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Mitt Quits !


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little sister had 2 take this for school it says i should vote 4 huckabee




4. Clinton

5 Obama


Too bad Paul has NO CHANCE of winning the primary or the election. I do think he will run as an independent.

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it doesnt matter who wins.


after you get past all the media hype,and the rhetoric from pundits,the bottom line is all these people running for office are liars,and the sheep just follow along.


too bad you cant vote for none of the above,and just leave bush's dumb ass in there.

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Now the question is; If McCain is the GOP cadidate, and Paul goes independent, who do we vote for?


1. Paul because according to the poll, he's the best answer, or,


2. McCain, because he's got a better shot at winning over the Dems and we should help him out.


Sighhhhhhh....decisions, decisions. I need two votes. 1 for Paul, and 1 for McCain as a backup.

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Yep, I hope Paul runs as an Independent/Libertarian. Even if he doesn't win, I'd like to have a sound conscience knowing I voted for the candidate I feel is best for this country. I'll be voting for him in the primary no matter what the polls say.
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You lost me

....Joseph Smith would put the seer stone into a hat, and put his face in the hat, drawing it closely around his face to exclude the light; and in the darkness the spiritual light would shine....."

He even got subtitles for the messages he got.

Try to keep up, you're supposed to the the Faith expert here. :p

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