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Female drivers FTL

Dammit Charlie

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Well last night me and my fiance went to Borders to pick up a magazine or two till since the weather was crap. We took me ''new'' daily driver, 1998 SVT Contour. I bought the car because it ''was'' mint. Not anymore...


The second we pull in to the parking spot a women in a orange zx2 pulls in right next to use. She throws her door open and puts a nice 4'' scuff in the side of the passenger door. She notices what she did and saw that we were in the car, then proceeds to run in to borders and hides.


WTF? Even my fiance wanted to curb stomp her...

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I had a a S40 Volvo Pass me in the left lane in the underground tunnel turn getting on from 161 to 270S at a high rate of speed, I was not going slow by anymeans. I was like Huh? :wtf: Keep in mind it was raining pretty good too. I like to play in the wet conditions too. :o SO I speed up a little to the driver and believe it was a woman who gives me a thumbs up! :eek: :eek: At 6:50 am there were not too many others awake, let alone out driving. No cell phone that I could see, both hands on the wheel, I swore I was dreaming! There are some skilled women out there! I have not seen many. http://www.columbusdiscgolf.com/images/Smilies/Cheers.gif to her!
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Oh trust me I made her evening worse. I went in to try to find this girl and give her a piece of my mind, and couldn't find her. SO i never got to her...






I did copy her license plate number down and the second I got back out to my car I call the local police department. I reported her in as a potential DUI candidate.

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i would have found her, and called the police. or at least filed a police report. you should still do that. i have a $0 deductible on my comprehensive coverage. you have to file a police report to have your insurance fix the damage if that's what you want.


she probably got off scott free

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Oh trust me I made her evening worse. I went in to try to find this girl and give her a piece of my mind, and couldn't find her. SO i never got to her...






I did copy her license plate number down and the second I got back out to my car I call the local police department. I reported her in as a potential DUI candidate.


You'd make a terrible superhero.

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Oh trust me I made her evening worse. I went in to try to find this girl and give her a piece of my mind, and couldn't find her. SO i never got to her...






I did copy her license plate number down and the second I got back out to my car I call the local police department. I reported her in as a potential DUI candidate.


wow... LAME.


You should probably just cut your balls off and mail them back to god, I dont think you deserve them.

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Oh trust me I made her evening worse. I went in to try to find this girl and give her a piece of my mind, and couldn't find her. SO i never got to her...






I did copy her license plate number down and the second I got back out to my car I call the local police department. I reported her in as a potential DUI candidate.


Wow. Fail.

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I don't condone doing anything to anyone's car, but I tell you what, some stupid c-unit does that to any of my cars and runs off, her car is getting my foot into the door, the window, keyed, I don't give a fuck what. You don't do that to a person's car, consciously know what you did, then run off without apologizing and attempting to make it right... :mad:
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I did copy her license plate number down and the second I got back out to my car I call the local police department. I reported her in as a potential DUI candidate.



Woah Jonny Danger-



The second they got off the phone- the dispatcher likely chucked to herself, and went on with her day. You effectively did nothing. You should not have left the scene until your situation was rectified.



Enjoy your dent.

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I don't condone doing anything to anyone's car, but I tell you what, some stupid c-unit does that to any of my cars and runs off, her car is getting my foot into the door, the window, keyed, I don't give a fuck what. You don't do that to a person's car, consciously know what you did, then run off without apologizing and attempting to make it right... :mad:


seriously, she would not have been able to drive her car out of the parking lot that night.

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Was it Marion Jones or something? She must have been fast, I mean clearly she must not have had heels on, for her to "lose" you and all. She must be lightening fast running into the Barnes and Noble, or do you park in the handicap spots?


BTW I thought Marion Jones was in prison?

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are you sure you weren't born w/ a vagina? that has to be one of the most unalpha bitch moves i've ever heard of. the fucking bitch swung her door into urs then walked into a place and lost you while you watched this whole thing go down? what the fuck is wrong w/ u. untuck that wad outta ur ass u call a sack and take care of business. I don't care if I had a shit car and somebody did that to me, i'd still catch they're ass or river dance on they're car. just thinkin about how ppl get away with that shit is makin me mad. lol :mad:
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Wow, you let her get away with it.


I would have called the cops. If they said they could do nothing because it was private property, I'd simply state that's fine, I'm grabbing my tire iron and bashing the shit out of her car. I mean, it's private property, right?


Opps, my tire iron fell into the car about 50 times. Clumsy me.

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I know probably nothing with happen out of it. It was on technically private property where it happened, so I don't think calling the cops for a hit and run would have made any sense.

Nevermind all these guys imasculating you, you don't has a vaj... you're just a fuckign idiot.


Call the cops, tell them that the bitch damaged your car and to send some one out to take a statement. They can't assign fault in a parking lot collision, but they can adress damage and destruction of property. If there is property damage, they HAVE to show up and take a report. She fucked up your car and she has to pay for it. Call it vandalism.


Honestly dude, that was just stupid. How much is it going cost to fix that damage? More than the worth of the time you saved by not doing anything.

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I would have pulled my car out and behind her to block her in, and sat patiently until she decided to come out. Hell, have your fiance go in and get you a magazine to read while you wait.


That, or I would have just swung my door open as hard as I could into hers. Whenever I drive a beater somewhere, I always check to see if some numbnut has dinged me, because I could care less if it hurts my door dinging them back... and it will teach them a valuable lesson. People are so oblivious to the world around them, it infuriates me.

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If it was me I would of called the cops and told them I need someone to come out to write up a report. I would wait in the parking lot.


You know you could of just put a knife in her wheels and call it a day... I always have a sharp knife on me when I leave the house.

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Some bitch hit the Cobra on private property at my old apartment. She left the car there. Jumped out and had someone pick her up. I called the cops, they came out. Assessed the situation. Hit and run had her go to court, impounded the car. I was still not pleased, i wanted to have her throw in jail for the night (she was drunk and popping pills).
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