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Rainbox 6, Vegas 2......v360


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I have hopes for every game that it will be better than cod4, but everything thus far has burned in failure. I'll give it a rent but my hopes aren't high.



How can your hopes not be high? The first one when it came out was the best thing smokin. My copy is already paid for. Gamestop said I can get it tomorrow at 2p.

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Crysis was amazing! You have to have a decent machine to fully enjoy it, though.


The graphics maybe, but just to play the game and have it look halfway decent, my current specs are doing ok.


Core 2 Duo 1.8 (will be a Core 2 Quad of some kind eventually)

2 Gigs of ram

7900 GT OC (until my 8800 gets here)


I still use IDE hard drives too ;)

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The game is no different from the first one. Was a waste of money. Only two people can play a mission online now. There are a few maps from the other game, just slightly revised. The AI is very smart. They yell the same curse words as before. They have better armor on, so they take lots of shots, but all in all, it's the same as the first in terrorist hunt.
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i tired adding you on live...


sass machine 7


Save yourself the time, I'm never at Rays to play anymore anyway and won't have an Xbox for a while.


Putty, sounds like you should of gotten Army of Two!! I'd been really looking forward to that game.

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