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"On the go" speed trap warnings.


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Your mobile phone alerts you to upcoming speed traps.


I've been trying to come up with a way to do just this for awhile now. Looks like I was beaten to it. I think there will still be a few kinks to it (some of the same ones I was having a hard time conquering) but who knows. I haven't completely checked it out, yet due to time constraints.



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Escort 9500i does just that well its in beta stages. I have the 9500i and when I see a trap or a cop that usually sits there I push the GPS button and it will alert me as I get closer and closer to it in the future. Escort might have it out but I know it was in development about a year ago but you could upload your GPS points to their server and then load them to your device with other users mark coordinates.
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More info if your clicky finger is too broken to dig for it.



How Trapster™ Works and What Makes it Unique

When you see a trap, report it by pressing a button on your phone, or calling a toll free number. Other user's phones will alert them as they approach the trap. Trapster™ learns the credibility of traps based on how many users agree. It also learns the credibility of each user, over time.


Click Here to watch a demo video of Trapster™ (it works on many types of phones, Nokia is just one)


So how does it work? Our goal is to make it so simple that you don't need to know. But in case you are interested, it combines technologies such as GPS and wireless location, voice transcription, geocoding, reverse geocoding, and SMS, with a central database server. It communicates in real time, using the Internet.



A map of speed traps on a Web site will NOT help you avoid a ticket!

That same data loaded on your GPS phone or GPS unit won't either. Here's why:


1) Police are not stupid. They change the locations where they set up speed traps many times per day. Only real time data is useful. Trapster™ data is real time data.


2) Speed trap location data is only useful if you can actually use it. You can't just look on a map and memorize all the trap locations. Some Web sites allow download of data to phones or GPS units, but few users would actually ever do that, and the data is stale by the time you download and use it anyway (see "1" above!). Some sites even charge money for the data. Trapster™ continuously communicates with your mobile phone. There is no downloading, and data is never stale. And it's FREE. Of course, we are working to integrate it with other types of connected devices too.



Don't I need a bunch of users in my area before Trapster™ is effective?

No. Obviously the more users in your area, the better, but you only need a few active users in your area for Trapster™ live police reports to be effective. Get some friends to sign up! Why not? It's FREE! If you don't have any friends, we are very sorry to hear that, but the good news is that you can still set reminders about hiding spots or photo enforcement points for yourself, even if there are no other users in your area.



Aren't there already Web sites that list red light camera and speed trap locations?

Trapster™ isn't a Web site. It's a mobile phone application and real time speed trap sharing system that happens to also have a Web site. But yes. In fact there are at least twenty (20) popular Web sites that allow users to input locations of usual speed trap locations, red light cameras, speed cameras, and similar "Points Of Interest" (POI). Most are not new, they have existed for many years. They get a bunch of attention at first, and then just wither away, because they are simply not that useful in day to day life. Most of these allow you to export the data and upload it to a device such as a Garmin or TomTom GPS unit. But few users will ever do that. There are even dedicated devices that you can buy which have similar data preloaded, and perform the same function. RoadAngel and NavAlert come to mind.



Could pranksters or even the police themselves come up with ways to trick the system?

Of course. People can game eBay rankings or Google search ranks too, and they do. The algorithms are still useful and effective for the majority of users, the majority of the time. As far as Officers - they are way too busy to go to all that trouble. They don't take it nearly that seriously.



Isn't this fundamentally wrong or illegal or something?

Many large, publicly (Cobra, Uniden) and privately (Escort, Valentine) held companies earn either all or part of their revenue from radar and laser detectors and related products. These products are clearly intended to help consumers avoid getting a speeding ticket, and they are readily available at retail stores such as Costco and RadioShack.


If you are concerned you should probably check the laws in your state or country, but our lawyers don't think so. In fact, the police we've spoken with actually like the idea. It beeps, people slow down, they have met their objective, you save money on the ticket and insurance, and everyone is happy. The police can always find plenty of other people to issue violations to. People who don't use Trapster™, that is.


As far as the ethics of it all: Speed limits are listed as fixed, but enforced as guidelines. Here in Southern California where we are located, traffic never moves at or under the speed limit. Inconsistent, selective, and subjective enforcement practices create ambiguity. This means good-intentioned drivers often end up not only with a ticket, but confused and angry about why they were chosen. Unfortunately speed traps are sometimes created and enforced as intentionally deceptive revenue generators, but this is the exception rather than the rule. We think most police just want you to slow down. You can either have them pull you over to tell you that personally, or allow your phone the chance to save them the trouble.




Visit the links on the home page to get information about how to sign up and get Trapster™ on your mobile phone. We hope you decide to join our community! Please feel free to contact us for help at: Questions


Trapster.com is powered by AwareSpot™ - a mobile social networking technology that allows users to collaborate and create up-to-date, relevant geographic content. Patent pending. Copyright © 2007 by Tenereillo, Inc. all rights reserved. Contact Us

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