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The Real Obama

Guest Hal

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You didn't vote that way in 2004. :p


yeah, isnt that the truth. although im pretty sure bush was the lesser of those two evils.


i really beleive that there ought to be a selection on the ballot that says "i refuse to vote for any of the candidates represented". not just an abstention, an actual "all these guys suck dick" kind of selection. it would be purely acedemic, just to see how many americans actually would vote for none of the candidates.

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Saw them with my eyes, I was there. An Al-Hussein/Scud can be packed with whatever you want it to be. A task force of SF did find nerve agents/components to make VX and mustard gas. Reguardless of if he did or didn't we had to take care of him. A civilian's opinion on the matter really holds no weight to me, unless you've been in yourself.


Just because you were there and seen a missle capable of carring shit does not say shit. Neather does compenates. There was no active wepon weather or not it could have been build is ireelivatn. I can goto krogers and buy items that once combined can be leathal.



You don't need to have served to think we went to a war we did not need to be in.

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Thorne all you know is what the media reported, we all know the media does not always report the truth now do they, did we just cover this with Channel 10?


Since I don't watch TV. Lets be honest here BUSH is the worst president We've had. If he could prove there WERE WMD then he would not have such a low approval rating. Logic tells us this.


We went in because there were supposed to be wepons if they were found you would think it would be announced just to prove we went for a reason. BUT all the repots that have came out state otherwise.

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Let's be honest Throrne, you are far less educated about the entirety of politics than you would like to believe. I know you have your opinions, but, people in the present cannot judge how good or bad a president is. Get off your damn soap box. You're a nice guy, but you spew some of the most retarded shit I have ever read.


As I've said before, I'll say again, Clinton tried to go to war with Iraq. Yes, your beloved Clinton wanted to fight Saddam.


Congress' approval rating is double digits lower than Bush's. Does that mean your super amazing liberal congress is the worst ever?


Reports? Do you really think you have any idea of what was or was not there? The public knows very little about reality. OPSEC is the win.

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Just because you were there and seen a missle capable of carring shit does not say shit. Neather does compenates. There was no active wepon weather or not it could have been build is ireelivatn. I can goto krogers and buy items that once combined can be leathal.



You don't need to have served to think we went to a war we did not need to be in.

Yes you can have your opinion on the matter, no doubt. My opinions are not of what was said the reasons for war are. I based my opinions on what I saw, what I did, and what we accomplished while I was there for 2 tours. If you saw the face of the people after my brigade (1st Brigade 4th Infantry Division) caught Saddam was utterly priceless. Seeing a bunch of people that were oppressed by this assclown who had a fetish for his own face, one day be relieved of him was amazing. People were cheering, chanting, and trying to kiss everyone of us. 80% of their people realize the importance of us being there. They know now that they're a stronger country, a more unified country, and a country that can actually be taken serious for once. We tore the country up coming up from Kuwait, but in the aftermath, plenty of schools, roads, running water, electricity, and hospitals were all set up. We brought technology and advancements they could only dream about. We did the world a favor and got rid of the trash that nobody else had the balls to get rid of.

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One huge reason I stand behind Bush is his policy for the Military as a whole. Clinton kept down sizing and cutting Defense budgets, while Bush did just the opposite. What do we have now? The most technologically advanced armed forces, and the down right best military in the world. Bush kept money flowing so that way our weapons worked, our night vision worked, our armored plates were improved, our vehicles stayed running, and we had enough ammo to keep up the fight. If it weren't for the money spent, we'd have a lot more dead soldiers/marines/airmen/ and seamen dead. Plain and simple for the truth. Not to mention, he put a little more money in our pockets for doing what we did.
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Let's be honest Throrne, you are far less educated about the entirety of politics than you would like to believe. I know you have your opinions, but, people in the present cannot judge how good or bad a president is. Get off your damn soap box. You're a nice guy, but you spew some of the most retarded shit I have ever read.


As I've said before, I'll say again, Clinton tried to go to war with Iraq. Yes, your beloved Clinton wanted to fight Saddam.


Congress' approval rating is double digits lower than Bush's. Does that mean your super amazing liberal congress is the worst ever?


Reports? Do you really think you have any idea of what was or was not there? The public knows very little about reality. OPSEC is the win.


I have no claim to know jack about poltics other then my own reading. I do not watch CNN or FOX. I read info I see on googlenews and extrauplate my own conclusion based on the available info. I also never once claimed to care for clinton. Nor am i liberal I say fuck the poor people rofl.

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Yes you can have your opinion on the matter, no doubt. My opinions are not of what was said the reasons for war are. I based my opinions on what I saw, what I did, and what we accomplished while I was there for 2 tours. If you saw the face of the people after my brigade (1st Brigade 4th Infantry Division) caught Saddam was utterly priceless. Seeing a bunch of people that were oppressed by this assclown who had a fetish for his own face, one day be relieved of him was amazing. People were cheering, chanting, and trying to kiss everyone of us. 80% of their people realize the importance of us being there. They know now that they're a stronger country, a more unified country, and a country that can actually be taken serious for once. We tore the country up coming up from Kuwait, but in the aftermath, plenty of schools, roads, running water, electricity, and hospitals were all set up. We brought technology and advancements they could only dream about. We did the world a favor and got rid of the trash that nobody else had the balls to get rid of.


Ok but IRAQ is not my problem. We have american who need hospital/power/food why waste our time with iraq when we could help america? Honestly I prefer to help no one and just protect america. Maybe I believe in FREE TRADE. I don't believe america should be the world police.


Why is it when ever someone hates bush there automaticlly a Clinton lover?

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Ok but IRAQ is not my problem. We have american who need hospital/power/food why waste our time with iraq when we could help america? Honestly I prefer to help no one and just protect america. Maybe I believe in FREE TRADE. I don't believe america should be the world police.


