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Update on Mt. Vernon Teacher (John Freshwater).


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Teachers, doctors, philosophers, scientists, Darwin, astrologists, historians, experts, anthropologists? Chances are, you've taken someone's word that people/things you've never seen do actually exist.

Spot on!

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Freshwater should remove his bible as soon as the schools stop putting up posters in the biology class room of evolution. Both are part of religions.


The difference between science and religion is simply this, if a theory comes along that better explains (insert whatever is being explained) than the scientific community will collectively change their point of views. However the opposite is true of religion, in which regardless of evidence introduced the premise of the entire concept is based upon having faith. Faith is valued as a virtue. Even if we prove evolution exists (to a degee we can, just not inter-species evolution at this point) tomorrow, the religious world would still choose to ignore it. Thats fine, to each their own. As a matter of fact I am not against teaching the Theory of Creationism along side the Theory of Evolution in schools, as long as creationism encompasses the entire spectrum of divine intelligence. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, monotheistic, and polytheistic alike.

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I have no opinion what-so-ever on this new crap with the teacher. Haven't read anything about.


But this shit pisses me off.


The constitution gives you freedom OF religion, not FROM religion!

I've heard that quote so many fucking times that every time I hear it repeated, I want to beat someone to death with their own hymnal. I am sick of this stupid anti-atheist bullshit you seem to have stuck in your head, or crammed up your ass.


Here's a couple hard facts for you.

Atheism has never been the cause of a war.

Atheism has never been used as an excuse for murder.

Atheism has never inspired genocide.

Atheism has never lured anyone into a suicide cult.


I could go on all fucking day with lists of horrifying evils and atrocities commited in the name of one religion or another. And BTW, Christianity is gonna play one of the larger roles on that list. Want a list of crimes commited in the name of atheism? It's gonna be real goddam short.


You know what atheists want? We don't want religion wiped out. We don't want children told there is no God. What atheists want is to be left the fuck alone.

What we want is a guarantee that religion will not be pushed on us. I don't want my kids to be forced to learn creationism. I don't want my kids singled out because they're not praying when everyone else in class is. I also don't want my kids being told to pray five times a day facing Mecca, or that if they're bad, Karma will reincarnate them as a Yak.


Let the man have his Bible. Only idiots think a book has the power to influence someone who doesn't read it.

But as soon as he picks it up, opens it, and quotes from it, OUT THE FUCKING DOOR.



Fucking /thread.

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I have no opinion what-so-ever on this new crap with the teacher. Haven't read anything about.


But this shit pisses me off.


I've heard that quote so many fucking times that every time I hear it repeated, I want to beat someone to death with their own hymnal. I am sick of this stupid anti-atheist bullshit you seem to have stuck in your head, or crammed up your ass.


Here's a couple hard facts for you.

Atheism has never been the cause of a war.

Atheism has never been used as an excuse for murder.

Atheism has never inspired genocide.

Atheism has never lured anyone into a suicide cult.


Fucking /thread.

Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung (They murdered 46 million people) the list goes on of famous atheist that were very nice people. Including you. Seems like you are the only one saying violent things.


BTW you need to get the difference between Christianity and Catholicism, The Catholics are responsible for the crusades, and alot of other "wars"


Ps. God Loves you, true story!

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The difference between science and religion is simply this, if a theory comes along that better explains (insert whatever is being explained) than the scientific community will collectively change their point of views. However the opposite is true of religion, in which regardless of evidence introduced the premise of the entire concept is based upon having faith. Faith is valued as a virtue. Even if we prove evolution exists (to a degee we can, just not inter-species evolution at this point) tomorrow, the religious world would still choose to ignore it. Thats fine, to each their own. As a matter of fact I am not against teaching the Theory of Creationism along side the Theory of Evolution in schools, as long as creationism encompasses the entire spectrum of divine intelligence. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, monotheistic, and polytheistic alike.

The American Biology Teacher, volume 35, number 3, March 1973, page 129) "Evolution is a light which illuminates all facts, a trajectory which all lines of thought must follow."


John 8:12:KJV


12Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.


Both sound like a religion!

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I don't want my kids singled out because they're not praying when everyone else in class is.

So we(the MAJORITY) should be suppressed by you (the MINORITY)? Tough, go cry to someone else.


If you truly believe in your heart that what you believe is right you should not have a problem with you or your kids being the lone people.

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Uh.... that biology book was from 1973..... 1973.............. 35 years ago?



Oh wait, you still believe in a 2000 year old book.





Please go smoke more pot!

