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WTF?! Banning of the book "Fahrenheit 451"


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Granted IF I ever have kids, there are certain things I'd like to censor them from, but literature in school, no. It's a fictional book, I know I read it in high school, so I understood. Honestly I don't see it being anywhere near the pornography level in anyway. Granted my children are getting stuck in Catholic Schooling anyway, I did it, so they will too. Pay back is a mofucka. :D
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I swear Dr rick it makes 0 sense that you would want to ban FREEDOM. Why not just put everyone in the dark ages.

I never said you could not read it... I said my kids wont read it. It is always easy to criticize a moral stand, it is the path of least resistance.

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I never said you could not read it... I said my kids wont read it. It is always easy to criticize a moral stand, it is the path of least resistance.


What's your reasoning? I fired off some valid reasons to not let them read Huckleberry Finn. You going to keep them from reading that too? Or is the n-word okay with you, but not swearing or using the Lords name in vein? I'm just trying to clarify this. You have us all quite confused.

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What's your reasoning? I fired off some valid reasons to not let them read Huckleberry Finn. You going to keep them from reading that too? Or is the n-word okay with you, but not swearing or using the Lords name in vein? I'm just trying to clarify this. You have us all quite confused.

I am not sure were you are confused... Profane book = no read. It is very simple.


Why should I allow my kids to read a book that takes the Lords name in vein, when I teach them hold Christ at the highest? That would be contradictory tell them to read it.


I don't allow my kids to watch TV that has bad language in it, why is a book any different?


This is no different that having an Atheist's kid read the book of Romans. Parents teach the kids their is no God, book of Romans says there is and he loves you. Situation is just reversed.

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I am not sure were you are confused... Profane book = no read. It is very simple.


Why should I allow my kids to read a book that takes the Lords name in vein, when I teach them hold Christ at the highest? That would be contradictory tell them to read it.


I don't allow my kids to watch TV that has bad language in it, why is a book any different?


This is no different that having an Atheist's kid read the book of Romans. Parents teach the kids their is no God, book of Romans says there is and he loves you. Situation is just reversed.


So, you're not going to let them read Huckleberry Finn either?

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So, you're not going to let them read Huckleberry Finn either?

We could sit here and go from book to book through the whole library of congress. It has been a long time since I read Huck Finn, so I dont know. If it takes the lords name in vein, it is out. Other wise it will be on a case by case basis.


Would you let your kids read Hustler or Cherry? I would assume not. The difference is I have a much tighter line drawn than most. Nearly all parents censor, the material they censor is where we disagree.

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We could sit here and go from book to book through the whole library of congress. It has been a long time since I read Huck Finn, so I dont know. If it takes the lords name in vein, it is out. Other wise it will be on a case by case basis.


Would you let your kids read Hustler or Cherry? I would assume not. The difference is I have a much tighter line drawn than most. Nearly all parents censor, the material they censor is where we disagree.

Porn is a far cry from Huck Finn or F451.


I can't argue with you anymore. My mom taught me it isn't nice to fuck with retards.

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Wow. Name calling I am impressed with your intellect.

I thought it was quite funny actually. Get it? My mom taught me. Just like she taught me the n-word isn't okay to say, and using the lord's name in vein is a sin. When I read books which use such words, I know better than to use them myself. Because my mom taught me.

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Lets think of it like this. many books that are storys have a protagnist killing people. does tha make the book bad?


The bible including Sex/Incest/Drinking abuse/Murder but you let your kids read it. Did your kids watch the Texas Chain Saw Jesus? (Masscaure of the christ or passion of the christ?). That was by far one of the most gruwsome movies I've ever watched.

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This is no different that having an Atheist's kid read the book of Romans. Parents teach the kids their is no God, book of Romans says there is and he loves you. Situation is just reversed.


Hold it right there......


I do not believe it is MY right to FORCE MY child to believe ANYTHING. If our daughter wants to read the Bible, good for her. If she wants to believe in God, that too, is her right.


And I agree w/ ^^^^^..... the Bible is a pretty dirty story. Killing, raping, stoning.... yup.... good book my ass....



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I have read it years ago, and would not approve of my kids reading for a school project.


I think they are using the term ban a little wrong. The parent is asking that it not be included in school curriculum. Not that the book should be burned. We excluded many written things from schools because of content. This is no different.

