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Update on my OSU dental school experience!


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For those of you interested in my ongoing experience with the dental school, I'm excited to report that my treatment plan is complete. I started with the dental school in September 2006 after several years of severe dental neglect and very poor hygiene. I chose to go there specifically because of price, procedures are typically 50-75% less than average private practice. Since everything has been taken care of out of pocket the necessity for savings is clear.


I've had lots of work done: 1 crown, 5 large cavities in molars (a few were old fillings that were leaking and decayed underneath), ~8 other cavities, 1 benign tumor removed from under my tongue, and 2 cleanings. I still have two wisdom teeth to come out, but I haven't decided when I'm going to have this done.


My experience has been very overwhelmingly positive. I have had two dental students, the first from October 2006 to May 2007 when he graduated. The second from August 2007 to current. The transition over summer break to the second student was flawless, they take an appointment to examine you and re-evaluate your treatment plan, then the work continues.


I've only had two issues: I had one filling done by my first student that later chipped and needed to be re-done. A second, also done by my first student, had a gap in the filling and was causing me some discomfort, they caught it on my re-evaluation X-rays, it was redone and now perfect.


I highly recommend the dental school to anyone who needs to get work done and doesn't have insurance. I will continue with my current student until he graduates next June, after that I will have long had insurance through my wife and I will switch to a private practice. The dental school has allowed me to get right at minimal cost and I will always be thankful for that.


A word from the experienced, even if you brush regularly and have good hygiene but haven't been to the dentist in a while, get in to see one as soon as possible. Beyond my teeth issues, they caught a tumor which could have turned out nasty if it wasn't caught early. Going to the dentist is important and I will never neglect my dental hygiene again. If you're in the position I was in two years ago, go to the dental school and get checked out. The earlier you catch issues the better. If I had waited much longer I would have lost at least two teeth, but thanks to the school, prayers, and a little luck I still have all of my teeth and did not need any root canal work.


I hope this re-assures someone to get in and see them. Make the call. 614-292-2751

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Or you could be like me.............


I quit going to the dentist around age 15 or 16.


I hate dentists.


About two years ago I started having a killing pain in my jaw, but kept ignoring it.


I hate dentists.


After about six months it got to the point I couldn't walk without my jaw killing me.


I hate dentists.


Finally gave in, went to the dentist.


I hate dentists.


Apparently, two of my wisdom teeth had shattered, leaving exposed roots and nerves. They pulled all four of my wisdom teeth.


I hate dentists.


Pain is gone. Dentist said my teeth were in great shape. No cavities, no plaque, nothing.


I hate dentists.


Haven't been back since.

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Back when I was poor and in college, I cracked a molar in half on a piercing. oops.


I had the tooth capped to look like new there. It held up perfectly for over 5 years.


I'm scheduled next week to get it redone at my real dentist as it the top is separating from my gum line and beginning to look trashy.

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Or you could be like me.............


I quit going to the dentist around age 15 or 16.


I am a big pussy.


About two years ago I started having a killing pain in my jaw, but kept ignoring it.


I am a big pussy.


After about six months it got to the point I couldn't walk without my jaw killing me.


I am a big pussy.


Finally gave in, went to the dentist.


I am a big pussy.


Apparently, two of my wisdom teeth had shattered, leaving exposed roots and nerves. They pulled all four of my wisdom teeth.


I am a big pussy.


Pain is gone. Dentist said my teeth were in great shape. No cavities, no plaque, nothing.


I am a big pussy.


Haven't been back since.



Fixed it for ya!


I started liking the dentist in my late teems when my hygienist was 25, hot, and STACKED. Nothing like getting boobs mashed into your shoulder, a boner, and a cleaning! God I miss her.


In reality, I just had my semi-annual cleaning a week ago. Granted, My oral hygiene habits are mediocre at best. I probably have averaged less than 1 brushing per day for the last 15 years, and what the fuck is this floss shit? But my dentist continually congratulates me on my results. No cavities, or other oral symptoms in over 22 years!

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I go to dentist twice a year for cleanings. I have to because of my heart. I take pre-meds before any cleanings. I have many cavities. 4 teeth were removed before I had my braces. I have all 4 of my wisdom teeth though. 2 of them have crowns.


I hate the dentist but I still always go. I always leave with blood running down my mouth. Shit happens.

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I haven't been to the dentist in awhile, like 5 years, I hate dentists. The last two times I've gone all it has caused me is pain for weeks, and recurring pain ever since.

I know I need to go, especially since I shattered a wisdom tooth...but I still wont go.

But I think that tumor you talked about may convince to finally give them a call

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I haven't been to the dentist in awhile, like 5 years, I hate dentists. The last two times I've gone all it has caused me is pain for weeks, and recurring pain ever since.

I know I need to go, especially since I shattered a wisdom tooth...but I still wont go.

But I think that tumor you talked about may convince to finally give them a call


Do it Jono. Any pain you have or will go through now will only be much, much worse 10 years from now - if you can stand it that long. I hate the dentist too and I dreaded every appointment through the process. But I just kept reminding myself that while having a cavity filled sucked, having the crown done sucked worse. The crown is the next step after a filling in a line that ends at dentures. You don't want dentures.

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I suppose this must be said as well...


My gf recently went there this past fall for the removal of her wisdom teeth. She went their mostly because of the price. She has had an awful experience. The students did not suture her mouth right, and she suffered an infection.


She returned to the clinic to receive further treatment and they decided to open up the infection and "look around". They only gave her laughing gas and novacaine. The students ended up removing some of the gum that was infected which did nothing but cause more pain.


She finally ended up having to go to a dentist in Marysville that I recommended to her. He took great care of her and told her to "let the kids practice on someone else".


I suppose some of them could be good, but your gonna get some bad ones as well.


oh and just for comparison, I had mine out a couple of weeks after her and I was fine within 2 weeks. Her ordeal lasted around 2-3 months.

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