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Richard Zednick HOCKEY!!!


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i dont even wear a cage (tinted half shield FTW)

definitely scary. it could happen so easily. ive cut my hands so many times getting ice off of my blades and taking my skates off..


HA... the only way you could look cooler is if it was mirrored ;) I thought about going half shield b/c i hate having something obstruct my view, even though you really get use to it and it doesnt both you that much after a while. But i play in a lower league and theres just too many newb's that dont know how to control their stick's. Just waiting for someone to break a nose or lose their teeth.

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I've had someone that OWNS a shop tell me neck guards are just useless. (I agree) Skates will destroy those little mesh things. But since they are coming back, prices will shot from 15 to 40 probably. In my league we have to wear a cage, and honestly, I would have it no other way. I had a dented in cage by the final four in states last year. If it was not there it would have been my face.


We should get out to a stick and puck so I can throw down some dirty dangles on your asses.




Throwin down in the top 15 in my league for points.

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Evidently they are not that useless considering every goalie has to wear one after what happened to Malarchuk. They have already said if Zednik would of had one on then he would of been ok. I'm just happy to see Zednik is doing ok...it definitely wasn't as brutal as Malarchuk's injury. Malarchuk's was his jugular vein and Zednik's was his carotid artery. Zednik's could of been a lot worse since the carotid artery supplies blood to the brain. If he wouldn't of got off the ice as quick as he did and the staff at Buffalo would of done the tremedous job to stop the bleeding he could of had severe brain damage.
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Every goalie does not have to wear one fool. The ones that goalies wear are a little bit different than the ones that players wear. Goalies are plastic and they cover the adams apple. Player neck guards a tiny piece of cloth that is one layer of mesh. They are thinner than socks. It would NOT have helped him considering I have had someones skate cut through my sock and cut my ankle enough to start bleeding very well. Would it have prevented the injury? No, it could have made it not as bad though.
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i get claustrophobic with a cage... theres just something about having it there, strapped on, that i dont like.

A neck guard probably would have helped zednik. It wont save someone who gets hit in the neck by a shot or anything, but it could be enough to stop your throat from getting slit. (just tried cutting my old neck guard with my freshly sharpened skate....)

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Your skate sharpness compared to the sharpness of their skates is nothing my friend. And besides, you also have to realize how quickly it ran across his throat. But then again, the odds of that happening are 1-100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
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Player neck guards a tiny piece of cloth that is one layer of mesh. They are thinner than socks. It would NOT have helped him considering I have had someones skate cut through my sock.


Just because a skate goes through 1/64' of cotton doens't mean it'll get through 1/64" of kevlar.

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A & R's neck gaurd is made of ballastic nylon, CCM has one made of kevlar, ITECH has ones made of aramid fiber and ballastic nylon. CCM's says right on it Kevlar cut gaurd exterior. So...it may just be me but...i don't think a skate is going through kevlar and the padding....no matter how sharp it is. But what do I know, I don't play hockey or anything.
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They were not made of kevlar when they were first introduced. They were just cloth. If you did not have one then you would just take a piece of cloth to tie around your neck. I geuss that they have been made better now. I dont think the NHL players will have to wear them, but the younger leagues will.
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