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Kimbo Vs Tank Abbott


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Abbott's days were over long ago. Kimbo still landed some NASTY blows, though.




So, they'll finally put Kimbo against a decent fighter?

I suppose they've done well building up the hype with class B contenders


I want to see how Kimbo reacts to someone with a ground game

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So, they'll finally put Kimbo against a decent fighter?

I suppose they've done well building up the hype with class B contenders


I want to see how Kimbo reacts to someone with a ground game


exactly.. kimbo has no ground game.. he wil get smashed against anybody with a ju-jitsu background

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if he keeps trying with bas rutten he will become more well rounded. I never really liked kimbo even in his street fighting days. He can throw blows forsure i just hope he makes it to the ufc soon to see what he is really made of. He has got potential.
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exactly.. kimbo has no ground game.. he wil get smashed against anybody with a ju-jitsu background


indeed, indeed

Which is probably...exactly why they chose Tank. Name recognition and no ground game to worry about.



Some 160 pound brazillian would probably twist Kimbo's arm into a pretzel about 2 minutes into the fight.

Well, maybe not 160 pound :)

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if he keeps trying with bas rutten he will become more well rounded. I never really liked kimbo even in his street fighting days. He can throw blows forsure i just hope he makes it to the ufc soon to see what he is really made of. He has got potential.


they will just put him against no namers there too. until they want a nice big ticket event and throw him in with a real fighter, and he gets stomped out.

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they will just put him against no namers there too. until they want a nice big ticket event and throw him in with a real fighter, and he gets stomped out.


I wouldn't be so certain. I've been following the UFC for quite sometime and they do some really strange things. In my opinion they sway fights in the direction they want it to go. Like Brock Lesner(sp)'s first fight in the UFC was against Frank Mir. Brock had a great showing but look at how the fight played out. One slight hit towards the back of the head because Frank turned his head and they stoped the fight and deducted a point. I've NEVER seen them do that in a fight before, not after one hit, 20 seconds into the fight.


I think the UFC will probably try to grab him, but only discredit him as a fighter, like they did with the police officer who did street fighting or any number of other fighters like Gracie, Vanderla Silva, and hell even the current light weight champ Rampage Jackson. With the exception of rampage none of these fighters got a UFC gimme fight to get used to fighting in the UFC and that atmosphere. Even Rampage after he won his gimme fight said he wanted a couple more before fighting for the title. Yet his next fight was for the title. Now I know Gracie has had years of experience in the ring, but he had been out of it for years and years also. To have his first fight against Matt Hughes. I just hope we see Brock again, he looked killer!


The one thing Kimbo has going for him, is that he has an agent, something I haven't heard from any other fighters yet. This should make him a lot more money in the long run. Vs the UFC style where they own the fighters. It's crazy when you have the top grossing fighters like Chuck Liddell who don't even get 1mil a fight. Yet a completely washed up fighter like Tyson could take a fight tomrorow and get 20-30million for it lol. And it's certainly not because of ratings, it's because the way the UFC operates. Whoever owns it, is making a killing.


The other thing the UFC does that drives me freaking nuts is when they have a really good fighter come into the UFC they give them a title shot on their 2nd fight. (Anderson Silva is a good example) Then turn around and make GSP fight for years to get another shot. And he CRUSHED everybodh he got in the cage with. Hell he was dominating Matt Hughest that first fight before he sliped up.

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Kimbo has some fast ass hands for a big guy, but c'mon Tank should not even be fighting!


an "entertaining fight" would be Kimbo vs. Lesnar

but a real fight for Kimbo would be over quickly,

while Lesnar has MUCH more potential

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People ALWAYS say "no ground game" when it comes to people entering the UFC.


Kimbo is a fucking beast. He breaks people's faces for a living and has done it all his life. He is a big boy and quick as hell. Look at Chuck Liddell. Chuck has the most awkward fighting style and has made a career on punching like a brick wall and simply defending against the ground game. I think Kimbo could be similar to this and maybe even better as he looks twice as fast as someone like Chuck Liddell.

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Opinions are like shit and you all stink. ;) Looks like we'll all be waiting and watching just like they want. They'll groom him and probably continue to improve the quality of his opponents. The man's obviously serious, fit, and has natural talent already and really only needs to learn half the game.


Like Goldberg said, I don't care what anyone says about him. He puts asses in the seats and is exciting to watch. <-- Not verbatim. :)

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Stick him in the ring with another beast like Bob Sapp and see what happens, that would be entertaining. I think in close Kimbo could knock anyones head off. Hes just a new Tyson with the same knock out power. A Gonzaga or Crocop could probably keep in at a distance by knocking the shit out of his thick ass head. Until this guy has some solid competition its pure speculation. That fat fire fighter knocked him for a loop so he is vulnerable and his stamina has been crap so far.


