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Baby mama drama (long read)


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There really no point chastising this guy after the fact. I feel for you bro. That is one huge cluster-fuck you got there. And to think you have to deal with her and her crazy family for the next 18 or so years, my heart really goes out to you.

But everyone is right. Get a lawyer and fast. Get the legal system involved and you will be able to see your kid. She has already shown that she is unstable, and it shouldn't be hard to get more evidence along the way. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING FROM NOW ON!!!!!!

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There really no point chastising this guy after the fact. I feel for you bro. That is one huge cluster-fuck you got there. And to think you have to deal with her and her crazy family for the next 18 or so years, my heart really goes out to you.

But everyone is right. Get a lawyer and fast. Get the legal system involved and you will be able to see your kid. She has already shown that she is unstable, and it shouldn't be hard to get more evidence along the way. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING FROM NOW ON!!!!!!


Appreciate that, I have all text messages saved anything that she said that could comprimise her image is saved, all emails, I have copies off all payments of child support made to her, I have receipts for all of my sons items. I even have a calander of what dates I've had him, what days I went to pick him up and what days she drop him off and go out. Ive documented almost everything, everything has mine and someone else's signature on it.


I honestly cant say I didnt see this coming thats why Ive documented and made copies most things. I guess I was just hoping things wouldnt turn sour.

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and on the same note: at least this is one of the few guys that's actually stepping up and doing the right thing, more or less - regardless of what happened previously.


I have another buddy in the exact same situation. The girl has 7 possible guys and hasn't done a DNA test on any of them (yet). He thinks it's probably his, but who knows!

While this guy is taking an active role and paying support, my other friend is more or less running from the situation!

(while 4 of the guys are paying some sort of support)



And to hit on a previous comment. Yes, the situation with baby momma's is ridiculous. After having seen a lot of cases...it's ridiculous where some women set out to have kids with at least 3 different daddys (4 is better). That seems to be the threshold...3 different support checks coming in at once ensures the woman can sit on her ass and just take care of the children all day long while getting medical support/other benefits from the government. With men so scared of going to court, these women can extort rather large amounts (more or less under the table) while also getting welfare/food stamps/medical benefits from the gov't



eg: Pulling out the paper at the turn of the new year...all 3 local towns around me had single mommas smiling over their kid that was the first baby of the new year.

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Man, talk about a life altering event. I can't stop thinking about it. Hate to say it, but it does make me feel better about my life.

Man, you dip you wick in the wrong duck sauce these days and you can get AIDS, STD's and with all the crazy fertile chicks out there looking for a hand-out, us single guys have got to play it safe. I know this has been a good wake up call for me. But then again, if I'm ever in doubt, I wrap up my one-eyed guided heat seeking moisture missile of love in the finest latex :D

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And to think a $.50 cent condom could've saved you the hassle?


I feel for you, Ive done the drunk dial that leads to the drunk hook up but I've always remembered the jimmy hat before the dead is done. Sounds like the 'crazy bitch' gene runs in her family. I know other people have said it but you keep asking questions. The only answer to all your questions are, GET A LAWYER!!!!! A family lawyer in Georgia wont know anything pertaining to Ohio law or your case. Get a GOOD lawyer, keep him on retainer, pay him in payments do whatever the fuck you have to do but get a damn lawyer.

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I havent seen my kid in two weeks, one of the reasons being I cant get along with her mother, so she wont let me, but in her emails she sends to her friends Im a piece of shit because I wont come see him.


Seriously, get over it. Step up and either fake getting along or just try and be cordial until you get the legal stuff worked out. Id much rather take some hits and lower my self pride than not see my kid. Good luck.

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You know butt sex is so worth it. 30 minutes of pain is better then 9 months of being pregnant. And shit wear a damn condom. I can help you out if you need a few. I buy them 100 or more at a time.


This story would have been so much better if it ending saying "Now I have aids".


I know I am an ass. You will get nothing but shit if you ask my personal opinion on this situation. Go get your balls snipped if you want to sleep with random girls from bars.

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Seriously, get over it. Step up and either fake getting along or just try and be cordial until you get the legal stuff worked out. Id much rather take some hits and lower my self pride than not see my kid. Good luck.


FormulaMatt is absolutely right. Hell if it was down to seeing my kid or not I'd give Rosie O'Donnell a rim job.


I just had the most disgusting wave of nausea come over me :barf:

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You know butt sex is so worth it. 30 minutes of pain is better then 9 months of being pregnant. And shit wear a damn condom. I can help you out if you need a few. I buy them 100 or more at a time.


This story would have been so much better if it ending saying "Now I have aids".


I know I am an ass. You will get nothing but shit if you ask my personal opinion on this situation. Go get your balls snipped if you want to sleep with random girls from bars.


Damn, thats harsh.


Then again if your having butt sex your DEFINITLY going to remember a rubber. So he has a point.

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