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Another Campus Shooting...


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Some of you guys should do some research before you go post crap you dont know anything about. First off it is proven that the Death penalty does not deter crime. In fact as the use of the death penalty increased so did the amount or violent crime across america. And your guys idea of what prison is like is humorous. Most states dont have funding to supply the stuff you say they have like tv, hell most prisons dont even have weights anymore.The only time you see any sort of so called luxury item is in a pre-release center with non-violent offenders. On a side note I would love for one of you to be wrongly accused of a crime and sentenced to death. Then we will see how unfair you think the court system. Granted there are flaws and such but you can blame the politicians for that.



Nobody here mentioned the death penalty. However, a person with a CCW legally stopping a criminal helps to ease the issues you speak of. The person is stopped while in the middle of their crime. They are now unable to do more harm than they already have. No need for a trial, money saved. No need for space in a prison, money saved. No need to go through the appeals process, time and money saved. No need to go through the execution, money saved.




Badguys lose


If just one person in that classroom had a CCW, was allowed to carry in class, and had some halfway decent training, then less people would have been shot. FACT.

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