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OhioRiders.net stickers


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Can you buy them anywhere?

If so: where from, how much, what sizes, what colors?

The stickers are available from all area Kroger stores. They are near the cigarettes, 3.50 a piece with a Kroger Plus card.... :D Just kidding, the stickers are free and available from the admins and moderators of the site. Satan, CBRGirl, and Bornsinner are the ones that have them. The last they spoke of them they said they were in the process of ordering more, they passed out all of the first batch. They come in different colors, I know for sure red.

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You really had be on the Kroger thing there, I thought it sounded a bit odd but I was ready to stop off there on the way home..... I blame the lack of sleep.

Thats cool though, Free & red, perfect.

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Ok so now we have the new site thing with the new address will everyonenhave to change their stickers from ohioriders.net to ohio-riders.net?

Either way, when can us stickerless few get some? (red for me please)

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Okay the stickers are on order. We will get them to everyone once they are in. The name only changed through the software update and will return to just ohioriders.net soon. So relax on the sticker issues....

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Agreed. They're free. Wait.

As for the domain thing, OhioRiders.net is the official domain. However, for about three months now we also have Ohio-Riders.com and Ohio-Riders.net. While prepping the board and transferring hosting, I used Ohio-Riders.net. Now that the board is up and live, I've started the transfer of OhioRiders.net and Ohio-Riders.com. No idea how long it'll take to complete. Usually just a few days. Relax. It'll be up.

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I'm relaxed, It was just a simple question if the stickers would change or not.

I'm still up waiting for any replies to my post about my fender kit but nothing in quite a few hours so I guess I'll have a cowboys go at it in the morning, night all.

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