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Identity Theft


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So I called to check my bank account saturday to make sure it lined up with what I had figured and it was overdrawn with a pending charge for $155.xx which I knew was not me. I then proceed to customer service where they tell me they cant tell me what the charge is for because it is still pending and that I would have to check back on monday (today) when it cleared to find out what it was. So I get off of work today, where I had in-service and they just happened to be going over identity theft, and now there are 3 more large charges and they all are originating out of new york. I demanded that the account be closed and was told I couldnt because of pending charges, so I then have to argue with the dumbass teller and make a scene just to get her to fucking freeze the account. I'm so sick I dont know what to do because now I dont have money for gas or to pay my bills and I had to cancel my checks direct deposit just so the continuos negative balance didnt take all of my check and now wont recieve a paper check for another week. I filed a dispute and a police report but I dont know where to go from here other than check my credit and freeze all my accounts. Has anyone ever been through this before? Another thing that puzzles me is 2 of the transactions were at gas stations. wouldnt you need a physical card for that? I have the only card (or so I thought) to my account.
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Your the 2nd person I've heard of in the last weeks that has had ID theft that has been located to NY. Other person was having pizzas ordered with their ID. They were even opening other accounts and ordering pizza on those too.



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Who is the bank?


If you can prove (ie work) that you were here, then they will most likely refund your $$$.


Credit Cards can be faked. That is why I HATE paying by CC at a restaurant. All information needed to make a fake card is right there on it.


Best od luck!





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File a police report and follow through with it, they will likely never find the person but they can at least stop it. You will likely need the report to get your money back and definitely contact the credit bureaus so they can monitor your credit just in case.


My sister just went through this and it's a PITA!!! It took a couple weeks for her to get her money back though and it may take that long for you.

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national city. and I already filed a police report. I was told at work to file one with osp yesterday in a class they were doing that also went over this same crap but was told by osp that they couldnt do it and I would have to do one through city or county. so I did it through cpd.
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