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Baby mama drama (long read)


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So I'm starting from the first time I met this girl. It was last summer and I got drunk and had sex with this girl. Cool, right met some random chick, looked good, done deal. At least I thought, she starts showing up to the same bars, parties and what not, so I think I got a "backup" if u will if I cant close with any other girl. So I end up having sex with her again. I know I dont have good morals on this, and I fall in to that typical men are pieces of u know what category. Anyway after this second time she says she wants to be with me and we need to date. I say no to that and I thought that was the end of it. Well a week goes by and her sister calls me and starts calling me all types of things, and that I was responsible for putting her in the hospital. Turns out she tried to kill herself, over me. I ignored her and that situation for about 8 months. Then she started coming back around again. And I didnt want to be any part of it, but once again I get drunk and the same thing happens, except I didnt hear from her until 2 1/2 months later June07. I get a call and she says shes pregnant. Wow, was my first response, I ask what she wants to do, she said she didnt know, I voted for an abortion. She calls me back tells me shes keeping it, I tried to convince her other wise. So i thought what the hell am I going to do, I had a new girlfriend (Who Im still with), I didnt want to take attention away from her, but I didnt want to look like a soon to be beat down dad. Anyway I start talking to people at work and friends, and it turns out a guy in the building I worked in had a similar issue. So I go talk to this guy and yep for sure it turns out that its the same girl. So now were thinking who's is it mine or yours? Couple weeks go by and she still doesnt know that I know of this other guy, and I start talking to one of her two faced friends, who happens to be her best friend, and she tells me theres another guy involed as well and I shouldnt worry about it. This other guy turns out to be her fiance. What the hell? So I call her and tell her to stop talking to me completly and I dont want anything to do with her. About eight months into her pregnancy I call her up to see how shes doing, cause I thought what if it does turn out to be mine and I look like an ass. Things seem to be ok, I was there for the birth of my beautiful son, had a DNA test done to prove that hes mine. But after all this shes lost all her friends, boyfriends, and is lonely. But in the calm of the storm we figure out child support, custody, the whole nine yards. I type up to formal very intuitive papers, detailing every outline except one. She agrees signs to the agreements, I sign and we have the notary stamp the papers who was sitting in front of us as we signed the papers. So im thinking were good, I can raise my son, and be with my girlfriend. Nope, baby mama pairs up with her mother to cause the biggest cluster fuck I have ever seen. Her mom 49 leaves comments on myspace about how I'm no good, my girlfriend is a whore and shes cheating on me and I need to leave her, and that if i want to see my kid I can visit him in her living room. Also my mom is supposed to come down next week and now were both not allowed to see him. what the fuck. And she says that Im not payin enough and thats shes talked to her family lawyer and she can get more money out me. So I got into her email account she used our sons name as the password. Theres some pretty good stuff in there showing how she contradicts herself and lies to me and to her mother(who lacks maturity and respect), supposedly she was out partying well into her pregnancy, and some other stuff that I dont think would help if I put it out onto the open internet I reserve that stuff for court i guess. Im stuck and I need opinions on what to do or for someone to just laugh at me and appreciate their not in my shoes. This cause so much stress and my grilfriend is upset all time, and we argue over and I tell my girlfriend that your letting them win when we get into this. I just wish some people put half their energy into being happy as to being miserable. All yea I have since quit drinking... for now, if this gets worse it doesnt seem like a bad idea.
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First, what were you expecting having unprotected sex? Lucky the story didn't end by saying you have HIV, since she was whoring around. Next, if she wants you but sees you are happy elsewhere, she is going to make you and your new relationship unhappy every chance she gets. Best thing you can do is make contact with her ONLY about the kid...don't ask how her day is, if the weather is nice, nothing. Don't get upset and yell...stay calm even when she pisses you off. Go get your kid, drop the kid off and leave. She'll eventually get the message. If you continue to fight her or yell back....it's just fuel to her fire and will never end. I got work to do, so good luck with all of that.....take care of the kid...it didn't ask to come into this turmoil you and her share.
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I'll help you out.


So I'm starting from the first time I met this girl. It was last summer and I got drunk and had sex with this girl. Cool, right met some random chick, looked good, done deal. At least I thought, she starts showing up to the same bars, parties and what not, so I think I got a "backup" if u will if I cant close with any other girl. So I end up having sex with her again. I know I dont have good morals on this, and I fall in to that typical men are pieces of u know what category.


Anyway after this second time she says she wants to be with me and we need to date. I say no to that and I thought that was the end of it. Well, a week goes by and her sister calls me and starts calling me all types of things saying that I was responsible for putting her in the hospital. Turns out she tried to kill herself, over me. I ignored her and that situation for about 8 months. Then she started coming back around again and I didnt want to be any part of it. Once again I get drunk and the same thing happens, except I didnt hear from her until 2 1/2 months later June07.


