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Bob and Tom on the ROCK?


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Don't matter, listen to these idiots untill about 1030ish...


go to their podcasts and download the bottom 5-6, you'll die laughing. They've won 'best morning show in America' several times. local philly outlet, but still funny as shit no matter who you are.

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Dude, Blazer and Moe were dousche bags. Bob and Tom aren't any better and I listen to Lex and Terry out of Texas. Never knew why they didn't try another syndicated show like what Dweez mentioned or what I listed here...

The station sucks. I drive all over and can't wait to get within the Cincy/Dayton markets for GREAT rock stations... 96.5, 102.7, 103.9, etc. We get prison raped on stations up here...

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Im not saying they are a great show to listen to... Im just wondering what happened. They just made the switch over to "The Rock" now they are switching shit all around.

I agree about the music, in general it does suck. If I have to listen to the radio I find myself on 106.7. Cant beat good ole WEBN tho!! :metal:

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Why arent Blazer and Moe on this morning? Anyone know whats going on?

i noticed that, too. bob and tom are also on 103.9.

the same super lame morning show consisting on two middle aged men laughing at themselves all morning, on two stations............how creative, columbus!

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let me guess, all you guys were broken hearted when stern went off the radio.... You actually thought THAT was comedy????? At least Bob and Tom have on different comedians.... not a bunch of lame ass jokes and exploiting women..... or being super crude all the damned time..... as far as the question, Bob and Tom are moving to 99.7 from 103.9 better signal for a syndicated program.... and I hated stern he was an idiot!! glad he's gone!!!

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P&S Haunted Whore Ride... came from a misunderstanding of a 'Horror Ride'


One of their 'Hottie Cams'


A stinky fridge they had in the Studio everyone hated


and a quick search of their YouTube vids.


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and are you talking about bubba the love sponge??? he started out in cinci on WEBN when I was still in high school.... I believe his motto was CRUDE, RUDE, and SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE..... which back then was funny, but I kinda grew outta the whole crudeness thing

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This pretty much sums it up for me:

Bob & Tom suck

By Jamahl Epsicokhan

I can’t stand the Bob & Tom radio show. If my radio happens to be on in the morning to a station that’s airing Bob & Tom, I am forced after about 30 seconds to change the station.

I write this as someone who knows basically nothing about Bob & Tom, their gags, their recurring jokes and/or guests, or what they have to say about anything. I don’t know what they say or do, because I can’t stand listening to them for more than 30 seconds.

I’m sure there are defenders of Bob & Tom out there. There must be some reason they have an audience. Maybe I’ll even hear from some of them. But all I have to say about Bob & Tom is that because of that incessant ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha false laugher, they are utterly unbearable. If you listen to them for 10 seconds, either Bob will laugh at Tom, Tom will laugh at Bob, one of them will laugh at himself, or one of them will laugh at their guest. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-*SMACK*. Shut the fuck UP.

I don’t buy it for a second. It’s all phony. They can’t possibly be really laughing that much. It’s all forced for our benefit.

Laugh tracks have a long history, most specifically on sitcoms. If you stop and think about a laugh track, it’s absurd: You’re watching a show where they’re trying to sell to you, via psychology, that something is funny, even if it’s not. (See, everyone else is laughing! You should be too!)

With Bob & Tom, the audience isn’t laughing; the performers are. All artifice is obvious, and it becomes insulting to your intelligence. Here are two guys laughing at everything that is said, as if it’s the funniest thing ever! And not only is it insulting to my intelligence, it’s just plain annoying. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!! Here are two guys who won’t shut up about how funny they are. Frankly, in real life, I find it suspicious when someone laughs at everything. I identify them as suck-ups, stupid, phony, or all of the above.

Because not everything is even close to that funny. Hell, barely 10 percent of it is.

How is it that the audience of this inane radio show hasn’t risen up and revolted against this blatantly stupid laughter that is attempting to con them into thinking Bob & Tom are funny? How does this show have any audience at all?

Maybe it’s the content. Maybe it really is funny. I seriously doubt it. But I’ll never stick around long enough to find out, because I’d be forced to kill myself.

Sorry Bro. :D:cheers:

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while I agree that the laugh track is annoying they do have on some pretty funny comedians, and their live shows are hilarious... take out the stupid commentary there is good comedy there... but hey, we all like to laugh so whatever tickles your funny bone, laugh it up fuzz ball!!!

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