Jason I agree with you completely. GSP is bad ass and he showed that in the last Hughes fight when he COMPLETELY dominated the entire fight. To out wrestle someone of Hughes quality was very impressive. Hes a classy guy and I cant wait to see him take Matt Serra's head. I'll be sporting his new Affliction shirt that evening:)


I think Lesner has the potential to be pretty dominant in the sport with the right amount of ground training (more than his previous college wrestling experience). He is so damn powerful and until he got knee barred he was pretty much whooping Mir's ass. It was very one sided up to that point. For Mir to hold onto that leg when he tried to jump out of it was pretty crazy. I figure with the sweat and momentum of that size of a guy to hold onto that leg must have been pretty tough.

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IMO Lesner would kill Kimbo.....I honestly think if they would have stopped the fight against Mir he would have knocked him out and Mir. is no joke before he got in the motorcycle accident he was one of the most dangerous guys in UFC. Everyone says Kimbo has no ground game but we havent even had a chance to see it yet? I watched the Kimbo vs. Tank fight and it was sad....and yes they were talking about Shamrock being his next fight. I think that they should let Kimbo in the UFC but let him fight someone decent and if he is good he will work is way up period.
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ok let me get in on this. 1. He wont goto UFC becuase Dana wants athletes not thugs! 2. He would get rocked by Coture, Fedor or hell even Lesner. He has no ground game and lets see how he reacts to knees to the grill!! Also you ever notice in his fights that if he is losing his posse jumps in to start shit just so he can catch his wind. Sure the dude can brawl, but UFC isnt for brawlers anymore just talk to Houston Alexander. It takes more then punching to win in the octagon. He fought a 42 year old tank abbot that lets face it is way over his prime. Kimbo is 10 years younger for starters. You ever watch the fight where Kimbo loses? He starts getting drilled while on the ground and his crew yell to break it up. At one point in time hes trying to call a timeout...lmfao theres no timeouts in fighting! The dude is hype, sure he can throw some hands and sure he looks like a monster on youtube. Put him up to an equal opponent instead of the guys he fights in backyards and old timers and see how he does.


Oh and for the poster that said Chuck doesnt have much of a ground game, you do realize he has one of if not the best sprawls...theres no need to be good from your back if they cant put you on it to begine with. Lesnar would take Kimbo to the ground within 30seconds. Look at what he did to Fank Mir who is a former champion I believe. You cant go in just throwing wild punches, youll get caught with a hook to your own jaw and its lights out

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Oh and for the poster that said Chuck doesnt have much of a ground game, you do realize he has one of if not the best sprawls...theres no need to be good from your back if they cant put you on it to begine with. Lesnar would take Kimbo to the ground within 30seconds. Look at what he did to Fank Mir who is a former champion I believe. You cant go in just throwing wild punches, youll get caught with a hook to your own jaw and its lights out


I never said Chuck doesn't have a ground game. But do you ever see him need to use it? Not often. He is a master at defending the take down. I am not saying Kimbo is on his level, but with his speed and size he could be able to get there.


You are looking at a "young" fighter in the sense of sanctioned events. He has alot of room to grow.

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Right I was just saying that Chuck has an amazing sprawl that is pretty much his ground game.


Also I think Kimbo's next rumored fight is against Shamrock...Frank Shamrock that is! Until he fights a quality opponent with a legit MMA backgroud the dudes all hype in my eyes

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ok let me get in on this. 1. He wont goto UFC becuase Dana wants athletes not thugs! 2. He would get rocked by Coture, Fedor or hell even Lesner. He has no ground game and lets see how he reacts to knees to the grill!! Also you ever notice in his fights that if he is losing his posse jumps in to start shit just so he can catch his wind. Sure the dude can brawl, but UFC isnt for brawlers anymore just talk to Houston Alexander. It takes more then punching to win in the octagon. He fought a 42 year old tank abbot that lets face it is way over his prime. Kimbo is 10 years younger for starters. You ever watch the fight where Kimbo loses? He starts getting drilled while on the ground and his crew yell to break it up. At one point in time hes trying to call a timeout...lmfao theres no timeouts in fighting! The dude is hype, sure he can throw some hands and sure he looks like a monster on youtube. Put him up to an equal opponent instead of the guys he fights in backyards and old timers and see how he does.


Oh and for the poster that said Chuck doesnt have much of a ground game, you do realize he has one of if not the best sprawls...theres no need to be good from your back if they cant put you on it to begine with. Lesnar would take Kimbo to the ground within 30seconds. Look at what he did to Fank Mir who is a former champion I believe. You cant go in just throwing wild punches, youll get caught with a hook to your own jaw and its lights out


1. He's proving he doesn't want to be a thug anymore by training under relevant MMA fighters, and not just any MMA fighters but some of the best out there. He already brings the fans and the money, should he continue to improve and prove himself, you can bet your ass Dana would want him. Whether it be to have him fight for the UFC or to have him fight a current UFC opponent to discredit him.


2. Many MMA fighters would lose to the people you've mentioned. Everyone starts somewhere. Also, I'm pretty sure his posse isn't allowed to jump-in on a professional MMA match.


3. Your mamma.

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