I get a call and she says shes pregnant. Wow, was my first response, I ask what she wants to do and she said she didnt know. I voted for an abortion. She calls me back tells me shes keeping it. I tried to convince her otherwise. So i thought what the hell am I going to do. I had a new girlfriend (Who Im still with), and I didnt want to take attention away from her. But, I didnt want to look like a soon to be beat down dad.


Anyway, I start talking to people at work and friends and it turns out a guy in the building I worked in had a similar issue. So I go talk to this guy and it turns out that its the same girl. So now were thinking, "Who's is it, mine or yours?" A couple weeks go by and she still doesnt know that I know of this other guy. I start talking to one of her two faced friends, who happens to be her best friend, and she tells me theres another guy involved as well and I shouldnt worry about it. This other guy turns out to be her fiance.


What the hell? So I call her and tell her to stop talking to me completely and I dont want anything to do with her. About eight months into her pregnancy I call her up to see how shes doing, cause I thought what if it does turn out to be mine and I look like an ass. Things seem to be ok. I was there for the birth of my beautiful son and had a DNA test done to prove that hes mine. But after all this she has lost all her friends, boyfriends, and is lonely. But in the calm of the storm we figure out child support, custody, the whole nine yards. I type up to formal very intuitive papers, detailing every outline except one. She agrees signs to the agreements. I sign and we have the notary stamp the papers who was sitting in front of us as we signed the papers.


So im thinking we're good. I can raise my son and be with my girlfriend. Nope. Baby mama pairs up with her mother to cause the biggest cluster fuck I have ever seen. Her mom, 49, leaves comments on my myspace about how I'm no good, my girlfriend is a whore and shes cheating on me and I need to leave her, and that if i want to see my kid I can visit him in her living room. Also, my mom is supposed to come down next week and now were both not allowed to see him. What the fuck? Now she says that I'm not paying enough and thats she has talked to her family lawyer and she can get more money out me.


So I got into her email account she used our sons name as the password. Theres some pretty good stuff in there showing how she contradicts herself and lies to me and to her mother(who lacks maturity and respect), supposedly she was out partying well into her pregnancy, and some other stuff that I dont think would help if I put it out onto the open internet I reserve that stuff for court i guess.


Im stuck and I need opinions on what to do or for someone to just laugh at me and appreciate their not in my shoes. This causes so much stress and my girlfriend is upset all time. We argue over it and I tell my girlfriend that you're letting them win when we get into this. I just wish some people put half their energy into being happy as to being miserable. Oh yeah, I have since quit drinking... for now, if this gets worse it doesnt seem like a bad idea.

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Are you sure youre 23 and not 16????

Your an idiot, I hope you didnt come to CR for sympathy. Youre going to get nothing but bad comments on this one dude.


You should have been smarter after banging her the first time, not to continue if she was a psycho. :rolleyes:

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Reading something like that, from time to time....is the best sort of birth control available. I won't be getting it up for at least 3 days.


No shit.


Many times when I think "fuck it" I think back to how many posts have been on here with people getting girls knocked up and bitching about it. :)

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I know I dont have good morals on this, and I fall in to that typical men are pieces of u know what category.

Actually, that's not typical, just popularized and deemed acceptable by louder peices of shit.


After reading the first half of that, I lost all respect for you as a man, seriously. You got yourself into this shit, go on Maury and sort it out.


This should be stickeyed for everyone else to see. We all make mistakes, but god damn, you were begging for this.


This seriously reads like "Guys, I licked my brake rotors after my commute today, what do I do? DONT YOU JUDGE ME OMG!" Please realize that you are getting shit because you are part of the problem, as much as your babies mama is. I fear for your child, probably more that you do.

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Your all right with the comments on my stupidity, and checks on my spelling, I cant get mad at anybody for it I put myself out there for writing my situation. No I didnt come here for sympathy.


I came here to see what someone else would do or has done to similar situations, I need outside opinions on this, because everyone I know is going to side with me, and of course everyone on her side is going to side with her.


I havent seen my kid in two weeks, one of the reasons being I cant get along with her mother, so she wont let me, but in her emails she sends to her friends Im a piece of shit because I wont come see him.

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Dude, seriously you need a fucking lawyer. If you care about the kid, sell a car and get REAL legal counsel. That is real advice.


However, if you're just looking for lower payments and visitation rights, I again don't respect you. If you think she's crazy and you love the kid, go for custody, she shouldn't have him. If you just want to play with him, then hand him back to the woman to do all the work, you should pay, allot.

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