I'm rather curious, what was it that you didn't like about the book? Was it the part that illuded to Beatles being fast? Perhaps it was Mildreds addiction to the "room" that very closely resembled a live action internet message board. :p


I don't feel that children need to be "protected" from ideas or perceptions. The fact of the matter is, they will be exposed to it at some point. You can choose between sheltering them from it, and having them experience the shock of the real world on their own, or you can be the one that shows it to them, and you can help them to interpret it properly. "Protecting" a childs mind is just lazy parenting because it's basically just saying "I dont feel like explaining this to you now". :p

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I don't feel that children need to be "protected" from ideas or perceptions. The fact of the matter is, they will be exposed to it at some point. You can choose between sheltering them from it, and having them experience the shock of the real world on their own, or you can be the one that shows it to them, and you can help them to interpret it properly. "Protecting" a childs mind is just lazy parenting because it's basically just saying "I dont feel like explaining this to you now". :p

I am coming over tonight and I am going to stop by Thornes house to pick up a 1/4oz of pot and a few dirty mags. Lets see if you want to protect your kids from that idea.

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I am coming over tonight and I am going to stop by Thornes house to pick up a 1/4oz of pot and a few dirty mags. Lets see if you want to protect your kids from that idea.


These things are illegal for minors to view / possess (everyone on the weed issue) to begin with, so... THAT is a moot point.


You are talking about a BOOK, with words.... ONLY words. Going by your POV, the Bible should be BANNED as well.... it is not safe for children to read..... they will think they can walk on water, and will drown themselves....





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These things are illegal for minors to view / possess (everyone on the weed issue) to begin with, so... THAT is a moot point.


You are talking about a BOOK, with words.... ONLY words. Going by your POV, the Bible should be BANNED as well.... it is not safe for children to read..... they will think they can walk on water, and will drown themselves....





So what if it is illegal. You as a parent should not shield your child from things. Let them try the dirty mags and the pot. It never hurt anyone, right?

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So what if it is illegal. You as a parent should not shield your child from things. Let them try the dirty mags and the pot. It never hurt anyone, right?


Sorry, man. These are just not the same things that are being discussed here. I've also yet to hear an excuse/reason on why you won't allow your child to read certain books that don't meet a criteria that you've decided (not counting porn and the like, you know what I mean), yet, you let them read the Bible which would fail under this same criteria?

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Sorry, man. These are just not the same things that are being discussed here. I've also yet to hear an excuse/reason on why you won't allow your child to read certain books that don't meet a criteria that you've decided (not counting porn and the like, you know what I mean), yet, you let them read the Bible which would fail under this same criteria?

Every situation in the bible provides life examples and exeriances of people dealing with God and what god wants from us. When people are killed in the old testament generally it is due to disobedience to God. There is nothing in Gods word that I will not let my children read. When you look at the bible, look at it through the glasses of the people for whom it was written. I see it as learning from the past, and God telling us what we are supposed to do. Many of the things your read as offensive are taken out of context with regard to the rest of the book.


I post my position and I don't bend, ever! I have certain convictions in life and my standards help me uphold those convictions. I have never been a person to be wishy washy.

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I am coming over tonight and I am going to stop by Thornes house to pick up a 1/4oz of pot and a few dirty mags. Lets see if you want to protect your kids from that idea.

I'll be protecting my property from DEA raids by having the cops waiting. ;) If you want to do it in the street, go ahead. Nick and I will be watching Cheech and Chong movies together.

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You know, I am actually astonished by your attitude, Dr. Rick. It simply amazes me that someone as apparently well-educated as yourself could be so completely ignorant.

Have you actually read Fahrenheit 451?

Are your children so stupid that they would completely forget their religious beliefs because they read a book in which a character took the Lord's name in vain?

Or do you think you might have raised responsible, intelligent kids who can think for themselves and get past the occasional profanity to find the message the author is trying to convey?


Do you seriously beleive that reading a few "controversial" books is going to cause your kids to turn into rapists, thieves, or murderers? Or even turn them away from your religion? Give your kids more credit, they CAN think for themselves.

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Many of the things your read as offensive are taken out of context with regard to the rest of the book.

The same MUST be said of Fahrenheit 451. A character in a book must behave in a realistic fashion, or the reader can have no connection with them. This means that the character must speak, act and react in a manner both consistent in himself, and consistent with the society in which the book places him. He must also be relatable to readers raised in the society in which the book is released.

In other words, only a book that reflects the author's society can be truly successful.

451 is considered one of the greatest works of literature of the 20th century. What does that tell you about our society? Do you thing you can somehow shield your children from that? Do you think it is wise to?

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I am coming over tonight and I am going to stop by Thornes house to pick up a 1/4oz of pot and a few dirty mags. Lets see if you want to protect your kids from that idea.


Hey that 1/8th of blow you traded me for that pot was powered sugar......


There is protecting from HARM and protecting from ideas.

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