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more bathroom renovating progress


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got a little more work done over the week + weekend.

here are some before shots and after shots.

still have alot of work to do. currently staining my vanity. i still have to put alot of trim up, get a new mirror, get a new light etc.... etc...





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and after today:





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That faucet is cool I'm guessing the water just "flows" out the opening?


yes sir.. kind of like a waterfall deal..

i got it cause it matches my tub/ shower set. its the same series or whatever.

bad thing is i got my tub/shower set on clearance.. and the faucet wasnt. so i paid more for the damn faucet than i did for my other fixtures. but it is really cool, and no one i know has one like it. ehh whatever

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Guest Melanie
if you need any interior design advise i do that for school. about to graduate from ccad for it. like the thing i was wondering is if you are staining the cabinets while they are put together? if you have the time it might be beneficial for you to take them apart and stain them flat (prevents drips and gives an even coat)also dont forget to use a tack cloth in between coats to get off all the dust/excess
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thanks i may look to you for advice...

and yes im taking the vanity apart and out to stain.

well i did. lol

its done now. ill get some pics more pics up when i finish the trim and what not.


thanks for all the comments guys.

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