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I believe in living a blissful life and not wasting it trying to figure everything out. Just be a good person and if there is a god he'll like you. When you die you two can play xbox and stuff instead of atari with satan.






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Lets put it like this.


coupe get out of your tounges speaking retarded church. I'm betting you think the earth is 6k old.


e idea "seems by far the most likely" explanation for the function of the appendix, said Brandeis University biochemistry professor Douglas Theobald. "It makes evolutionary sense." The theory led Gary Huffnagle, a University of Michigan internal medicine and microbiology professor, to wonder about the value of another body part that is often yanked: "I'll bet eventually we'll find the same sort of thing with the tonsils." E-mail to a friend http://i.l.cnn.net/cnn/.element/img/2.0/mosaic/util/email.gif




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I believe in living a blissful life and not wasting it trying to figure everything out. Just be a good person and if there is a god he'll like you. When you die you two can play xbox and stuff instead of atari with satan.

you are wrong. Atari is in heaven and Sega is in hell ! :)

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while i understand that natural selction and evolution arent technically the same theory, i cant help but wonder how correct darwin could possibly have been after having read columbusracing for so long. shouldnt some new predator have snapped up these people before they had a chance to waste my time?
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Lets put it like this.

"It makes evolutionary sense."...


cool how does it do that? you cant say its a vestigial organ, then change your mind, and say it makes sense now... thats called retarded


and as i stated before, the magnetic field and speed of rotation are slowing down, which means they used to be faster/stronger and could not supply life before 10k years ago so evolution could not have occured


and i want proof that evolution helps with modern medicines or whatever, you have to prove it if youre going to use it prove youre right, understand?

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the magnetic field and speed of rotation are slowing down, which means they used to be faster/stronger and could not supply life before 10k years ago so evolution could not have occured






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cool how does it do that? you cant say its a vestigial organ, then change your mind, and say it makes sense now... thats called retarded


and as i stated before, the magnetic field and speed of rotation are slowing down, which means they used to be faster/stronger and could not supply life before 10k years ago so evolution could not have occured


and i want proof that evolution helps with modern medicines or whatever, you have to prove it if youre going to use it prove youre right, understand?

OK, first of all, it IS a vestigal organ. They've been trying to figure out what it USED to do for over a century. Now we have a very good idea of what it DID. How does that alter the fact of it being a vestigal organ? How does it not make sense?


The magnetic field strength and rotational velocity I have not the expertise to address, and neither do you, so STFU about it, and stop acting like you have some kind of inside track...


And if you're going to use the Bible as proof that evolution never happened, you're gonna have to prove that everything in the Bible happened exactly as written, by using credible outside sources, just like we do for our scientific argument. Have at it.

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OK, first of all, it IS a vestigal organ. They've been trying to figure out what it USED to do for over a century. Now we have a very good idea of what it DID. How does that alter the fact of it being a vestigal organ? How does it not make sense?


The magnetic field strength and rotational velocity I have not the expertise to address, and neither do you, so STFU about it, and stop acting like you have some kind of inside track...


And if you're going to use the Bible as proof that evolution never happened, you're gonna have to prove that everything in the Bible happened exactly as written, by using credible outside sources, just like we do for our scientific argument. Have at it.



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OK, first of all, it IS a vestigal organ. They've been trying to figure out what it USED to do for over a century. Now we have a very good idea of what it DID. How does that alter the fact of it being a vestigal organ? How does it not make sense?
it still maintains its function as a storehouse for good bacteria


The magnetic field strength and rotational velocity I have not the expertise to address, and neither do you, so STFU about it, and stop acting like you have some kind of inside track...
haha, the fact that you dont know what youre talking about doesnt mean i dont, and there is no inside track, its called common sense of which you lack


And if you're going to use the Bible as proof that evolution never happened, you're gonna have to prove that everything in the Bible happened exactly as written, by using credible outside sources, just like we do for our scientific argument. Have at it.
can you prove that oxygen is in the atmosphere? no you personally cant, so you shouldnt breathe it. i dont have to prove anything, my faith is what justifies me to be worthy of the kingdom of heaven


PS: problem is you dont use credible outside sources to prove evolution, its never been proven remember?

