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Country or City?


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City. Im young, in school and the bar isnt a 90 second drive from my driveway.


Though I will admit, I dated a girl who lived in Washington Courthouse for a while and the country does have it's benefits. Someday when Im older and dont mind taking a 15min drive to get everywhere I probably will.

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City. Im young, in school and the bar isnt a 90 second drive from my driveway.


Though I will admit, I dated a girl who lived in Washington Courthouse for a while and the country does have it's benefits. Someday when Im older and dont mind taking a 15min drive to get everywhere I probably will.


I came here to post almost this exact same thing. I'm currently looking for lofts in the downtown area, but, they're too damn expensive, so I'll probably go with my second choice, which is a regular apartment in Grove City.


After school, and after I get tired of the city scene, I'll build somewhere with a bit of land, but also someplace that isn't out in BFE.

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I grew up in the country, but have lived in the city for the past 5 years. I HATE it! The houses are too close together. I can't blast my stereo in my house because the neighbors can hear it, even with all doors and windows closed. People don't know how to park next to the curb; instead, they are at least 1 foot away from the curb and when there are two dumbasses parked like that (one on each side of the street) you have to go like 2 mph and watch both mirrors closely as you pass them. I can't work on my car late at night for fear that my air compressor, hammering, or cursing will disturb the neighbors. I could go on forever.


But all of that is about to change. I should be closing on a house in Canal Winchester in a couple weeks. It's on 3/4 of an acre, surrounded by fields. The closest house is 100 yards away. And it's still within a couple minutes of shopping. I can't wait!!

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hmm, that is hard to say for sure. Both have there advantages and disadvantages. I grew up in Utica and now live up near Polaris. I like living in the city just because I am close to work and everything. But I like the country for the privacy. I will more than likely live in the city till I get older and then I will go buy my cabin in the woods with some good property.
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hmm, that is hard to say for sure. Both have there advantages and disadvantages. I grew up in Utica and now live up near Polaris. I like living in the city just because I am close to work and everything. But I like the country for the privacy. I will more than likely live in the city till I get older and then I will go buy my cabin in the woods with some good property.

+1. I want a sweet cabin in a forest to live in. Until then, I love city life.

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Country. You can always drive to the city. I prefer the privacy.


I've lived in both large cities, for example, Los Angeles and so far out in the country it isn't even a town and you have to drive just to get to a paved road. Both as a child and as an adult. I don't like living too far from a decent size city for convenience and for a little something to do, however. At least, not at this time in my life.


Honestly. Private island is the dream, though. Since I was a child.

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Christ, I'm surrounded by hicks.


City > country.


Yeehaw, dumbasses.


That's an issue with Ohio, not rural vs. urban.



Living in the city is great right now but its mostly because I'm in a college neighborhood so no one gives a shit if you wanna party and blast music. When I get my own place, it'll be with lots of land as padding from the people that I hate. All I want is to be able to smoke and drink out of my front porch without some bleeding heart fuckface coming up and asking me to stop.

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That's an issue with Ohio, not rural vs. urban.


Make sense so I can respond to you.


Country (15-20 Minutes from the burbs) > City/Suburban life in Ohio


Now if it's a cool "Big City", then I wouldn't know but will let you know in about a year.


It amazes me how many people think it's okay to just shit on your home city (i.e., Columbus) on a routine basis. Is Columbus the greatest? No, I don't think so. But does it warrant all the shit it takes, especially from it's own citizens? Definitely not.


People wonder why Columbus has such a hard time earning nationwide respect. It's little wonder to me; after all, it's own inhabitants don't even respect it.

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Make sense so I can respond to you.




It amazes me how many people think it's okay to just shit on your home city (i.e., Columbus) on a routine basis. Is Columbus the greatest? No, I don't think so. But does it warrant all the shit it takes, especially from it's own citizens? Definitely not.


People wonder why Columbus has such a hard time earning nationwide respect. It's little wonder to me; after all, it's own inhabitants don't even respect it.


Damn Tilley bad day at the office?


I went from Country to city and I have to say that I love the city cause everything is 2 minutes away. But on the other hand I do like some room. So I will say country.

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