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WTB: plastic storage bins


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Go to the Container Store at Easton. By far the best customer service you'll ever get outside Nordstrom's. They have a container for everything and are extremely well versed in creatively solving problems related to storage. I've worked with their corporate office in regards to retail and training.


A bit off topic, but they pay associates better than most any place around and have one of the least turnover rates in the retail segment because of their processeses and training.



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Yeh if he wants to pay $50 per container. You even have the word Nordstrom's in the same post, Nordstrom's = Overpriced sucker store, tis why they are not here anymore. Funny about Nordstrom's customer service, been in there a few times, never once had anyone ask to help me. Had plenty of judgmental employees walk right by me though. I had to go in one for work, our Director talked so highly of them so some of us in the store went and proved her wrong for a presentation. We even had to read that bullshit of a book "The Nordstrom Way" that shit happened maybe in the 50's and 60's but the employees of this generation fucked that shit all up.
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I see your point, but honestly, we've bought a number of the best storage solution products there....and while we paid a bit more than say Target and Kroger's stuff, it's been 10x worth it. Especially in terms of quality and perfect fit for the need.


If all you want is a cheap set of things for the work-room...fine, but if you want some style and customer service then go there. Our walk in pantry and 4 walk in closets are a work of art and it may sound silly, but IMO, it's the details that matter....but then none of us have ever likely paid $20 or more for car polish and had it shipped in either. ;)


Worst case, you'll get ideas that you'll never see at any other store around here.


Yeh if he wants to pay $50 per container.
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I see your point, but honestly, we've bought a number of the best storage solution products there....and while we paid a bit more than say Target and Kroger's stuff, it's been 10x worth it. Especially in terms of quality and perfect fit for the need.


If all you want is a cheap set of things for the work-room...fine, but if you want some style and customer service then go there. Our walk in pantry and 4 walk in closets are a work of art and it may sound silly, but IMO, it's the details that matter....but then none of us have ever likely paid $20 or more for car polish and had it shipped in either. ;)



Woa woa woa, Car polish is important. :cool:

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They may be overpriced to some, but then so are BMW's and Mercedes. They don't cater to clients they don't see value in over priced goodies elsewhere period.


Much like any retailer, they are targeting their specific client. Others won't shop there. The opposite is true too....you'll likely never see me in a Dollar General Store or an Aldi or Odd Lots.


Not sure what happened in your case, but I just got back from taking a client through their store in Burlington, MA and it was an great customer experience.


Maybe they saw your rental car key chain or even your Subaru one....they don't like that type of import driver ;)


Yeh if he wants to pay $50 per container. You even have the word Nordstrom's in the same post, Nordstrom's = Overpriced sucker store, tis why they are not here anymore. Funny about Nordstrom's customer service, been in there a few times, never once had anyone ask to help me. Had plenty of judgmental employees walk right by me though. I had to go in one for work, our Director talked so highly of them so some of us in the store went and proved her wrong for a presentation. We even had to read that bullshit of a book "The Nordstrom Way" that shit happened maybe in the 50's and 60's but the employees of this generation fucked that shit all up.
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Maybe it was the plain clothes we wore on purpose to make a point about their lack of customer service. Ever heard of the story of a farmer buying a truck at a dealer? First place he went to, nobody paid any attention to him because of what he looked like, but the second dealer treated him good. The farmer pulls out a wad of cash and pays for the new truck in cash. There is a lesson there somewhere. ;)


We made the point that they (Nordstrom's employees) could learn a lesson from our customer service. That we were wasting our time. Thank god she resigned a week and a half ago.

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but then none of us have ever likely paid $20 or more for car polish and had it shipped in either. ;)


hey now $20 car polish is a necessity.

and i have paid over that for polish.



im basically looking for some nice clean storage for my detailing supplies. so i can get organized a little better. plus im running out of storage space for everything

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