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Earned income tax credit :mad:

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Doesn't surprise me. Regardless as long as you still feel adoption is right then you are OK in my book.

I fully endorse adoption! Some people should not have kids for many reasons, financial, mental, etc.

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I want to start by saying I have a lot I can claim as deductions on my taxes (interest on my home, property taxes, Federal School loan interest). So I get benefits of not having a flat tax on that regard.


That said, we NEED a flat tax. It is just fair. No matter if you make 100k or 10k, x% goes towards taxes. No one is punished for succeeding.


Think about it, the people that pay the least (or no taxes) tend to be the ones that use those tax-paid resources the most. That's no fair at all.


IMO, anyone on welfare more than 6 months should be required to be sterilized. We don't need the breeding another crop of welfare collectors. It is time to clean this country up.


Of course, the Ron Paul's of the world won't get voted in. The idiots that feed into this crap will. Too many bleeding hearts out there that won't force people to TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES.

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I have a question for dr rick, Did you get student loans to pay for your schooling?



If that be the case, didn't the governtment give you money to help you out??????????




If you was on a scholarship, didn't the government still give you money,????





Yes you repaid, i agree there, but whos to say a women having to be on wic b/c her husband died wont?? no different then you. She can still get a job correct? she just needs help

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I want to start by saying I have a lot I can claim as deductions on my taxes (interest on my home, property taxes, Federal School loan interest). So I get benefits of not having a flat tax on that regard.


That said, we NEED a flat tax. It is just fair. No matter if you make 100k or 10k, x% goes towards taxes. No one is punished for succeeding.


Think about it, the people that pay the least (or no taxes) tend to be the ones that use those tax-paid resources the most. That's no fair at all.


Of course, the Ron Paul's of the world won't get voted in. The idiots that feed into this crap will. Too many bleeding hearts out there that won't force people to TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES.


+1 I edited out the line that goes a little far. :)


I would like to see it too, but think about how big the black market would get for many things.......

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+1 I edited out the line that goes a little far. :)


I would like to see it too, but think about how big the black market would get for many things.......

That line wasn't going too far. We don't need people who rely on sucking off the teet of welfare to be breeding.

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I think everyone who gets ANY kind of government assistance (welfare, food stamps, EIC, WIC, etc) should be subject to drug and alcohol testing, and shouldn't be allowed to use tobacco products either. As an aircraft mechanic, I am subject to random drug/alcohol testing (just like a lot of jobs) to have the privilege to earn the money the government gives away. I think it's about time that the people receiving our tax dollars should be tested. If we have to be tested to earn it, they should be tested to receive it! Nothing irritates me more than being at the grocery store behind someone using food stamps, and they have two piles, one for the groceries that food stamps cover, and one for their beer, smokes, lottery tickets and Mt. Dew. If they have enough extra money for beer, smokes and weed, then they don't need government aid.
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mother fucking stupid son of a mother fucking bitch blah



I did my taxes last night


I claim 1 my wifes claims 0 and I have to pay 1115$ WTF is that about



You should not be upset. The money will go to some lady that lost her husband. How dare you get upset about giving up $1115 of your hard earned money. You are mean, insensitive, and don't care about anyone but yourself. :D



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You should not be upset. The money will go to some lady that lost her husband. How dare you get upset about giving up $1115 of your hard earned money. You are mean, insensitive, and don't care about anyone but yourself. :D





Yeah I'm pretty fired up. I paid 14G in taxes why do they need more :( Its not a tax its a fucking jack. What kinda bs is this. Does anyone her do taxes maybe i messed up I don't know what else to do. I need to file an extension but i dont know hwo.

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Yeah I'm pretty fired up. I paid 14G in taxes why do they need more :( Its not a tax its a fucking jack. What kinda bs is this. Does anyone her do taxes maybe i messed up I don't know what else to do. I need to file an extension but i dont know hwo.

I am all for a flat national sales tax to replace the IRS. I am lucky to be self employed, I can manipulate my income to show less. When I was an employee of another Dr. I paid nearly 30K each year in 2000,2001. Isn't it a nice feeling to see your $$$ go out the door? :mad:

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