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Update on Mt. Vernon Teacher (John Freshwater).


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Can you read, jackass?


Like I said, you want your kids to learn your religion, send them to Sunday school, or even put them in a private school. Or teach them yourself. Religious instruction is the JOB of the church, and if yours doesn't do a good enough job, maybe you need to find a new one.


And I don't give a shit about being alone, but being singled out is not the same as being alone. You know damned well exactly what I mean.


BTW, your examples of so-called "atheists" are so far from the mark, they only serve to demonstrate your total ignorance of what the word atheism means.

Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao Tse Tung were NOT atheists. They were ANTI-religious, which atheists are NOT.

Atheists simply do not believe in gods or higher beings. A person who advocates the suppression or eradication of religion far exceeds the definition of an atheist.


Do yourself a favor, pull your face out of the Bible for a little while and find out what it is that you are arguing against before you make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.


I can read just fine. You are the one that is making an A$$ of yourself. Go check your history books. Those that I listed fall within the definition that you just gave of an atheist.


Obviously being the "odd man out" must bother you otherwise you would not be getting so upset. I have done street evangelism, and door to door evangelism, I understand being the "odd man out". It does not bother me at all.


With regard to me pulling my head out of a bible. I spent 31 years of my life without the bible, I like life better with the bible, thank you. It seems you may want to put your head in one, it will help you with your anger problems.

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Hmm, I've written 3 completely different pages of stuff here and deleted each and every one. I've decided to go with something comical (to me anyway and really, isn't that all that matters) since whatever's typed here is wasted anyway. :p



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I can read just fine. You are the one that is making an A$$ of yourself. Go check your history books. Those that I listed fall within the definition that you just gave of an atheist.


Atheists simply do not believe in gods or higher beings. A person who advocates the suppression or eradication of religion far exceeds the definition of an atheist.



Can you read, jackass?


Guess you answered my question. Maybe YOU need to crack a history book, AND a dictionary. For damn sure you need to work on reading comprehension.


But I'm done with you. You obviously are incapable of accepting any argument that doesn't fit into your own delusional worldview.

I know you'll come back and reply to this statement with some repetition of your previous statements, and I know you'll believe that having the last word means you've won. Guess what, staying behind to scream at an empty room doesn't do anything to sway the person who's just left.


Here's what it boils down to. Regardless of your beliefs, the decision to teach evolution in schools was made years ago, and it's not going to be changed in my lifetime or the lifetime of my children, should I have any.



BTW, door to door evangelism? You just lumped yourself in with the Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons as being one of those annoying nut-jobs that most of the country just wants to go away.

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the lifetime of my children, should I have any.


Please prove Darwin right!



BTW, door to door evangelism? You just lumped yourself in with the Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons as being one of those annoying nut-jobs that most of the country just wants to go away.


Very rarely do I ever encounter someone like you. Most people are very gracious and thank us for coming bye. I have seen many lives change.


Nothing is better in life than to see, a drug addict, homosexual, etcetera, we have witnessed to come to church and get their life straight.We have many in our church that have addiction problems that God is helping. Most have came to the church through door to door evangelism. I am not afraid to stand alone so you don't bother me at all.


We cant be anymore annoying than the liberal agenda that is pumped to your home in the form of TV, that you pay for. So if you think about it, you are paying for a secularist to come to your home daily and evangelize. lol

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According to historical evidence, the thing you liberals hold so closely, Christ was a real person. Technically, that makes everyone who is educated a Christian, by your viewpoint.



aah I should have chosen my words more carefully and said christ as the son of god good catch


and if choosing not to follow a religon makes me liberal......


if I can't see it, taste it, touch it, hear it, or smell it I don't see much reason to believe in it

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aah I should have chosen my words more carefully and said christ as the son of god good catch


and if choosing not to follow a religon makes me liberal......


if I can't see it, taste it, touch it, hear it, or smell it I don't see much reason to believe in it





Yopu just have to believe, kuz if you dont, youre gonna spend forever and ever and ever and ever and ever in a giant piut of fire with whatever your worst fear is. Forever.




So, are there atheist dinosaurs in Hell? Cavemen?

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Please prove Darwin right!





Very rarely do I ever encounter someone like you. Most people are very gracious and thank us for coming bye. I have seen many lives change.


Nothing is better in life than to see, a drug addict, homosexual, etcetera, we have witnessed to come to church and get their life straight.We have many in our church that have addiction problems that God is helping. Most have came to the church through door to door evangelism. I am not afraid to stand alone so you don't bother me at all.


We cant be anymore annoying than the liberal agenda that is pumped to your home in the form of TV, that you pay for. So if you think about it, you are paying for a secularist to come to your home daily and evangelize. lol


Quick couple questions:

Are you saying homosexualism is an addiction and something that can be "fixed"?

Was the statement, "...get their life straight.", intended as a pun?


Wtf, Rick. Sometimes you say the craziest shit. :D And of course, only the first question is serious. BTW, god isn't helping them (not referring to homosexuals), anymore than god helps a boxer win a match, a lotto ticket a winner, or the father sobbing and clutching his little child praying they'll survive after having been hit in the street. It's a crutch they use to help themselves through troubling times. Hope, something bigger to believe in, whatever you wanna call it. If that's what you need to help and persevere, then by all means.

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