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10tv reports hero chasing minivan 100+ mph


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I worked lost prevention for both Sears and Walmart (does walmart still even have a dedicated LP?) in California. I was reprimanded and almost fired for chasing a guy multiple blocks. I literally just half sat/laid on him until the authorities arrived because we were both so damn tired. He had a hundreds of dollars of cd's on him and was talking shit as he ran from me in the parking lot. Guess he should've saved his breath. :D Now, I could give two shits... and probably couldn't run more than two blocks.
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Guest Drew The Pirate

I've got a little more time, so here's what went down at Sawmill:


Two guys walked in. anyone who's ever worked retail knows the look, and they were definitely on the shady side. They wandered around the store for about 20 minutes before deciding to go through with their master plan. My (asshole of a) store manager happened to be standing in the TV department, right by the front door, but those guys didn't care. They each grabbed two 22" Samsung tv's and bolted. The first guy got through the door without any hassle, but my store manager wasn't about to let the second guy get through. He darted in front of him right before he made it through the door, and I'm pretty sure the bad guy not only got body slammed by my (slightly out of shape, pear shaped) store manager, but I think he caught a knee to the stomach too. Whatever happened, he dropped his tv's and ran around to the other door, he wasn't gonna try to go through the store manager again. Manager takes off after them.


At this point, my Ops manager, who is about 55, is like "oh shit" and he runs out the front door as well, taking with him the credit card of the guy he had been ringing out. They run around the side of the building, and I'm told you could hear the store manager yelling "Give me my fucking tv's back you fuckers!!" which doesn't sound too professional to me. Both managers said they would have lost the thieves but they hollered for the roadshop guys, who came tearing out the back. Being chased by two grown men and four 18-20 year olds was a little too much for our thieves, who dropped their loot and took off.


Pretty much the highlight of everyone's day. Not quite as cool as chasing them could have been, but pretty cool nonetheless.

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Im waiting for the assault lawsuit from the second thief.


Its also obvious that it makes it ok to go 100+ when your on the phone with the police..... Why someone would put their life and others in danger to chase down a tv thief is beyond me.

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My roommate works loss prevention for Target. It actually sounds like a fun job.


my ex used to work for Target in loss prevention in Atlanta.


they had a big problem with gypsies jumping over the counter at cust service and storming the cash room. :eek:

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I am amazed that many on this "street racing" forum find it foolish to chase dangerous criminals at speeds of 100+ mph, on a cell phone and endangering other lives. Yet, 10tv presents this story as if the Circuit City employee is a hero and his actions are justified.
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I am amazed that many on this "street racing" forum find it foolish to chase dangerous criminals at speeds of 100+ mph, on a cell phone and endangering other lives. Yet, 10tv presents this story as if the Circuit City employee is a hero and his actions are justified.




Don't ya just love the media they will slant the story which ever way gets them the best ratings!

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