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Cigarette burn

Chad is Dead

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I got burnt w/ a cigarette last night and didn't figure to much of it. But this morning I have a big bubble on my arm and it looks like its filled w/ puss or something. So my question is, can I pop it w/ a needle? Or should I leave it alone? And any special way to keep it from scarring?
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Don't pop the sucker, the blister forms for a reason, to help with healing. If you do, it will take a bit longer to heal up and the scar could end up being worse and could lead to the possibility of a pretty nasty infection. But if you do go ahead and pop it just make sure to keep that fucker clean as you can.


I have had my share of these damn burns, and my best advice is to just keep the area clean. Put some ointment on it, antibacterial stuff and what not, and try your best not to screw around with it. Just give it time.

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I've got an idea. Why don't we all wait and see what the doctor on here has to say? Kirk, what should he do?


I'm not a doctor in real life but I protray one on T.V. and I say pop it, remove the streched skin and keep it clean and it will be fine.

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I'm not a doctor in real life but I protray one on T.V. and I say pop it, remove the streched skin and keep it clean and it will be fine.


When I began reading your post, I thought it was going to say this:


I'm not a doctor in real life, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night"

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Thanks for the link. I think I'm just gonna leave it alone right now and if it doesn't pop on its own I"ll poke it w/ a clean needle and put ointment on it.

A burn blister is different than a common blister on the hand. Don't pop it. Just run down to an urgent care if it is that bad. Infection is your worst enemy.


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If you have bistering skin from a burn, DO NOT POP THE BLISTER! DO NOT PUT ANY OINTMENT on it. You have a 2nd to 3rd degree burn there. Look it up and learn what you are to do. If I remember right from my Boy Scout days, you can wrap it loosely but again, don't pop or put ointment on it. Let it heal on its own. If it becomes a problem, go to Urgent care or your doctor.
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don't pop it. put neosporin on it, and keep it covered. replace bandage once daily and check for signs of infection. if it starts draining pus, if you start to have fevers, or if the burn develops redness around it (not a small area of redness, but a large area that is red and warm), go to the E.R.
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Tha is for a FRICTION blister, not a burn, and is absolutely the WRONG way to treat a burn.


Do not use ointment of any kind. Wash it lightly with water, then take your ass to a doctor if it's any bigger than about 1/4".

If it's smaller than that, leave it alone. Keep it clean and uncovered and if it starts to show signs of an infection GO TO THE DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.


Cigarette burns are one of the nastier burns you can get because they leave ashes in the burn, and those can even get permanently embedded under the skin when it heals, leaving behind a "tattoo". Until then, they're foreign matter in a wound, and can cause really nasty infections.

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Guest Hal
don't pop it. put neosporin on it, and keep it covered. replace bandage once daily and check for signs of infection. if it starts draining pus, if you start to have fevers, or if the burn develops redness around it (not a small area of redness, but a large area that is red and warm), go to the E.R.

The fuck do you know?!?! You act like you went to med school :rolleyes:

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