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F cancer


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I never post things like this, but that has hit pretty close. My aunt doesn't have too much longer to live, she was diagnosed about 14 months ago with lung cancer and she is at the point now where her liver is failing. She finds out next week if they can do anything else for her before she goes into hospice.


This post is mainly to inform those that smoke... STOP. My aunts daughter has a beautiful baby boy and now she will not be able to watch him grow up due to smoking. Around the same time my aunt was diagnosed; so was my father-in-law's g/f and she is already gone. Both had lung cancer and both were heavy smokers..


A friend I grew up with had been smoking ever since he has been 14-15 and he just quite the first of the year, 0 cigs since Jan 2nd.


If you don't want to stop for yourself, then do it for your family.. My mom is going to lose a sister, my cousins are going to lose a mom and a grandma and I'm going to lose an aunt that has always been like a mother to me.


F U cancer, f u right in the ass.

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Very sad to hear your aunt has cancer. I've unfortunately had a lot of experiance with cancer.


I have sadly lost almost my whole family to cancer. My dad, 3 aunts, 2 uncles, 1 cousin, and 1 great uncle. - All died within the last few years except my dad, who died when I was young. One of my aunts had lung cancer. She was a smoker for many years.


I have one uncle still living who had cancer, he is in remission, but as fate would have it he ended up with parkinson's disease. Another battle not so easily won.

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Thus why I want smoking banned everywhere except in one's own house. It pisses me off that folks bitch about the various smoking bans.


That shit is one of the nastiest habbits that makes them smell like an ashtray, wrinkle like a which and their teeth look like corn.


My condolences for your situation man. Cancer is a member of my family.....I had an aunt die at age 31, three uncles before their mid 50's, and a brother in his mid 40's. All smoked, drank and were not the best in the way of eating either.


I have some fear, but not as much anymore considering I strongly believe their habbits and lifestyles contributed to their deaths. Others have lived well into their upper 70's, etc...


sorry to hear it. i had my grandma pass the same way this fall. she never even smoked.
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Thus why I want smoking banned everywhere except in one's own house. It pisses me off that folks bitch about the various smoking bans.


That shit is one of the nastiest habbits that makes them smell like an ashtray, wrinkle like a which and their teeth look like corn.


My condolences for your situation man. Cancer is a member of my family.....I had an aunt die at age 31, three uncles before their mid 50's, and a brother in his mid 40's. All smoked, drank and were not the best in the way of eating either.


I have some fear, but not as much anymore considering I strongly believe their habbits and lifestyles contributed to their deaths. Others have lived well into their upper 70's, etc...


Dont get me started. Less goverment people.


I am very sorry to hear this. Be strong.

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