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WTF?! Banning of the book "Fahrenheit 451"


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Some ignorant people try to ban Ray Bradbury`s "Fahrenheit 451", a fictional book about the burning of banned books. I mean, seriously?! WTF?! Did they actually read the book? I feel they didn't. I know she didn't and it seems the father just went through it to find the things he didn't like about it. Why is it people feel the need to "make up a cause"? Just to feel important and have people pay attention to them I guess.


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Some ignorant people try to ban Ray Bradbury`s "Fahrenheit 451", a fictional book about the burning of banned books. I mean, seriously?! WTF?! Did they actually read the book? I feel they didn't. I know she didn't and it seems the father just went through it to find the things he didn't like about it. Why is it people feel the need to "make up a cause"? Just to feel important and have people pay attention to them I guess.


Click to hear this horseshit.

I have read it years ago, and would not approve of my kids reading for a school project.


I think they are using the term ban a little wrong. The parent is asking that it not be included in school curriculum. Not that the book should be burned. We excluded many written things from schools because of content. This is no different.

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You may want to re-read it then if you think that it's content is anything above and beyond what any high school age kid has heard/been exposed to.

Yea your right, kids are able to see porn on the net too. I think I will just let my kids go to every porn site at will, they will see some porn from their friends anyway. As a matter of fact I think I will start my son out with a subscription to Hustler now.


I almost forgot, to get my son his first pack of Marlboro's, he will see kids smoke so I might as well give him some myself.

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Lol, point taken. But, also at the same time, is it really wise to shelter kids of that age from everything? Not saying encourage it, or even condone it, but i don't feel it's very wise to hide reality from them. Maybe a correct approach for you and yours would be discuss things, point out the good topics and bad topics to your children from your point of view. But i can tell you this, for a fact, everyone i know or knew, the sheltered ones are the ones that plain went off the deep end with drinking, partying, drugs, sex, etc, as soon as they saw the world for what it is...


Food for thought.

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Lol, point taken. But, also at the same time, is it really wise to shelter kids of that age from everything? Not saying encourage it, or even condone it, but i don't feel it's very wise to hide reality from them. Maybe a correct approach for you and yours would be discuss things, point out the good topics and bad topics to your children from your point of view. But i can tell you this, for a fact, everyone i know or knew, the sheltered ones are the ones that plain went off the deep end with drinking, partying, drugs, sex, etc, as soon as they saw the world for what it is...


Food for thought.

i agree

the ones who didnt drink, party or have sex in high school go all out when they are on there own in college.


getting through that stage of my life early was great, for my age im settled, and have been for about 4 years or so. im very happy thats how it turned out.

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But i can tell you this, for a fact, everyone i know or knew, the sheltered ones are the ones that plain went off the deep end with drinking, partying, drugs, sex, etc, as soon as they saw the world for what it is...


Food for thought.

Protected, but not raised right. They were likely taught "don't do the because I say so", Not "don't do that because it is not the moral/right/what god wants".


I have seen those kids go off the deep end too, but I will still sensor my kids media .

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That is good. Restrict YOUR child all you want in your home. DO NOT do the same to MINE in the Public Education Dept.....





Dont have YOUR PUBLIC EDUCATION force my child to read material the is not fit for them. It works both ways.

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Actually, I have gone to private schools my entire life (up to DeVry, anyway), and they never censored anything. They are allowed to teach us things that would never be taught in a public school.


Example: Evolution AND Creation! Oh noes, not together!

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Actually, I have gone to private schools my entire life (up to DeVry, anyway), and they never censored anything. They are allowed to teach us things that would never be taught in a public school.


Example: Evolution AND Creation! Oh noes, not together!


I know folks who went to Private High Schools, and they were the OTHER way around.


Personally..... I do not think ANY should be censored.... but that is just me...



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I know folks who went to Private High Schools, and they were the OTHER way around.


Personally..... I do not think ANY should be censored.... but that is just me...



So should we have Hustler in the school library?

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I had to read that book in school. I enjoyed it. What's so wrong about it?


"talking about our firemen" - Firemen in the book are not what we know today. Firemen in the book were the people who burned the books. Not people who put out fires.


"down grading Christians" - First of all, "down grading" should be "downgrading". Second of all, that's false. They "downgraded" FANATICAL Christians.


"smoking and drinking" - It was published in 1953 during the Cold War. Smoking and drinking were socially acceptable. Hopefully you've raised your kids to know better now.


"burning of the Bible" - Uhm, ALL books were burned. Bible = book.


I'm telling you guys, our society is becoming nothing but a bunch of fucking pussies.


There. Get your kids away from the fucking TV and read that.

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In fact, Bradbury specifically used the Bible in 451 to show that ALL books were banned, and that religion had gone out the window right along with everything else.


Frankly, I would love to see 451 as required reading in EVERY high school. For damn sure, I will make certain that any child of mine reads it and understands it before they're 16, right along with Stranger In A Strange Land and a few other books that have been "banned" over the years.

It's not a matter of "exposing" our kids to this, it's a matter of making sure they grasp the lessons to be learned by reading these books.



EDIT, "Down grading" should actually be "degrading".


EDIT2, in the book, firefighters became obsolete with the invention of a perfect flame-proofing spray that could be applied to any surface, thus rendering even ancient houses totally safe. "Firemen" didn't appear until considerably after that.

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That is good. Restrict YOUR child all you want in your home. DO NOT do the same to MINE in the Public Education Dept.....






QFT , Last time we mixed religion and poltics people got burned.



Think about that long and hard.

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Then why in the hell do you always complain about what's taught there then? (I can figure out why. It's rhetorical. ;))

Because I have to pay my property tax to go to schools that teach liberalism to the kids. On top of that, I have to spend more money every month to send my boy to a private schools when I already pay for the public ones. Thats why.

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Huck Finn might be next, it drops the N bomb a few times.

That's my new cause. Let's get The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn banned for racism. The "n word" is used 36 times!!!!!


And for interracial gay relationships!




Come on guys!

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