Why is it when ever someone hates bush there automaticlly a Clinton lover?

Bush hating usually 75% of the time means they were for Clinton. I agree 194,394,394% on we need to help America before we help the world. But Iraq was a necessary evil. 9/11 let in the time, and the mind frame to let us get these biddings done. Weather good or bad, we needed to do it. I will agree as of now, the Politicians need to get the Iraqi government going ASAP. We should start focusing more on Afghanistan, and less about Iraq. The Iraqi Army is basically set and ready, where Afghanistan is still an Al-Qaeda infested hole.

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i really beleive that there ought to be a selection on the ballot that says "i refuse to vote for any of the candidates represented".

There is. If you fill out the ballot, but do not log a vote in a given section, it is recorded. It ultimately influences how the gubmint veiws the party represented. This is why you dont cast a vote for some one who is a lone candidate. I don't remember exactly what happens, but if everyone votes, but no one logs a vote for a person/party, something undesireable happens to the person/party. I think a 0% would mean that they don't get on the next ballot, something like that.

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Ding: This makes sense now. Why does shameless ass republican Blackwell (or any other Republican) care about the Dem Primaries?

Because Obama is the only one who has a chance of beating McCain. Even my hippy ass would be torn on that decision. Hillary will NOT get right wing votes, period. I wouldn't be surprised to see more Republicans talking smack about Obama.

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I'm tired of politicians period.


I don't need experience, I need less bullshit. I want freedom enforced, not fairness legislated.


I'm a Bush voter for two terms. I'm not a republican, but I am a conservative borderline libertarian. For the last 8 year we have had a president that CANNOT COMMUNICATE with the American public, period. Most of the voters are distraught because they want to feel like they are being communicated too. I think the president who connects with the people PERIOD, will win. It's not about policies, it's about likeability.


The majority of voters don't understand the real issues.

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I guess the other hippie besides eric should chime in here....


Im glad that we already established Ken Blackwell is retarded.


I honestly believe that Bush was lied to about the WMD. I also believe that Bush was put into office by Karl Rove and used Bush as a puppet. Regardless of his so called triumphs and downfalls it is not Bush that is pulling the strings. As for the horrible situation our troops are in now, I blame Karl Rove.



I wish the Bush administration wouldnt have RUINED Colin Powell. I would still vote for Powell if he ever ran but no political figures would back him since he has been dragged through the mud.


McCain has played the party line way to much and backed out of his own beliefs way to many times the past 8 years. He holds no clout w/ me anymore.


My vote will definatly go w/ the democratic nominee, whomever that may be. I dont mind Clinton or Obama. I just hope and pray that they are not puppets to some other horrible individual.



Someone brought up the approval ratings of this congress, I would like to retort. 95% of the bills/articles that have been sent to the oval office have been veto'ed. Some being VERY important legislation (legislation that wasn't drawn up on moral basis!). At least this congress is doing something instead of taking vacations all the time....


I will give this administration credit for always doing what they tell the public they are going to do, whether I think its right or not. IE: dont send this bill/article to me cause I will veto it... We are going to invade Iraq... We are going to give the troops a pay increase... We are going to.. etc etc

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we fight for freedom and for Israel!!!!



i agree with most in post above (except for voting for Powell, hes a bloodhound and i wouldnt vote for democrats)


but the sad truth is that all presidents are puppets, the people dont really decide who the president will be, and the media never tells the truth


No Saddam didnt have WMD's its silly to even give him that kind of credit


No Osama didnt have anything to do with 9/11, its ridiculous to think a couple of desert rats could hijack and fly a plane


Oklahoma city was an inside job


so was the 80's wtc bombings, Pearl Harbor, the Great depression, Gulf of Tonkin, etc...


"give me control of a countrys money supply and i care not who makes its laws" bonus points if you know who said that


i could go on but i dont want any "patriots" to get butthurt

i'll just let you live in your bubble, with your TV, where nobody can hurt you, you homos, dont forget to give up your guns in return for security

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No Osama didnt have anything to do with 9/11, its ridiculous to think a couple of desert rats could hijack and fly a plane


Oklahoma city was an inside job


so was the 80's wtc bombings, Pearl Harbor, the Great depression, Gulf of Tonkin, etc...


Are you seriously that retarded? Inside job meaning, an American? Yes, Oklahoma City was. If you mean to tell me Pearl Harbor was done by Americans, you truly are the stupidest human being in the world. The evidence was there linking Al-Qaeda to the 9/11 bombings. They were Saudi's, not some dumb goat hearders from Pakistan that lived in mud huts. It was executed and well planned, which Al-Qaeda is a trained, and organized threat. They're not as dumb as people believe them to be, and in that fact we hated but respected them when we went head to head. I question your education with your statements and your Patriotism.

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we fight for freedom and for Israel!!!!



i agree with most in post above (except for voting for Powell, hes a bloodhound and i wouldnt vote for democrats)


but the sad truth is that all presidents are puppets, the people dont really decide who the president will be, and the media never tells the truth


No Saddam didnt have WMD's its silly to even give him that kind of credit


No Osama didnt have anything to do with 9/11, its ridiculous to think a couple of desert rats could hijack and fly a plane


Oklahoma city was an inside job


so was the 80's wtc bombings, Pearl Harbor, the Great depression, Gulf of Tonkin, etc...


"give me control of a countrys money supply and i care not who makes its laws" bonus points if you know who said that


i could go on but i dont want any "patriots" to get butthurt

i'll just let you live in your bubble, with your TV, where nobody can hurt you, you homos, dont forget to give up your guns in return for security


Jesus motherfucking Christ what an absolute fucking dumb-ass

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