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Stupid stock market!


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Just when I thought my stocks were doing good, and now look at the mess its in. I have a small investment in one of our customers at Columbus Steel, and it is sitting right now at -51% loss :( This sucks...when is our country going to rebound and move up.....All this pres. bs on tv is screwing it up...no one wants to buy anything anymore...


Rant over....just frustrated for sure! I will not even be able to sell my condo in the spring to move into a new house since we have outgrown it :(



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Just when I thought my stocks were doing good, and now look at the mess its in. I have a small investment in one of our customers at Columbus Steel, and it is sitting right now at -51% loss :( This sucks...when is our country going to rebound and move up.....All this pres. bs on tv is screwing it up...no one wants to buy anything anymore...


Rant over....just frustrated for sure! I will not even be able to sell my condo in the spring to move into a new house since we have outgrown it :(




I know!!! My 401k took a huge hit

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Any long term investment takes time to make capital gains. I think it's an EXCELLENT times to buy now. Don't you wish you would have made your small investment now instead of previously....


Has their situation changed in terms of financials, or is the deflated stock market the real problem.


"Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy." - Warren Buffett

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Any long term investment takes time to make capital gains. I think it's an EXCELLENT times to buy now. Don't you wish you would have made your small investment now instead of previously....



Hit it right on the head. Stocks and 401Ks are LONG TERM investments. If you micro-manage trying to constantly move your money where the increases are happening, you will lose.

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I'm a commodity broker, theres going to be a crash some time soon. The market is way too overbought. We may get an upward bounce but long term were going down. To bad you didnt invest in agriculture or energy. Crude oil should back down to around $80 a barrel, we're ina recession I hope everyone realizes it soon.
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I'm a commodity broker, theres going to be a crash some time soon. The market is way too overbought. We may get an upward bounce but long term were going down. To bad you didnt invest in agriculture or energy. Crude oil should back down to around $80 a barrel, we're ina recession I hope everyone realizes it soon.


Shhh, don't tell anyone. The masses aren't educated enough about the markets to handle that sort of thing. We'll end up with a 1930's depression again if the fear sets in right. Especially now that everyone and there uncle uses a 401K for retirement.



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theres going to be a crash some time soon. The market is way too overbought...we're in a recession I hope everyone realizes it soon.

That's pretty much my feeling since May of last year. Switched from lots of high risk (and high return!) investments in my 401k to pure defense, and I finished up over 9% for the year. So far this year, I'm down less than 2% as opposed to the -7.5% from the S&P index. Keep your heads tucked for another few months, the world's gonna get worse before it gets better. But when it does, be ready to pull the trigger, cause *EVERYTHING* is gonna be on sale :burn:

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That's pretty much my feeling since May of last year. Switched from lots of high risk (and high return!) investments in my 401k to pure defense, and I finished up over 9% for the year. So far this year, I'm down less than 2% as opposed to the -7.5% from the S&P index. Keep your heads tucked for another few months, the world's gonna get worse before it gets better. But when it does, be ready to pull the trigger, cause *EVERYTHING* is gonna be on sale :burn:


Smart guy ^.


Another point is that investors seem to be watching to see if our down markets will cause the growth bubble to pop in China. If that does occur they are thinking we will see a global problem like nothing we've seen before. Who knows though.

Theres an old saying, "When theres blood in the streets buy real estate." I wonder if it works:-)



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Another point is that investors seem to be watching to see if our down markets will cause the growth bubble to pop in China.

It's not our stock market that's going to sink China's bubble, it's people finally getting it through their skulls that eventually the bills come due, and by golly, you gotta pay 'em. Mortgages, credit cards, auto loans, federal deficits... they all have to be paid off eventually, and guess whose stuff we're not going to be buying if we're paying down our debt :eek:


Theres an old saying, "When theres blood in the streets buy real estate." I wonder if it works:-)

Whose blood, and where's the land? Right now, I wouldn't be too keen on buying in Cali, Florida, or a couple other places that fueled the housing bubble. They're still way overpriced, and thus have a way to fall before finding bottom (or prices could just stagnate for years before reverting to mean). Show me a couple hundred acres of prime Iowa farmland along the Mississippi river, though, and we might be able to work something. Long term, real estate appreciation pretty much follows inflation, neither gaining nor losing value in adjusted dollars, unless an improvement of some sort (like enlarging the original floor plan) is made.

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Not to get into the housing argument to far, but I'm pretty sure those places you mentioned are up over 250-300% in the last 7 years. They are now down at the most 20% in the hardest hit regions and people are bitching because they got in at the wrong time. Bunch of whiners. Tell me housing is in trouble only after the 250% over 7 years has been erased by -250% over the next 7 and I'll agree with you, but at this time the prices are still good.

I do agree though that unless prices do start to increase soon people are gonna have a harder time getting loans which will drive prices lower. Then we may hear me say the bubble popped.



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