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PS: problem is you dont use credible outside sources to prove evolution, its never been proven remember?


Coming from a person with lack of knowledge about human science, hasn't it already been confirmed by DNA that we evolved from Chimps and the like?


Thought so.


I believe Creationism is just a frickin story anyone with a bright imagination could've written in a book. Evolution on the other hand is quite factual.

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And I can easily prove that oxygen exists in the atmosphere. Give me five minuted to look up a few chemicals. There are a few that react violently to the presence of oxygen. Open them in open air, and fwoosh...

You're quoting pseudo-scientific bullshit that is patently ridiculous. Don't expect anyone to take you seriously.

Get educated. Go back and take high-school science. Pay attention this time.


Guys, I'm done trying to educate those who wish to remain ignorant. I won't bother with it anymore. It ain't worth my time.

In any case, my theory has been proven. People will go to any length to preserve their own ignorance.

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hasn't it already been confirmed by DNA that we evolved from Chimps and the like?


Thought so.











somebody needs a real education

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somebody needs a real education


I see you have proven your argument with logic and clear interpretation of your thoughts.

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it cracks me up how far apart these two sides are when all of the science is the same. creationists and evolutionists have the same observational science to apply to these problems, just different starting points.


fwiw, i dont think the burden of proof is on one side or the other here, so that argument comes out flat.

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it cracks me up how far apart these two sides are when all of the science is the same. creationists and evolutionists have the same observational science to apply to these problems, just different starting points.


fwiw, i dont think the burden of proof is on one side or the other here, so that argument comes out flat.

*nod* Science and Faith are not mutually exclusive. In my opinion, they actually SUPPORT each other. Faith is about the "Why" whereas Science is about the "How". Anyone who thinks that one negates the other comes across to me as closed-minded and somewhat of an ostrich.


Did God create Man? Yes.

How did he do it? Evolution.


There's no rule that says God has to snap his fingers to create something. He doesn't have to be David Copperfield and "Ta-da! *poof*" make something appear. We're talking about an omnipotent, omnicient being creating a complex, interlocking system and then dropping a variable into it that's capable of CHANGING these systems.


You can see God's fingerprints EVERYWHERE in science. You just have to open your eyes and look. Going from animal to sentience is a controlled mutation over millions of years. THAT'S your Deus Ex Machina.


The universe in total, the human brain, hell even a single living cell is a fucking miracle it works at all. How can you look at DNA and not see a scary amount of order that had to come from chaos?


Science and Faith go hand-in-hand and to ignore one or the other is to ignore God and his work. And giving up your free will to follow someone else's idea of how to view God is the highest form of blasphemy.

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*nod* Science and Faith are not mutually exclusive. In my opinion, they actually SUPPORT each other. Faith is about the "Why" whereas Science is about the "How". Anyone who thinks that one negates the other comes across to me as closed-minded and somewhat of an ostrich.


Did God create Man? Yes.

How did he do it? Evolution.


There's no rule that says God has to snap his fingers to create something. He doesn't have to be David Copperfield and "Ta-da! *poof*" make something appear. We're talking about an omnipotent, omnicient being creating a complex, interlocking system and then dropping a variable into it that's capable of CHANGING these systems.


You can see God's fingerprints EVERYWHERE in science. You just have to open your eyes and look. Going from animal to sentience is a controlled mutation over millions of years. THAT'S your Deus Ex Machina.


The universe in total, the human brain, hell even a single living cell is a fucking miracle it works at all. How can you look at DNA and not see a scary amount of order that had to come from chaos?


Science and Faith go hand-in-hand and to ignore one or the other is to ignore God and his work. And giving up your free will to follow someone else's idea of how to view God is the highest form of blasphemy.


I agree I think its funny closed minded christians can accept a 6 day theory of this all mighty god but not evolution. I mean if god is so all mighty why did he not do it in 1 day? 1 mil sec. 1 nanosec?

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