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Partitions anyone?


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I have a drive is 160mb and 40 of that is allocated and running XP. I want to resize the partition to include the remaining 120mb.


Is this doable from XP itself because I'm having no luck finding a free program to do it. I've spent hours downloading and running different programs and they all get up to the point that you should be finished and then tell you they can't do it until you pay up.


That to me is a sick joke, but I'm an old school computer geek from the days of real shareware.



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I have a drive is 160mb and 40 of that is allocated and running XP. I want to resize the partition to include the remaining 120mb.


Is this doable from XP itself because I'm having no luck finding a free program to do it. I've spent hours downloading and running different programs and they all get up to the point that you should be finished and then tell you they can't do it until you pay up.


That to me is a sick joke, but I'm an old school computer geek from the days of real shareware.




Download Bearshare and get a program called Partition Magic. It'll do it all and you won't lose a thing.

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Download Bearshare and get a program called Partition Magic. It'll do it all and you won't lose a thing.


only download bearshare if you want to be ridden wiht spyware and popup.


worst idea ever. partion magic will do it but I would honestly back everything up and just wipe it and start over. will save you the hassel in the long run.

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partition magic is not free. It will start up, run, even look like it worked until you apply the changes. It then tells you that it only preformed a demo on your HD and that until you pay them the changes were simulated. Thats the sick joke part.


Maybe thats only the latest version and I need to find PM 4 or something because thats what its doing on PM higher than version 8.


Don't worry guys I have the data backed up. I just wanted to move everything to a new drive, but I'm not familiar with all this stuff after win2K. I liked FDISK and xcopy and all that.



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Guest mrhobbz
I have a drive is 160mb and 40 of that is allocated and running XP. I want to resize the partition to include the remaining 120mb.


Is this doable from XP itself because I'm having no luck finding a free program to do it. I've spent hours downloading and running different programs and they all get up to the point that you should be finished and then tell you they can't do it until you pay up.


That to me is a sick joke, but I'm an old school computer geek from the days of real shareware.




I've always had decent luck with partition magic.

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1) Use dos to format your hard drive clean.

2) Reinstall windows and have it create a partition big enough for the O/S. Leave the read of the drive alone unpartitioned.

3) Once in windows go into "administration tools". Click on disk management. Right click on the left over space. Create a partition.

4) ?????

5) Profit.

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So far no ones given a suggestion that works. All partition programs that I've found are still pay to play:-)


Wiping the drive ain't an option and I don't have a windows CD, but am working on creating one atm (yes my license legit, its on the side of my case.)



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So far no ones given a suggestion that works. All partition programs that I've found are still pay to play:-)


Wiping the drive ain't an option and I don't have a windows CD, but am working on creating one atm (yes my license legit, its on the side of my case.)





I can use google.



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Okay now thats just dumb. I D/L every one of those programs on there and none work without paying and the ones that do aren't capable of doing it right.


Come on where are the real computer geeks. This stuff used to be a lot easier. Oh well I'm probably just getting old:-)


Hey mike I need a XP pro SP2 cd and I'll get this done the other hard way.


Haha yeah MB's a typo. Shows you how long its been since I had to mess with anything. Main reason for making this so difficult is that I have data on my drives from the late 1980's and its staying. I have several backups of the stuff around, but getting that data out of those backups would require some deep time involved so its easier to fuck around with the current drives to get it to work. Last time I had to do a major migration I was going from W95 to W2K and that wasn't a big deal since DOS was still a major part of windows. This new stuff kicks my butt bad.



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A real computer geek would download the program on usenet. This will get around not paying for it.


Look in the night crew part of the board for directions on how to do this.


If you want me help you hands on I will have to charge labor (or beer). I gotta eat you know. ^_^

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Blah I got XP on the new drive, but of course the old drive decided to shit itself when I plugged it in for the final time to move the data to the new drive so all my wasted time really was wasted time and I can now retrieve the data the hard way. Oh well thanks guys.



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