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LOL hurting someone LOL


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Long story short, Last night my girlfriend moved out to her new appt. On the last load of stuff, I decided to head out. Her father was over too helping and decided to leave the same exact time as me. Soon as I stepped out , I herd a Mustang idling outside , when I peaked around the corner, under the street light I seen this black guy around the age of 18-25 with dreadlock/braids (very long, like lil wayne) trying to either slim jim or do somthing to my lock, I run back inside tell my girlfriend to call the police and grab a hammer that I was using early that day to hang curtain rods. I go back outside and walk straight toward my car as if im on a mission with her dad, the guy inside the mustang must have see us way before the guy trying to break into the car does and takes off , he leaves his friend right there. I asked the guy what are you doing, before I ended finished my sentance he takes off, I tryed running after him but this dude could fucking run like no other. either way I wing the hammer as hard as I could with the intention to try and maybe scare him, either way the hammer bust him in the back of the neck/head area and he falls and slides in the middle of 8th street like a baseball player, and he screams like a girl......he gets right back up and cuts through some peoples yards, and I just gave up. Cops never catch either of them but said he might end up going to the hospital ( this hammer hit pretty damn hard and made the most nasty noise, when it hit the skull, I know he was bleeding pretty good).......either way first time I get to acually pay back the people that break or steal my stuff, I know it was not right in what I did but it sure felt good. this is the 5th time in the past year someone has tryed to steal my shit or break into either our cars or my parents house.
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My cars window is all scratched up from the slim jim being worked around the area, and the window seal thing is all ripped up now......but other then that it can be fixed. And maybe the guys are on here, because it sounded like the mustang was modded with aleast and exhaust, if you guys are thats what you fucking get for trying to steal peoples hard worked stuff.
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good stuff. just a scene from a movie.

but now he can sue you for assault.

but i would do the same.


are you serious? hmmmm I told the police officer that I threw a hammer and hit him, he asked "where did you hit him" I told him in the back of the head, and all he said was "OUCH"

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What you did sounds SOOO right. I applaud you for actually approaching someone who could easily be concealing a weapon. Damn, you may have killed the guy, though.


You know It happend and I did not even think about "what if" I just did it...........and dont tell him this shit, your going to make me paraniod, I hope to god he is not hurt that bad. hopfully just a nice huge lump and cut.

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You know It happend and I did not even think about "what if" I just did it...........and dont tell him this shit, your going to make me paraniod, I hope to god he is not hurt that bad. hopfully just a nice huge lump and cut.

Meh, I wouldn't worry about it because most likely, the guy will do it again. Maybe he'll wear a helmet next time.

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are you serious? hmmmm I told the police officer that I threw a hammer and hit him, he asked "where did you hit him" I told him in the back of the head, and all he said was "OUCH"



This is great... to bad you did not get it on tape.

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