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Update on Mt. Vernon Teacher (John Freshwater).


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I brought this up in the original thread. You have to wait and see if ay evidence is found to support said claims. Knowing people doesn't count. Im sure plenty of people knew someone guilty of *whatever* and they said they weren't despite the evidence. That said I don't think I've heard about anything conclusive as far as hard facts are concerned, just hearsay from both sides. If true than that teacher can go fuck himself. If not than students are lying for attention. Have to wait for facts. Though in light of the situation, its kind of funny to hear christians use the term "witchhunt".
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I brought this up in the original thread. You have to wait and see if ay evidence is found to support said claims. Knowing people doesn't count. Im sure plenty of people knew someone guilty of *whatever* and they said they weren't despite the evidence. That said I don't think I've heard about anything conclusive as far as hard facts are concerned, just hearsay from both sides. If true than that teacher can go fuck himself. If not than students are lying for attention. Have to wait for facts. Though in light of the situation, its kind of funny to hear christians use the term "witchhunt".

lol I supposedly have relatives on my mother's father's side from the NE who were burned for being witches. That's why they named me Christian. Keep me hidden from the real Christians. lol ;)


Ok, the last statement I might've made up.


As far as the teacher goes, that's some bad 'religious folk' publicity. Terrible if it's all true as his follies will reflect on Christianity (not helping the cause) much like ricers reflect on all of us. :mad:

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There is no place what so ever for religion in schools or government. The guy might be the best damn teacher in the country but if he broke the rules, then fire him.


I have no problem with religion as long as it's not crammed down my throat.... I do however have a problem with teachers that break the rules.

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There is no place what so ever for religion in schools or government. The guy might be the best damn teacher in the country but if he broke the rules, then fire him.


I have no problem with religion as long as it's not crammed down my throat.... I do however have a problem with teachers that break the rules.





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It is a good thing the founding fathers felt different



You're obviously religious... Why do you think religion should be allowed in schools and government? Also I'm curious to your interpretation of the rule to keep religion out of schools/government. Why do you think it was put in place to begin with?


Not trying to start an argument, just trying to get the perspective of a religious man.

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I"m religious (and suck at it), but I agree no religion has any place in a public school. If the teacher wants a bible or whatever on his desk thats fine, but no teaching it.


Also government should have no position on it other than don't teach it.


If someone feels they need to make it part of their lesson plans then they need to get a job at a private church school.



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You're obviously religious... Why do you think religion should be allowed in schools and government? Also I'm curious to your interpretation of the rule to keep religion out of schools/government. Why do you think it was put in place to begin with?


Not trying to start an argument, just trying to get the perspective of a religious man.

Oh to the contrary,


I don't want kids being taught religion in public schools. If the public school teach the bible you will have every Tom, Dick and Harry teaching kids bad doctrine. Having a teacher tell my kids that you have to do the sacraments to get to heaven, be baptized, or can lose your salvation would be bad, we teach our children different. I think it should be left to the parents to do that job.


Restricting the teachers right to display the bible in an fashion is not right. We would not tell a Sikh to remove his head dress. Or a native American to take down his dream catcher. So why pick on the bible? Disrupting the majority to satisfy the minority is a bad idea.


The bible is offensive to the unsaved, it was to me too at one time. get saved and "you" wont be offended anymore. ;)




The constitution gives you freedom OF religion, not FROM religion!

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The guy is a bible thumper, not just displaying a bible on his desk. If it was just that I would say whatever, but the guy is leading prayers to remove "the devil" from one of the students, asking if he can burn crosses on students arms (being an authority figure so children don't want to disappoint so they go along), And has had other run ins with the school policies. Truthfully he is not painting a good picture for Christianity I would hope we would agree, I would be surprised if Dr. Rick defends this guy, but if you do Rick, I guess that is your right. IMO this guy is a Christian extremist, no different than the Muslim kind. I mean what teacher wants to burn his students with a Tesla coil? I don't give a fuck if I don't understand it, there is a common sense rule here.....
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The guy is a bible thumper, not just displaying a bible on his desk. If it was just that I would say whatever, but the guy is leading prayers to remove "the devil" from one of the students, asking if he can burn crosses on students arms (being an authority figure so children don't want to disappoint so they go along), And has had other run ins with the school policies. Truthfully he is not painting a good picture for Christianity I would hope we would agree, I would be surprised if Dr. Rick defends this guy, but if you do Rick, I guess that is your right. IMO this guy is a Christian extremist, no different than the Muslim kind. I mean what teacher wants to burn his students with a Tesla coil? I don't give a fuck if I don't understand it, there is a common sense rule here.....

I have several students as patients and several more attend our church. The media is overplaying this.


The ONLY time that Mr. Freshwater preaches is at the Fellowship of Christian Athlets (FCA) meetings. This is not a school sponsored activity. Area pastors also preach at these meetings too.


IMHO any Christian that stands up for the bible, does not bow down to the liberal left and the ACLU would be an extremist to you.

