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WTF?! Banning of the book "Fahrenheit 451"


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Every situation in the bible provides life examples and exeriances of people dealing with God and what god wants from us. When people are killed in the old testament generally it is due to disobedience to God. There is nothing in Gods word that I will not let my children read. When you look at the bible, look at it through the glasses of the people for whom it was written. I see it as learning from the past, and God telling us what we are supposed to do. Many of the things your read as offensive are taken out of context with regard to the rest of the book.


I post my position and I don't bend, ever! I have certain convictions in life and my standards help me uphold those convictions. I have never been a person to be wishy washy.


Would you agree your the minority with your convictions?

If you don't agree then your lieing to yourself. But I'm sure you will.



In that case why should you be alloud to make legistslation based on your small portion of the whole's belief that a book is bad?


Thats no diffrent then the dark ages or hitler even. Burning books that he did not want read or the catholic churches direct lies to there followers.


What if we had a large group of muslims raise hell and make it so the koran was required reading in school? Or the Torah ?


What about if they were supposed to pray and face meca during school?


You would hate this ideas right?

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I am not sure were you are confused... Profane book = no read. It is very simple.


Why should I allow my kids to read a book that takes the Lords name in vein, when I teach them hold Christ at the highest? That would be contradictory tell them to read it.


I don't allow my kids to watch TV that has bad language in it, why is a book any different?


This is no different that having an Atheist's kid read the book of Romans. Parents teach the kids their is no God, book of Romans says there is and he loves you. Situation is just reversed.


If you are so against everything anti-bible why are you a member of a forum where people regularly cuss like sailors, set up illegal activities, post pornographic pictures, and generally talk about all matter of immoral activity? Shouldn't you be on a bible forum or something a bit more "faith friendly"? Remember the bible also spoke about having slaves, having multiple wives, murder, adultery, all matter of sins. Hell even some of its greatest "heroes" were horrible people by todays standards. I'm sure you know the story of Samson, he wasn't exactly an angel (if you actually believe everything that happened in the old testament)

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Because I have to pay my property tax to go to schools that teach liberalism to the kids. On top of that, I have to spend more money every month to send my boy to a private schools when I already pay for the public ones. Thats why.



I won't get pulled into the direction this discussion has taken, but I'll agree with this much. The tax system needs fixed because Rick shouldn't be paying for public schools if his kids ain't going to them. I will homeschool my kid(s) but not for extreme religious reasons. I just don't believe that schools are any place for kids to be stuck for most of the day. I'd rather they just play at home and do nothing really.



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I won't get pulled into the direction this discussion has taken, but I'll agree with this much. The tax system needs fixed because Rick shouldn't be paying for public schools if his kids ain't going to them. I will homeschool my kid(s) but not for extreme religious reasons. I just don't believe that schools are any place for kids to be stuck for most of the day. I'd rather they just play at home and do nothing really.




However, if shouldn't be paying taxes then the private school shouldn't use public school buses and what not. I'm not saying the private school his kids go to does, but most do.


There are many pluses to home schooling, which if I ever have kids I will definitely think about.

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Yeah I agree they shouldn't use the buses and I'll pay more to them if I can stop paying property taxes so that 10,000 kids from apartments/trailers can go to school for free.




Said property tax is still wrapped up in said rental price.

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I had to read that book in school. I enjoyed it. What's so wrong about it?


"talking about our firemen" - Firemen in the book are not what we know today. Firemen in the book were the people who burned the books. Not people who put out fires.


"down grading Christians" - First of all, "down grading" should be "downgrading". Second of all, that's false. They "downgraded" FANATICAL Christians.


"smoking and drinking" - It was published in 1953 during the Cold War. Smoking and drinking were socially acceptable. Hopefully you've raised your kids to know better now.


"burning of the Bible" - Uhm, ALL books were burned. Bible = book.


I'm telling you guys, our society is becoming nothing but a bunch of fucking pussies.


There. Get your kids away from the fucking TV and read that.


Satan has spoken, and this time he is making perfect sense!

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However, if shouldn't be paying taxes then the private school shouldn't use public school buses and what not. I'm not saying the private school his kids go to does, but most do.


There are many pluses to home schooling, which if I ever have kids I will definitely think about.


More than just buses. Private schools use books paid for by the NPSS too, generally everything but any religious class. English, Math, Social Studies, ect ect.

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no the book shouldnt be banned, but it also shouldnt be forced, recommended, or even offered to any student by a public school and/or its employees. thats because its a book written by who knows who (could be a murder for all you know) and its a fictional book, what was the school goiing to teach with a fictional book?
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no the book shouldnt be banned, but it also shouldnt be forced, recommended, or even offered to any student by a public school and/or its employees. thats because its a book written by who knows who (could be a murder for all you know) and its a fictional book, what was the school goiing to teach with a fictional book?


OK, let's ban Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Twain, Dostoyevski, let's ban every fiction book...hell, there goes half of American History 101 right there...while you're at it, why don't you ban Dr. Seuss and all the Golden Books?


I hope like hell you're joking. If not, please don't vote and don't have kids, because in my eyes, you're too stupid to be allowed into politics or the gene pool...

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OK, let's ban Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Twain, Dostoyevski, let's ban every fiction book...hell, there goes half of American History 101 right there...while you're at it, why don't you ban Dr. Seuss and all the Golden Books?


I hope like hell you're joking. If not, please don't vote and don't have kids, because in my eyes, you're too stupid to be allowed into politics or the gene pool...


youre a retard who cant read

i said "no the book shouldnt be banned..."


read it again then come back ok?


and try not to have too many kids of your own because, you know, (the reading thing)

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no the book shouldnt be banned, but it also shouldnt be forced, recommended, or even offered to any student by a public school and/or its employees. thats because its a book written by who knows who (could be a murder for all you know) and its a fictional book, what was the school goiing to teach with a fictional book?


Now, I gotta ask, have you read the book? Do you know what it was about? The point it was trying to accomplish? Fiction can be used to teach many things. Just look at the Bible. ;)

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no i havent read the book and thats not whats being debated here

heres the problem with using a fictional book in a PUBLIC school, fictional books express the ideas of the author, sure its fine to use in a philosophy or theory class but a language class is not supposed to teach things like "what might the author have been feeling when he wrote this?" thats getting into psychological studies which should never be taught by the government IMO

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Go back and watch the video. You're spouting the same crap that the people who were bitching about the book were. You ARE saying the book should be banned from the schools.

And as I said, if you want to get rid of fiction in reading and language classes, you've just eliminated almost every great work of literature in human history.

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no i havent read the book and thats not whats being debated here

heres the problem with using a fictional book in a PUBLIC school, fictional books express the ideas of the author, sure its fine to use in a philosophy or theory class but a language class is not supposed to teach things like "what might the author have been feeling when he wrote this?" thats getting into psychological studies which should never be taught by the government IMO


That's EXACTLY what's being debated here. I started the thread and that's the original intention, anyway. :p Granted, it's gotten a bit stretched.

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That's EXACTLY what's being debated here. I started the thread and that's the original intention, anyway. :p Granted, it's gotten a bit stretched.


ha thats not what i meant.


i have no problem with the book being in the library, in there its the students deciscion wether to read it or not

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ha thats not what i meant.


i have no problem with the book being in the library, in there its the students deciscion wether to read it or not


Oh, I agree. If you have a legitimate reason for not reading an assignment, then fine. But to try to get it removed from an entire school where it's obvious the majority want it kept, is ridiculous. And to read 2pages of a book (if she read that much) then start claiming you're not gonna read it because it's evil or some shit, is a total copout and your lazy ass is just trying to get outta of it.

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