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Obama Tax Return

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Juiced = Gives my party a bad name


This is why I put this in the kitchen. Fuck that stupid Muslim candidate. I bet he's going to blow up the white house and make our women wear sheets when he gets elected. That stupid bastard.

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good god there is some mindless racist ignorant drivel in this thread.


anyone who thinks there's some kind of black and/or muslim uprising in this country needs a swift kick in the ass. whitey is still the majority by a long shot and i'm sure if you were really hard pressed by the times you'd get up off your lazy ass and take action to help yourself as they have done to help themselves a la civil rights movement. but no, all you do is spew hate on the internet to people who think along the same lines as you and try to breed more hate. fuck all you closed minded people who see the candidates for the stereotypes they represent instead of the kind of person they are and looking at what they stand for. obama isn't some towelhead terrorist who wants to bring around an african revival in this country, he's a good guy that at least ostensibly doesn't appear to play dirty. the same exact compliment could be paid to mccain. anyone who can't get past the fact that his middle name is "hussein" needs to learn to pick up a goddamned newspaper (a reputable one) or look at some real news online, not some shitty opinion piece from "world daily news", some publication most people have never heard of that just caters to self-interested fucks like yourselves.


its 2:30 here in los angeles and i've got a cab coming in 2 hours, someone please fight with me

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its a good argument; i honestly wonder which party would suffer more if this was the case.


That's a toss up. Democrats are ignorant idiots, republicans are stupid fools, and independants are stupid ignorant idiotic fools :nutkick:

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The problem with this country is not Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or John McCain.


The problem with this country is that there are so many ignorant, under educated, half witts (like yourself) who journey through life with unwarranted esteem in their own intelligence. These people (like yourself) are so easily manipulated and stirred into a fine frenzy by fallacious propaganda and undocumented contrived polemic. Those people (like yourself) create these underground grass roots movements that convince a network of other people that these fallacies are fact and have half the country now making decisions based on the manipulative agenda of someone in tune with how fucking stupid people (like yourself) really are.


If you truly don't care, the least you could do is fact check the stupid shit that you choose to project to those people (like yourself) who just might believe you.



PS... Citing World Net Daily and Israel National News as factual sources. Are you fucking serious. If somehow you succeeded to take my suggestion and go back to school to learn how to use rational reasoning skills, you might take note that our National Enquirer is not an acceptable source for credible information.


I posted that stuff for people to read and make their own opinions. worldnew and israel nation are just as credible than cnn or fox to me. at least those media outlets are reporting normal peoples opinions and not what someone says they have to report. if even one of those things ar tru about obama its enough to not wants him as president.


your right Kenny, I am ignorant and stupid and what ever else you chose to call me. You keep watching cnn and fox I am sure your so smart you don't know what to do in life.



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I just have a funny feeling about the guy...not a fan. There are all these facebook groups (because it's just the pinnacle of learning and enlightened thought) that say "one million strong for obama" "x high school students for Obama", and so on and so forth. It seems to me he's just one hell of a speaker. And you know who else was a good speaker? Hitler. What now.


Course, I'll be doing a lot more reading and get any misconceptions straight before I vote. First presidential election I'm able to vote in. Lol, his secret service codename is Renegade.

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You should have to pass an IQ test in order to have a right to vote.




PS, i am not necessarily republican, I am def. a moderate, I have some liberal views and some conservative views. I am voting republican because I am working on government contracts. Much more likely to get military spending with a republican which lets me keep working on my project. ;)

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Click here buddy he clearly didnt to it throughout the whole thing.


No shit, buddy, reading comprehension owns you. I said the picture was taken at the beginning, not that he didnt do it through the whole thing. jackass.

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Juiced = Gives my party a bad name


I hardly think so...


you on the other hand., well nevermind, every party needs mindless people to do what they tell them. ;) Even if it includes spreading ignorant bullshit without a care to wheter or not its factual. I mean, you heard it on the internet or read it in an email, so it must be true!



PS, triple post FTW

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I just have a funny feeling about the guy...not a fan. There are all these facebook groups (because it's just the pinnacle of learning and enlightened thought) that say "one million strong for obama" "x high school students for Obama", and so on and so forth. It seems to me he's just one hell of a speaker. And you know who else was a good speaker? Hitler. What now.




I have the same feeling.

I cannot figure how he has become so popular so quickly and how has he been able to raise that much money ?

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I hardly think so...


you on the other hand., well nevermind, every party needs mindless people to do what they tell them. ;) Even if it includes spreading ignorant bullshit without a care to wheter or not its factual. I mean, you heard it on the internet or read it in an email, so it must be true!



PS, triple post FTW

You failed, I posted real information.



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The "Change" hype is just too hollow when you look at his record. When you look at his blasting of Billarys voting record it's always on issues that were voted on before he was in Congress so it's really easy for him to say he was against what she voted for and for what is now popular opinion. Very nice Monday morning quarterbacking. LOL If you start to examine something where he could have taken some initiatives he's done nothing ... just like every other politician. Take Afghanistan for instance. Obama has been the chairman of the subcommittee in charge of dealing with NATO and Afghanistan since early 2007. He has not held one single hearing to look into US involvement there and how to get our troops out by making NATO share the load yet he's got this "plan" to solve Iraq. ...don't you believe it!
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It seems to me he's just one hell of a speaker. And you know who else was a good speaker? Hitler. What now.


By your logic, then, our most diabolical presidents would be FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan and our best presidents would be George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter. yeah, real intelligent assessment:rolleyes:

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By your logic, then, our most diabolical presidents would be FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan and our best presidents would be George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter. yeah, real intelligent assessment:rolleyes:


Learn to take or identify a joke, and I was referring to he can work a crowd very well...joke, for the love of god. the "What now" at the end was signaling it to be a jab at him. Didn't know everything had to be so damn serious in here.

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Learn to take or identify a joke, and I was referring to he can work a crowd very well...joke, for the love of god. the "What now" at the end was signaling it to be a jab at him. Didn't know everything had to be so damn serious in here.

When there are liberals in the house, everything must be taken serious.

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