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Street racing standing still?


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thats fucking stupid that they have nothing better to do than issue bs tickets for sitting in a parking lot, its not like people arnt getting killed and drunk drivers, gang related violence, drugs, and other more serious shit going on then window tint. this just proves that they are scared of real crimes and violence and have to mess with something that isnt going to really fight back
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Thats bull what they did. What would we do in that situation? Is there really anything we could do?


Hey Ryan. It is bull what they did. In addition to being a shop owner, I happen to have some background in Forensic Science and have take several legal classes.....helps when people need out of tickets...lol. In Ohio, police CANNOT search a vehicle without probable cause...I.E. a dog hits on the car or you have committed a crime. Without probable cause, they can ask and you can refuse. If they illegally search your car, you can get any evidence collected as a result of thrown out but you have to know how to do it. Oh...btw citations for loud stereos are bulls**t. If you want to know how to get out of those let me know.


Nikki Ward

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Just a perfect example of police oversteping their bounds and causing more animosity between people and law enforcement agencies. Just because people are hanging out in a parking lot doesn't mean they are going to go street race.


There is a right way and a wrong way to try and reduce illegal street racing and this is the wrong way.


Well said. It's just another way for that retarded state to steal money from their citizens. What a load of bullshit. Fuck California

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