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Scion TC

Guest Hal

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Hmm, some mixed opinions in here. I wasn't really looking for anything fancy, especially at that price. I figured the interior would be on par with my car (shit).
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My little brother has one and I have driven it a few times, they are nice for what you get I mean power everything and their options are mostly ricer boy related IMO. The pricing is fixed like Saturns so there isn't much haggling or really any at all from what the dealers say and reading on their site states the same.


I am looking around for a new DD and I am leaning more and more towards the Mazda 3 as well the versatility of the 5 door drew me to it and I'm liking the styling of it more and more as well.

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In my opinion they are pretty damn nice for the price, and if you stack up standard features against anything else for the same price, the tC wins in a landslide. I was blown away by the amount of room in the rear seat (im 6'2), no other COUPE I've been in has come close. I thought it drove nice and I thought the interior was nice, but maybe I'm just crazy, or biased, or both. The Mazda3 is nice also but if you load it up the same as the tC the price gap gets pretty big pretty quick.


The tc's biggest problem in my opinion is that its a two door. Any car in the cheap econobox class may as well be a four door and have some storage space, which is why i opted for the xb (basically a 4 door tc wagon). Its also cheaper.

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I'm honestly not a fan of VW in any way, shape, or form. I have never worked on one that didn't fight, and I've seen too many stupid shit from them.
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Does anyone have any opinions on the new TC's? I haven't personally worked on any other than doing little GS stuff. Are there any common problems or anything like that I need to know?


The reason I ask it; my fiancee's car is getting to the point where I either need to do a lot of work to it or, junk it. We're thinking about either buying a TC (or similarly priced car) or leasing one when my car is finally done in the next couple months.


I saw one in the Gahanna Chipotle parking lot on Sunday. Nice looking little cars. I haven't done any research on them so I don't know what kind of gas mileage they get, or even what they cost, but if price is right, I was actually thinking of possibly replacing my beater Mustang w/ one.

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