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Sidney Crosby + Truck (NHL fans)


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Well I'm a pretty big Pittsburgh Penguin fan so I had to do something to show off. Here are a few pictures of my Truck....






My G/F and I were at the 1st day of training camp last year for the Penguins. We were in town for the weekend to watch the new talent (Jordan Stalls 1st season and Malkins) we had a hotel and the next day we were going to visit my family and then to Kennywood Park (an amusment park). After practice there were a ton of people waiting around for autographs and since we had nothing else planned for that day other than sit in our hotel we decide to hang around too. There were crowds of people mobbing all the players as they left all asking "where's crosby? When is he coming out?" About 2 hours pass and most of the people had gone. My G/F was disapointed that she wasn't able to get Crosbys autograph. There were only like 2 people left when she said let's just go to the hotel. We'll I decided since we had nothing better to do why not just wait another 15 minutes. About 10 minutes pass and I realize we are the only car left outside of the igloo. Then this Silver Range Rover pulls into the parking lot. It was Colby Armstrong (a former Penguin player) He pulled up next to the exit and out walks Sindey Crosby! We were just sitting in the truck so I pulled up to the exit, my G/F was shocked. Crosby and Armstrong nodded and said hey! So my girlfried asks for their autograph. They were really nice and Crosby said nice truck. Then it hit me! I didn't have anything for them to sign so I asked if he wanted to sign it. He was a little confused so I said yeah, go ahead and just sign the tailgate, so he did. His next comment was "well I've never signed a truck before that's kind of cool"! It turned out to be a really good weekend. The next weekend I took the truck to a body shop and had them clear coat the signature. Over a year later and it's still there! GO PENS!!!

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