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Pryor to OSU!


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Does the SEC win the national championship every year? No , So Fuckem!! Is Ohio State going to the National Championship three years in a row? Ohio State triplepost in the National Championship!!!


it would be a great thing for the fans to cheer for. i hope it is michigan& ohio state in the national championship game. i will be cheering for michigan.

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I love how the anti-OSU folks are always claiming that OSU fans are assholes and such, yet, they're always the first to throw punches whenever an OSU thread pops up on CR.




Thank you. This thread doesn't concern anyones dislike for OSU nor does it wether you think the "SEC" is the greatest evar, don't tell me about my comments. Defending a team is a part of being a fan, obviously not many people on here know that.


Just like Austin says, every time someone brings up OSU some moron has to open his fucking mouth and smack talk about OSU, I am tired of the bullshit and will call them out on it on here every time.


On topic: I'm glad to see him come to OSU, he is a hell of an athlete.

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I watched his press confrence and while I guess I'm glad he's coming to OSU he doesn't really talk/ seem like a Buckeye. I know he has to be potlically correct in a lot of his answers but his reasons for comming to OSU seem to have very little to do with OSU, but more for himself. At least that was my first impression.
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I watched his press confrence and while I guess I'm glad he's coming to OSU he doesn't really talk/ seem like a Buckeye. I know he has to be potlically correct in a lot of his answers but his reasons for comming to OSU seem to have very little to do with OSU, but more for himself. At least that was my first impression.

And what reasoning would you have to choose a school other than not for yourself?

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