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Verizon People, when is this out...

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after 10 years, I am done with Nextel. I want to go with verizon, everyone i know has them, I want a voyager, but would wait until summer for this thing..."Samsung Glyde"




I know the article says late april early may, but is that a offical verizon quote?


maybe i should just go with att and get the iPhone :)



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thats not an official communication. Also the iphone is sweet but it has a lot of competition coming from the bigger cell phone companies


Like what?


Anything/everything I have seen still has the lame analogue feel, and would never take the place of my Iphone. The Voyager was supposed to be direct competition to the Iphone from my understanding, and although it is impressive for a Verizon phone, it still can't compare.


Unless something else comes out that is 100% touch screen and can offer what the Iphone does plus one, then it'll never be beat.. sorry to say it.



I thought long and hard about not having an Iphone anymore, and I don't think I could go back to a regular phone where you physically touch the buttons.. just couldn't do it. Not to mention new features and etc are constantly being introduced for the Iphone which always upgrade and allow more functions to be performed. You just can't do that with any other phone, this thing is so robust and perfect for just about anything.


The newest update for the Iphone is going to be really impressive from my understanding here in the next month or two, so we'll see :).

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XV6800 compared to the Iphone? Obsolete.


Wow you really have no clue..



PDAS have been doing what the iphone does and a hell of a lot more for YEARS!!



The iphone is nice but it doesn't even compare to a pocketpc

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Like what?


Anything/everything I have seen still has the lame analogue feel, and would never take the place of my Iphone.


You havnt seen them yet.



And like stated any pocket PC will dance circles around the iphone. The iphone was made for people that want a cell phone with "pda-like" functionality. The 6800 is more comparible to a laptop than the iphone.

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my friend has the iphone, and its nice but wouldnt ever give up my mogul for one. my mogul can do everything and anything the iphone can do, and more. and id rather have a full slide out keyboard then the touch keyboard. i installed a touch keyboard on my phone and hate it. and using it on my friends iphone i wanted to kill myself.
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