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Children are impressionable, no need for that stuff going on until they are of adult age. Sunday school is for learning the Bible. Burn arms there all you want with parent signed waivers. This guy seems like a freaking twisted pedophile to me. Burning crosses on children's arms, come on.
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I have several students as patients and several more attend our church. The media is overplaying this.


The ONLY time that Mr. Freshwater preaches is at the Fellowship of Christian Athlets (FCA) meetings. This is not a school sponsored activity. Area pastors also preach at these meetings too.


IMHO any Christian that stands up for the bible, does not bow down to the liberal left and the ACLU would be an extremist to you.


I have to redirect you to my post above. "Overplaying" by the media, is hardly an apt description if the alleged is true. Saying you "know" people doesn't mean anything if there are facts to the contrary. Of course it could be false, and just hyperbole and hopefully that comes out soon. Remember, when the catholics were busy buggering their alter boys, everyone in the church said, "I know Priest "...", he wouldn't do that. Riiiiight.

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I have to redirect you to my post above. "Overplaying" by the media, is hardly an apt description if the alleged is true. Saying you "know" people doesn't mean anything if there are facts to the contrary. Of course it could be false, and just hyperbole and hopefully that comes out soon. Remember, when the catholics were busy buggering their alter boys, everyone in the church said, "I know Priest "...", he wouldn't do that. Riiiiight.

I am just relaying what the student that are in his class say. I think they would know if this was true. I get the same story from multiple people. You just keep trusting the media, they never twist the truth, or miss lead people. (remember George's wreck?) The difference between you and I, I believe the multiple students and you believe what 10tv says.

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The kid said he did it on the freakin news, he was interviewed, the kid said he didn't want to make the teacher mad..... I'm going by what the KID said ON THE NEWS! Not Andrea Camburn's mouth, someone get that bitch a samich BTW! What story did you watch?
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I am just relaying what the student that are in his class say. I think they would know if this was true. I get the same story from multiple people. You just keep trusting the media, they never twist the truth, or miss lead people. (remember George's wreck?) The difference between you and I, I believe the multiple students and you believe what 10tv says.


Hardly ... the difference between you and I, is that I prefer evidence over opinion. Its that simple. I trust just about no one on word alone, particularly pertaining to two-sided stories. It endearing how you can assume I believe everything blindly that comes from the TV screen, yet you're the religous one, not me. I actually prefer to have evidence. You just keep trusting your pastor though, they never twist the truth, or mislead anyone. (remember Benny Hinn)

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Hardly ... the difference between you and I, is that I prefer evidence over opinion. Its that simple. I trust just about no one on word alone, particularly pertaining to two-sided stories. It endearing how you can assume I believe everything blindly that comes from the TV screen, yet you're the religous one, not me. I actually prefer to have evidence. You just keep trusting your pastor though, they never twist the truth, or mislead anyone. (remember Benny Hinn)

Teachers, doctors, philosophers, scientists, Darwin, astrologists, historians, experts, anthropologists? Chances are, you've taken someone's word that people/things you've never seen do actually exist.

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Teachers, doctors, philosophers, scientists, Darwin, astrologists, historians, experts, anthropologists? Chances are, you've taken someone's word that people/things you've never seen do actually exist.


Agreed, but those are not comparable examples to a highschool students story of what may or may not have occurred. Particularly when you have multiple stories being told. Therefore you can only have a determinate answer if facts are involved. This would actually end up being in the teachers favor, as this evidence, if it exists, would not be easy to produce. The funny thing is I'm being told Im some of sort of media sheep, because Im asking for facts ! The truth is I have about as much trust for the national media as I do every powerful entity (government, religion,pharmaceutical companies). Which is needless to say, very little. Just look at the same story as reported by CNN compared to Fox News, the stories may be the same, but the spin is where similarity faultlines. Sure I've listened to people/instituions/whatever about *whatever*, but more often than not I ask questions about method/repeatabilty/theory.

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One of my favorite songs about Christianity and the thumpers:

He had alot to say.

He had alot of nothing to say.

Well miss him. (2x)

Were gonna miss him (2x)


So long.

We wish you well.

You told us how you werent afraid to die.

Well then, so long.

Dont cry.

Or feel too down.

Not all martyrs see divinity.

But at least you tried.


Standing above the crowd,

He had a voice that was strong and loud.

Well miss him. (2x)

Ranting and pointing his finger

At everything but his heart.

Well miss him. (2x)

Were gonna miss him (2x)


No way to recall

What it was that you had said to me,

Like I care at all.


But it was so loud.

You sure could yell.

You took a stand on every little thing

And so loud.


Standing above the crowd,

He had a voice so strong and loud and i

Swallowed his facade cuz Im so

Eager to identify with

Someone above the ground,

Someone who seemed to feel the same,

Someone prepared to lead the way, with

Someone who would die for me.


Will you?

Will you now?

Would you die for me?

Dont you fuckin lie.


Dont you step out of line. (3x)

Dont you fuckin lie.


Youve claimed all this time that you would die for me.

Why then are you so surprised when you hear your own eulogy?


You had alot to say.

You had alot of nothing to say.


Come down.

Get off your fuckin cross.

We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr.


To ascend you must die.

You must be crucified

For your sins and your lies. [sic]


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