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Accountability in Journalism

El Karacho1647545492

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Ok so some of you may have seen the online publication the New York Times released sometime yesterday about an alleged affair John McCain had with Vicki Iseman (source) I'm sure. What do you think about it? Both sides deny it, and don't seem to be too worried about the fallout which says to me that there really is nothing and that the Times is probably just running some liberal smear campaign to throw the Republicans into disarray.


That said, it really pisses me off that a "respectable" publication like the Times that is read worldwide can publish this crap and get away with it. I know, freedom of speech and all that, but this amounts to libel if indeed it's a false accusation. It's interesting that liberals are quick to point out the conservatives for abusing their platforms of power to mold public opinion but then go publish some garbage like this and call it journalism. At some point there has to be accountability for what you say; you sure as hell are free to say what you want, but abusing the power of the press in such a way should be punished to the same degree that McCain would suffer if he is guilty of infidelities.

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Ive got to ask the question, the democrats are pretty much beating the republicans in almost every state. Why run a smear campaign when the real election will be held at the democratic national convention? To me, and Im sure to others here. McCain doesnt have a chance in hell of winning the white house, even if he is the republican nominee.


EDIT: Im not defending anybody, especially not the media. Just providing a counterpoint.

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Ok so some of you may have seen the online publication the New York Times released sometime yesterday about an alleged affair John McCain had with Vicki Iseman (source) I'm sure. What do you think about it? Both sides deny it, and don't seem to be too worried about the fallout which says to me that there really is nothing and that the Times is probably just running some liberal smear campaign to throw the Republicans into disarray.


That said, it really pisses me off that a "respectable" publication like the Times that is read worldwide can publish this crap and get away with it. I know, freedom of speech and all that, but this amounts to libel if indeed it's a false accusation. It's interesting that liberals are quick to point out the conservatives for abusing their platforms of power to mold public opinion but then go publish some garbage like this and call it journalism. At some point there has to be accountability for what you say; you sure as hell are free to say what you want, but abusing the power of the press in such a way should be punished to the same degree that McCain would suffer if he is guilty of infidelities.


If you're gonna bitch, don't be a bigot about it. I don't claim 'liberal', 'consertive', or any other ridiculous moniker, but I know both sides are guilty of mudslinging, etc. Get over it and realize that politics is made mostly of lying fucksticks and douchebags and who knows if it's even true or not.


And stop with the labels people, thery're fuckin retarded. We're all AMERICANS. Fuckin wasting time with labeling each other and arguing over what you/I think we are. Like I said, I'm not a 'liberal', 'consertive', or any other damn thing. I'm myself, I make my own decisions; none of which are based on labels, but only on what I believe to be right.


(Alex, this is in no way directed personally. I just picked now to vent. :p )

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Ive got to ask the question, the democrats are pretty much beating the republicans in almost every state. Why run a smear campaign when the real election will be held at the democratic national convention? To me, and Im sure to others here. McCain doesnt have a chance in hell of winning the white house, even if he is the republican nominee.


EDIT: Im not defending anybody, especially not the media. Just providing a counterpoint.


Last poll I saw (admittedly a couple weeks ago) showed all three top candidates within the margin of error.

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the Times is probably just running some liberal smear campaign to throw the Republicans into disarray.
Actually, it was probably republican in nature. The Party doesn't want him as president, he won't play ball like they need him to.


My worst nightmare is a Hillary vs Huckabee national election......

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BTW I am wondering who will be chosen as Vice Prez, the only way Obama Will win the election and not get shot by some ignorant asshole is if he picks Hillary as Vice Prez. :)

No, Obama needs to pick someone about 35 years his senior to be VP. If he wants any hope of being president, he needs to show that as well as being a platform for change for the young generation he embraces traditional values. I'm thinking maybe Chris Dodd would be a good candidate for VP.

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The New York Times is far from impatial journalism #1. They do represent their respecitve area, however they are given national credibility which, I think, is not represenative of the country overall.


In terms of accountability......you don't need a journalist to lack accountability.......if the NYT had a TV show, it would be called Enteratainment Tonight.....nevermind, scratch that, that's too respectable.

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