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614streets.com seeking volunteers

Guest 614Streets

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Guest 614Streets

I am looking for any content or Ideas to help expand this site. I would like to do alot of "interviews" with local car shops and enthuisiasts. I would love submissions of picture and modification list content for local cars , especially odd and unique cars.


As far as forums go I do not want to get into forums, as much as they generate tons of traffic I am shooting more towards local technical documentation, interviews, events coverage , news, local rides and builders. A local online magazine if you will.


A good example of this was a member of this forum Andrew Farkas submitted this content for me to be published. http://614streets.com/farkas.html


Now if I was a capital monster I would float and push for this by paying for content. I am not wanting to do this right now.


I did however today buy a new lift for my shop and for thoose helping out I can assure you that the help will not go unnoticed. :)


A good example for content would be if you are installing a bolt on part for your car or doing a custom modification , taking pictures and writing up a small how too for submission.


Another example is say you are working for a local tuning shop or you own a shop and you would like to have your business featured in a fun interview format , interviewing your boss and we will inturn host and promote the business. This 100% free advertisement and they format I seek is very personable and fun.


A good example of this format is http://www.614streets.com/grashel.html


I am also very open to web help as I never went to school for computers and the site is scratch built.


Little contributions and new content will help the site grow.


If your interested send me a PM with any ideas you may have for submissions.

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I would say that you have a lot of good ideas, but the first thing I would do would be get rid of the 420 girls ads.



Cause girls are ucky.......



I think the whole idea is a great thing. But might take some personal effort on your part to actually get some of the interviews with the tuner shops.


I think it would be a great advertising tool to see the answers from some of the shops and get to know who they are.


The write ups on the tech stuff would be pretty cool as well.

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Guest 614Streets
About the 420 girls. Its a affiliate banner and as of now its a good traffic tool for me. I want to see where people go after they come to the site. If 10% of the daily viewers click that affiliate banner I can see it. Now I am running an alldata affiliate as well and the 420girls will be converted to a automotive affiliate , I just havent found the right one yet. From a business standpoint I have had 1 420 girl affiliate payout already.
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About the 420 girls. Its a affiliate banner and as of now its a good traffic tool for me. I want to see where people go after they come to the site. If 10% of the daily viewers click that affiliate banner I can see it. Now I am running an alldata affiliate as well and the 420girls will be converted to a automotive affiliate , I just havent found the right one yet. From a business standpoint I have had 1 420 girl affiliate payout already.


I clicked it to see if it was real. I can't believe there is a website about girls smoking weed.


It shouldn't be a matter of who generates traffic on your site, it would be a good decision as a webmaster to look for something else to support you. It may not generate the same pay as, say a porn site, but it looks better in general.

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About the 420 girls. Its a affiliate banner and as of now its a good traffic tool for me. I want to see where people go after they come to the site. If 10% of the daily viewers click that affiliate banner I can see it. Now I am running an alldata affiliate as well and the 420girls will be converted to a automotive affiliate , I just havent found the right one yet. From a business standpoint I have had 1 420 girl affiliate payout already.


That's all well and good, but if you want to be taken seriously as a business it seems that I and everyone else feels that pot smoking chicks aren't the best business affiliate. Running something more automotive related is definitely the way to go.


From an online magazine standpoint I wish you luck. It takes a lot of dedication to the cause to keep the site updated and 'fresh'. IMO there are already a million FAQ sites online with pictures so your probably not going to be doing anything new there. Why not try to enhance your e-commerce page with some links to the proper methods of applying the detailing product along with links to recommended microfiber towels...etc? Some before-after pictures of cars detailed with the product?

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Guest 614Streets
Why not try to enhance your e-commerce page with some links to the proper methods of applying the detailing product along with links to recommended microfiber towels...etc? Some before-after pictures of cars detailed with the product?


Well in may I have the chance to film a commercial for my superkote , I have friends that produce and run adult businesses , I was recently out west building a few sets and doing carpentry for one of the companies and they offered to produce a commercial video of my product. So that is there.

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Guest 614Streets
Mmm poooorrrrnnnnn lol j.k


Ur on a good track man but do u have someone that's gonna be able to spend a shit ton of time on this? If its u thatsa big load especially if u have a shop good luck to u eathier way man



No but I plan on paying for help and expansion eventually. Money talks.

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In my free time I shoot photography and write...........


I'd be stoked to submit some free work of interviews...


Id ask questions people are scared to ask like


"Whats your favorite strip club and if you could would you go there instead of a night of racing?"


"If you could steal any of your friends car wich one would it be and why?"



I like to do funny interviews make people laugh but at the same time inform.

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Guest 614Streets
In my free time I shoot photography and write...........


I'd be stoked to submit some free work of interviews...


Id ask questions people are scared to ask like


"Whats your favorite strip club and if you could would you go there instead of a night of racing?"


"If you could steal any of your friends car wich one would it be and why?"



I like to do funny interviews make people laugh but at the same time inform.



Honestly this is what I am looking for in an interview format to some extent.

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