it up with spacing out the season's and only giving us a handful of shows at a time. When was the last time a new show was on? like July? and they have a handful of new ones coming in March wtf?!?!?!?


November or December '06

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Is that master chief? WTF?


I <3 SG-1 and SG-A.


Edit: If you only watch SG-A you're not getting any back story. such as: Where did the human ships come from? Where did they get those cool uber powerful beam weapons? Who is this Major Carter lady who took over?


There are supposedly 2 SG-1 based movies in the pipes.


SG-1: The ark of Truth.

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Stargate had nothing to do with Farscape being cancelled. Farscape viewership was down, costs were up, plus Wayne Pygram and Gigi were leaving for other projects. Throw in Jim Henson Studios losing interest in the puppetry work, and the over-saturation of episodic sci-fi shows in the late 90s....


Galactica did "Razor" back in November, and it fuckin rocked. The battle at the Fleet shipyards was absolutely incredible, far and away the best space combat scenes since Wrath of Khan. The thrid season wrapped up in July of last year, and the coming season will be the last.


Sure, a lot of the Sci-Fi Channel shows are crap. But for every "Dresden Files", you've got a "Eureka". Throw in the Doctor.....and you gotta love those ultra-cheesy Saturday movies, in the best tradition of Roger Corman and the "B" movies.

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BSG appears to have been slowed by the strike like mentioned, otherwise since it's the last season for BSG is the only reason I can think they would delay it is to try get everything right. We at least had Razor for now which is badass.


I can't wait for BSG to kickoff this march!! :nod:

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