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Obama has $$$


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Yay for speaking out of one's ass.



Please, bitch at me.





I have not been following this whole thing very closely as none of the current candidates views do not seem to align with mine. However what I do know is every time I do hear about the election, or read about it, all I see is that Hitlery has attacked someone....again. Whether it be Obama, McCain or anyone she has said something degrading them without them saying anything to her to warrant such attacks. I have also seen this woman speak, and I was not impressed, she seemed to ramble on about a bunch of things but really didn't say much as to where she stands on much. Yeah she is against Iraq, but that just shows how inconsistent she is, at least Obama and McCain have been consistent with their views. She is just about what is popular and what will get her votes, and that does not work for me. Tell me what you are about or I am not gonna vote for you plain and simple, so far for me she has not done that, or at least done it consistently.


BTW you can take your condescending tones and go fuck yourself.

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I cannot find any other news articles on this.. anyone else know of links about this? I would imagine that if he really did, there would be more coverage on this.


yeah, i imagine.



perhaps if youd stood on your toes...

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I am already sick of Hitlery's attacks on anyone remotely thinking about running for president, that bitch needs to STFU and stop hiding the fact she has no fucking clue what she would do if she even got the presidency.


An I hope your voting for McCain then...


Ole Obama has his swing votes LOL

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McCain will more than likely get my vote, although none of them are inline with my views, McCain is the closest.





healthcare in the US will be a nightmare if obama or hitlery get elected. you think there's a shortage of docs now, they will kill the profession.


maybe obama will legalize coke??

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