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Rick, I respect your "staying power", but I've gotta say, some of your comments of late seem more to do more with the semantics, and the attacks thereof, of speech/writing than a viable defense. Especially, some of your 'comparisons'. You seem to be stretching it a bit. I think you know what I mean. Others do it, as well. So, given the benefit of doubt, I guess I understand, though it doesn't help your case. Not that there is 'a case' here at this point :p since these threads seem to be over by the first page, anyway. ;)


Here's another pic for no real reason.


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anyone who believes in christ = christians just becuase a particular sect of your religon; catholics in this instance, make things look bad doesn't mean you get to discount them.

According to historical evidence, the thing you liberals hold so closely, Christ was a real person. Technically, that makes everyone who is educated a Christian, by your viewpoint.

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Rick, I respect your "staying power", but I've gotta say, some of your comments of late seem more to do more with the semantics, and the attacks thereof, of speech/writing than a viable defense. Especially, some of your 'comparisons'. You seem to be stretching it a bit. I think you know what I mean. Others do it, as well. So, given the benefit of doubt, I guess I understand, though it doesn't help your case. Not that there is 'a case' here at this point :p since these threads seem to be over by the first page, anyway. ;)



This has nothing to do with semantics. For a person to lump the devastation the Catholic has caused through history,among the label as "Christian cased" is just not historically accurate. If you remember I was raised Catholic, I am very familiar with the history of the "church". I do know Catholics that are saved people, but that is very rare.


To lump them into the label as Christian, is not accurate. I know that may hurt people feeling, and I apologize ahead of time, but it is the truth. I do not consider Catholics Christians, just as I don't consider Mormans,or Jehovah Witness Christians either.


This has nothing to do with my denomination being better than others. I believe that I will see plenty of other people from various denominations in heaven.

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According to historical evidence, the thing you liberals hold so closely, Christ was a real person. Technically, that makes everyone who is educated a Christian, by your viewpoint.

I am glad you could figure our what he said. ;)

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WTF do you mean "I know a very few catholics who are saved"? Do they have a special armband that they wear that denotes them as saved, or are you giving yourself god's supposed powers of final judgement to help out your argument? Are you blaming the millions of catholics who werent involved in the child rapings or past wars for the mistakes of the catholics who were? I'm actually confused here, and I think anyone else who thinks for themselves would be too.


The problem with christianity is that there are so many different variations, interpretations, and grey areas that it makes it completely ridiculous for anyone to claim that they are "correct" or "saved"...



By the way, is it just me, or does it seem like every time I make a good point you just say something about pot? Kinda like any time anyone brings up something that could possibly disprove the existence of god, religious people just cover their ears and yell 'YOU HASTA HAVE FAITH!1!!1!"

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I am glad you could figure our what he said. ;)


Im glad he could figure our what he said too. LOL


Though seriously, I think he was talking about belief in Jesus as a savior and not nessesarily a man that existed at some point in time. Although that is arguable as well. However I do admit there is evidence outside of Christianity that discusses Jesus, like Roman historians recount of Pilots activities.


Regardless of what you believe I think its safe to say that if the teacher burned crosses in students arms than he should be fired. With undeniable evidence only, of course. Anyone protecting a teacher doing that I call un-christian, as the bible clearly states the body is a temple. Not to be purposefully harmed. Now we have to wait and see what surfaces.

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Regardless of what you believe I think its safe to say that if the teacher burned crosses in students arms than he should be fired. With undeniable evidence only, of course. Anyone protecting a teacher doing that I call un-christian, as the bible clearly states the body is a temple. Not to be purposefully harmed. Now we have to wait and see what surfaces.

+1, though I think if he ever promoted anything other than approved material for education, he should be fired.


In 2nd grade, I had a teacher that would shut the door each morning and have everyone gather and say a prayer. This was a public school of course, so my principal used to try to catch him and never could. I couldn't have cared less, though, because while everyone was closing their eyes I was macking on the girl next to me. :cool:

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So we(the MAJORITY) should be suppressed by you (the MINORITY)? Tough, go cry to someone else.


If you truly believe in your heart that what you believe is right you should not have a problem with you or your kids being the lone people.


Can you read, jackass?


Like I said, you want your kids to learn your religion, send them to Sunday school, or even put them in a private school. Or teach them yourself. Religious instruction is the JOB of the church, and if yours doesn't do a good enough job, maybe you need to find a new one.


And I don't give a shit about being alone, but being singled out is not the same as being alone. You know damned well exactly what I mean.


BTW, your examples of so-called "atheists" are so far from the mark, they only serve to demonstrate your total ignorance of what the word atheism means.

Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao Tse Tung were NOT atheists. They were ANTI-religious, which atheists are NOT.

Atheists simply do not believe in gods or higher beings. A person who advocates the suppression or eradication of religion far exceeds the definition of an atheist.


Do yourself a favor, pull your face out of the Bible for a little while and find out what it is that you are arguing against before you make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

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