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who votes for hillary


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I can't find anyone that I have talked to that admits to voting for clinton but somehow she is still in it? Does it just look close since it is dems only voting for her. Everytime I hear her talk I just can't believe someone would believe what she says. So if anyone does support her I just want to hear why. (other than universal healthcare)
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I'd vote for Clinton, if Romney or Obama don't make it. McCain is more liberal than Hillary......I'd trust her years before I'd trust him.


Mainly, I'm a disenfranchised conservative who is sick and tired of the republican party smearing what conservatisim is. My choice in candidates is directly proportionate to their years of experience in Washington. The more years they have in Washington, the farther down the list they go. I'm tired of the status quo politician who sells their soul to special interests.

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I'd vote for Clinton, if Romney or Obama don't make it. McCain is more liberal than Hillary......I'd trust her years before I'd trust him.


Mainly, I'm a disenfranchised conservative who is sick and tired of the republican party smearing what conservatisim is. My choice in candidates is directly proportionate to their years of experience in Washington. The more years they have in Washington, the farther down the list they go. I'm tired of the status quo politician who sells their soul to special interests.

Romney was a "former" democrat; I don't know how much more Washington someone can get.

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