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Drugs in drinking water!!

Big Steve

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I've known about this for awhile. Can't seem to stop drinking tap water... must have more... So addicted to this stuff... don't know why... hmm, I seem to be growing boobs but at least I can't get pregnant...


Serioulsy, though. I never drink tap. Honestly, I can't get through a whole glass without it giving me cotton mouth and irritating/burning my throat. Weird. Oh, and don't even get me f'n started on the flouride, etc that's added to our water.

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I am just suprised how people could be suprised by this. I mean where did you think those drugs you are all taking were going? Just like everything else, it must at some point leave the body. And at some point everyones fresh water was someone elses waste water. We just ship it on down the river.
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I am just suprised how people could be suprised by this. I mean where did you think those drugs you are all taking were going? Just like everything else, it must at some point leave the body. And at some point everyones fresh water was someone elses waste water. We just ship it on down the river.



This is why you don't drink the water in Mexico..... :)

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I am just suprised how people could be suprised by this. I mean where did you think those drugs you are all taking were going? Just like everything else, it must at some point leave the body. And at some point everyones fresh water was someone elses waste water. We just ship it on down the river.


x2. Simple science everyone.


It's not like this has only recently happened anyway. We have been exposed to this our whole lives.

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