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I've been healed!


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Had a MRI last week and met with my doctor for the last time today. I've been given the go to return to normal life. I will not need 1 more surgery! I feel like my legs are 20 years older than the rest of my body, but he says that will go away soon once I am active. So it's finally over, no more doc visits and tests and rehab. What a great day. Thanks to everyone that was there that night and helped. CR rocks!
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Man, I'm happy.


I don't think I've even run that fast in my life, I was scared to death for the worse.


I heart you :)


I think afterwards I was more scared to call my wife than just before I went down. :cool: I think Joe had to ask me 3 times if he should call Jennifer. I remember laying there debateing wether to call her or not while Joe kept asking. :lol:


To my surprise when I called her myself while I was in the Squad in route to Riverside, she wasn't too mad. :o I married a good woman.

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Glad you're well down the road to recovery. I was never afraid of surgery until I had a very bad experience. Either way, it's never fun. Good news is, well, always good. :D


What was your bad experience? I didn't really have a bad experience that I can remember personally but one of my last surgeries of the 7 I had in 2007 I almost didn't wake up. I make sure to tell the anesthesiologist that before they put me under, I think it is in my medical records also. I can't say I had a bad surgeon or even an Average one; all my doctors were awesome, Clifton Hood (ENT), Greg Berlet (ankle), Paul Cook (Wrist), and Scott Van Steyn (Knee). Paul may be the best Doctor I have ever had.


Kirk, I know you are about to move on and do this kind of work, I have to say Paul Cook calling me at home after every surgery and asking how I feel even if he knew he was going to see me the in the next couple of days in the office was way cool. The guy came in and talked to me for 45 min at my bedside after my first Surgery (emergency) I had never even seen him before. Guy is top notch IMO. He made me feel like he and I had the same goals for me and he cared wheather I made those goals. It may sound stupid that I care about that but I did.

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Glad you're good and ready to move on. If it's been nearly a year, you're likely itching to get such good news for sure.


I certainly understand how you feel Doctor wise. When I broke my back in 1994, I was never so scared as the next day when I couldn't feel my legs. Stephenson from Nuerological Associates is my best friend. He stayed with me after I woke up from sugery for about an hour. I don't remember, but my parents were there and he said I'd be fine.


He said that if I made it through the first five years afterwards without F'ing anything up or being stupid, I'd likely be fine for the rest of my life. Needless to say, I made it through those five years and remind myself of that pain on a regular basis before I do anything remotely physical.


He made me feel like he and I had the same goals for me and he cared wheather I made those goals. It may sound stupid that I care about that but I did.
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Tim you may know I have a stupid hobby to most of playing Frisbee Golf, I explained to him (Paul) that I play it at a high level and unlike most, he didn't gloss over that fact. I was a sponsored player by one of the top 2 disc manufacturers. He asked questions and took me very seriously about it. I felt like he treated me like a Pro Athlete with a million dollar contract, when in reality I play for only a couple of hundred dollars most of the time. I am playing in my first event since the accident this weekend, I have been practicing the last month and a half, I am only 70 percent I think, but I feel like I can compete but not win. It will feel good to play competitively again, the day after I went down with me lying in a hospital bed I thought I would never be able to play again. I am excited for this weekend.
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