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Buyer beware!!!!


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As most of you know I ordered a set of fairings off eBay from a company called "Motofansclub168, or Motofansclub". when I first dealt with the company I was very pleased with the customer service and felt like I got a GREAT deal. I waited a month for the parts to come in and It was like an early Christmas. I cut open the box with the side fairings in it and this is what I got...






I guess when I take my leathers to Barnacle Bill I will have him change A*s to Astaes....

An as for the SIDI decal being UPSIDE DOWN; well I guess they were just anticipating me looping the bike so everyone could read it.

Here is some of the conversation I had with this STUPID Chinese fuck:



I recently ordered a set of fairings from your company. It was the black and red flame style for an '05 R1. Half of my package arrived today and I have found a FOUR SERIOUS flaws.

On the lower fairing on both sides the "SIDI" decal has been applied UPSIDE DOWN and "ALPINESTARS" is MISSPELLED!!!!

Attached are pictures of the mistakes. Please advise me on how your company will accommodate for these mistakes.

I also found it interesting that your company does not sell Yamaha fairings anymore. Is that a coincidence?

Please contact me at ANYTIME via email or my cell phone number.

Thank you,

Mike Hundemer


Please wait, we do not work on Saturday or Sunday.

That proceeded to just PISS me off so I told them that I just wanted my money back. We kept emailing each other back and forth with them making offers like throwing in a screen, tank pad, frame sliders, and then they even offered to send me new Lowers but I had to pay for the shipping ($50) and I could keep the F'ed up ones.


You know, I bought a set of fairings with the confidence that my product would be correct when I received it. I feel that I should not settle for a product that I is not acceptable. From talking to friends who paint it is going to cost almost as much to fix YOUR mistake as it did to buy and ship the product to me. At this point I am very disappointed in the quality that I received. If you wish to compensate me you may pay for the shipping so that I can return your product.

Mike Hundemer


(Shop Manager "KEN")

The shop manager calls me and tells me that my product is not returnable and that they are going to just send me the new lowers.

(ME and I quote!)

"Fuck that! I would be embarrassed to represent your company by putting your "SHIT" on my bike. I want a full refund!"

After we argued for about ten minutes I finally got my way and am going to get a full refund for my parts. The SHITY thing is that I am out $220 for the shipping that it cost to get them here and i have to ship them back.

My advice is to spread the word about this SHITTY company and their piss poor quality. You could see on the upper side where they cut a hole in a piece of paper and just sprayed the hole. there was a gap between the red flame and the black.

So, I feel a little better now that I have spilled my gut to everyone. Sorry it was so long.


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That is a fucked up problem....but thanks for the heads up on a shitty Ebay company.

I will say if you are looking for a great painter that you can trust and does GREAT work.....

AttackPainter on this forum....PM him

I would say use the plastics from that company and have AttackPainter go to town on them....

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I placed a best offer bid and didn't win the auction. They called me and the who transaction took place over the phone and through email. It was a CUSTOM job because they didn't offer the flames for the '05 R1. I plan on calling paypal tomorrow morning.

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I placed a best offer bid and didn't win the auction. They called me and the who transaction took place over the phone and through email. It was a CUSTOM job because they didn't offer the flames for the '05 R1. I plan on calling paypal tomorrow morning.

Ha! It's custom alright...

I wonder if they weren't allowed to use the A* name.

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They offer to send you new fairings and you think that was less than satisfactory? Shit happens but at least they wanted to make it right. I think you over reacted just a bit. Now' date=' because of your apparent lack of reasoning skills, you have to pay extra shipping fees. They made a mistake and were willing to make it right by you. You refused a completely reasonable resolution and they are the "STUPID Chinese Fucks"??


Why should I pay an extra $50 for a product that is not reasonable to me or to my standards? There are a lot more emails that I didn't post for all to read....

And yes, he was a "Stupid Chinese Fuck"

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They offer to send you new fairings and you think that was less than satisfactory? Shit happens but at least they wanted to make it right. I think you over reacted just a bit. Now' date=' because of your apparent lack of reasoning skills, you have to pay extra shipping fees. They made a mistake and were willing to make it right by you. You refused a completely reasonable resolution and they are the "STUPID Chinese Fucks"??


+1 I would be pissed if I waited a month for misspelled fairings. :dunno: It sounds like they were trying to make it right by offering you all kinds of other goodies. I probably would have taken the goodies and covered up the f-up with a different sticker....or rock the misspelled fairings... Sucks man but this isn't the first time I've seen these Chinese fairings with misspellings. At least this seller tried to make it right...most of the stupid American fucks on eBay probably wouldn't have.

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also, your dealing with people who probably have NO CLUE what SIDI is, or Alpinestars is either. that's like me giving you a sticker in Arabic and bitching when you put it on the wrong way. Not saying it doesn't suck, but fuck dude the person making those has no clue. If it's a sticker, peel it off and move on, if it's paint then it's a different story, I'd just say fuck it and throw it on, I doubt anyone is ever gonna notice, but then again I just ride my shit, I'm not to concerned with how they look. I think I washed the 'bus 2x last year?

Also the we don't work on Sat or Sunday isn't just to piss you off, Other countries are very strict and observe those days as days off, Oriental countries especially. Those people are HUGE on following customs, rules, and traditions just because. If a crane has a published lifespan of 5 years, it's scrapped or sold at 5 years, weather it works or not. Americans try to get 25 hrs out of a day, Japaneese start biz meetings with relaxing and taking things slow and casual. They just don't work on the weekends, no one was trying to piss you off, hell in his book he did you a service by informing you that you would have to wait until Monday to get things resolved. besides, are you riding this thing this week? :wtf:

Edited by Dweezel
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"that's like me giving you a sticker in Arabic and bitching when you put it on the wrong way. Not saying it doesn't suck, but fuck dude the person making those has no clue. If it's a sticker, peel it off and move on, if it's paint then it's a different story, I'd just say fuck it and throw it on"

Well, I speak and read Arabic (for the most part), but I get your point. You are right, if it was JUST a decal I would have just pulled it off, but they clear coated over them...

I didn't pay $600 to settle for a fucked up product. If the workers couldn't read the decals, then they should have been show the right way to do it.

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And OEM plastic would have cost you $1,200.00 + in a stock paint scheme.

You got what you paid for. Quit whining.

I'm gonna have to agree somewhat...its an ebay special, you cant expect the same OE quality, but for 600 you'd expect it to be reasonably nice still...but it wouldnt be so bad if the decals weren't clearcoated. total bummer :(:nono:

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I'm gonna have to agree somewhat...its an ebay special, you cant expect the same OE quality, but for 600 you'd expect it to be reasonably nice still...but it wouldnt be so bad if the decals weren't clearcoated. total bummer :(:nono:

It IS reasonably nice.

$600.00 nice.

You want top quality? A custom paint scheme/layout? Pay the price.

Face the facts - dude couldn't have gotten his old shit repainted and cleared with decals, flames, etc. for $600.00 could he? Why would you expect the fairings and EVERYTHING to be even close to perfect for that kind of money?

Come on...be realistic. If brand new shit from the Factory is $1,200 plus shipping, and a tits paint job is another $500 or so, what the fuck do you expect to get for $600????

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