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Something that pisses me off...

V8 Beast

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At this point in my life I like being able to provide for me and my husband also. To be able to contribute is very helpful in getting to where we want to be financially. We both finally have good paying jobs. Yes one day im sure we will have children but not before Ryan gets his 03 Cobra and I get a new 4 wheeler :) The kids will come later on in life when im done playing with toys! By then we will have the money to support a child and they will be better off. I kindof go both ways on this because it was hard growing up with my mom working doubles to support me and my brother since my dad wasnt around. I know she did her best and I am grateful for everything she gave to us. However I dont want to have to always count on someone else to watch my kids. I guess we will figure that out when my time comes to be a mother...until then its all about me and the husband!
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The whole problem with having kids is the unexpected, surgery, diseases, etc. I did not mean to say you can't raise a kid from 1 income. What I meant is if you are struggling with yourself and your partner on 2 incomes having a child is not the correct thing to do.


You could change your lifestyle, sell everything, get a smaller house and so on. But wouldn't you rather give your child something more then just barely making it? Then what are you going to do if something unexpected happens? It is just not worth it in my opinion. If you think otherwise I just feel you are selfish.


I don't know... maybe I would want to give more to a future child if I had one then most parents...


come the 22nd of Feb I wil lbe doing this for 2 years. Thankfully we have above average insurance. Money wise it will always be a struggle until they can start school which will free up alot of money for us to get back on track and try to get ahead but some of that money will still go to other things that the boys need. Honestly right now we live paycheck to paycheck and if we end up getting paid on the same pay period things get extra tight. But we manage we make sure the important things are taken care of if Aut or I have to go without so be it, itt sucks but thats the way it is. If you try ot plan for the what ifs or maybes you will kill yourself trying to stay ahead of them. Best thing I can say is If you truely want to have kids and have a family you will do it.

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Anything is possible it is true. Where there is a will there is a way. I just feel it is irresponsible to not be prepared for things that could affect your checking account in a negative way.


come the 22nd of Feb I wil lbe doing this for 2 years. Thankfully we have above average insurance. Money wise it will always be a struggle until they can start school which will free up alot of money for us to get back on track and try to get ahead but some of that money will still go to other things that the boys need. Honestly right now we live paycheck to paycheck and if we end up getting paid on the same pay period things get extra tight. But we manage we make sure the important things are taken care of if Aut or I have to go without so be it, itt sucks but thats the way it is. If you try ot plan for the what ifs or maybes you will kill yourself trying to stay ahead of them. Best thing I can say is If you truely want to have kids and have a family you will do it.
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I'm an engineer, cunt! :p

Why would I start at a community college when I've already got credits here?


If engineering is not cutting it maybe a change of career is on order. You are either going to have to change jobs or cut expenses. No other way around it.

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dood I just started. :p I'm sure you made your millions in your first year of employment.

Did you just graduate and get a job?


My first year after graduation I worked at Big Bear on Sawmill part time in the produce department for $7.50/hr and delivered for Domino's in Hilliard on Friday and Saturday nights. It sucked!

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At this point in my life I like being able to provide for me and my husband also. To be able to contribute is very helpful in getting to where we want to be financially. We both finally have good paying jobs. Yes one day im sure we will have children but not before Ryan gets his 03 Cobra and I get a new 4 wheeler :) The kids will come later on in life when im done playing with toys! By then we will have the money to support a child and they will be better off. I kindof go both ways on this because it was hard growing up with my mom working doubles to support me and my brother since my dad wasnt around. I know she did her best and I am grateful for everything she gave to us. However I dont want to have to always count on someone else to watch my kids. I guess we will figure that out when my time comes to be a mother...until then its all about me and the husband!



I can respect that!!! I had my son when I was 20. I wish I would have been more responsible. Luckily I worked my way up to where I could still have fun... Even if its was 6 years later.

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My parents said screw buying expensive stuff for a while...they put me through a nearly 7k/year school just for high school, not sure how much my elementary and preschool cost per year...but for 15 years that's how it was. Private school. Then they had another kid who is also in private school, and costs have gone up. Probably the only thing my parents have ever done for themselves is buy a car, maybe a computer. My dad got his first new car in nearly 12 years in 2001. My mom followed just a month or two ago, but that was a used car. We eat off brands, we do what we can to save money, and my mom is always around (perks to working at a school now). My dad is evenings and weekends, and made every freaking practice, game, school event, whatever. Not a coach, just helping out and making sure he was there. There are still people out there that value their kids and center themselves around family, not things.


Good topic, Brian, it made me think about what I appreciate in life and how good I have it with my parents around, thanks. Even though I did play Sega :p


Edit: I just remembered that I'm not one of those punks who has to pay for everything I "have". I bought my cars with my own money, except my Mitsubishi, which my parents wanted me to get a loan to build credit. The only thing I don't pay for is insurance, that's one thing my dad will let me slide on since I am in school.

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just because a child runs to your g/f doesn't mean anything. My boys are the same way when we go to Easter seals for there speech Theropy. They are just excited to see there teachers and they only spend a little over 2 hrs a day with them 4 days a week. It is sad that the parents have to drop a child off for 12 hrs at a daycare but what if they are a single parent and are the primary income for that household I agree it would be better for any child to have more interaction with a parent but at the same time the time they do spend at daycare/pre-school or whereever it is they go will also help build socal and bacis interpersonal skills that some kids don't get till they start Kindergarden. daycare has its goods and bads there is no way around it.


It's different than just wanting to see their teacher. I know about the parents that are at that daycare, and, they are very rarely single parents. Most kids are excited to see their teachers when they get to daycare. There seems to be a big difference with some of these kids.


This specific family leaves their kids at daycare for 11-12 hours per day, 5 days per week. This family also has one of the teachers babysit 1-2 nights per week for a few hours.


Daycare has its good and bad, you are correct. I thought it was fine before I became acquainted with it in the way I am now.


Edit: It's even worse that she works with infants. These people can't spend nearly enough time with their kids. Infants sleep a lot (I'm sure not as much as you would've liked).

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my girlfriend has been talking about having a baby {somewhat jokingly}....and I am not ready to have a baby what so ever. But both our parents live very close and can both babysit daily. So once I do decide to have a kid, I would want her to work at the very least, part time, and hopefully full time. I don't think it is bad for kids to grow up there first couple years being babysat by their grandparents. I actually would think it would bring the family together more. My grandparents lived across the country from me and I can honestly say I don't feel 100% comforadable around them.
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