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ITT: anti-jokes

cptn janks

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What?! That's always funny. Oh wait. Just to me. :D Not so funny for the buttsecks-ee.


Here's an old classic.


What screams and can't turn corners?


A baby with a spear through it.

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Three women are on an airplane. One's a blonde, ones a red head, one's a brunette. Unfortunately, the plane was going to crash and their was nothing they could do but jump out and parachute to safety. So the captain said to each of the three ladies, "You can only take one of you're possessions when you parachute out of the plane." The blonde says "I will take my watch becau-" But before she could finish her sentence the plane exploded because the flames on the wing had ignited the fuel tank. No one survived.
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What did the hobo get for Christmas?






A man is in a car accident, and his genitals are horribly mutilated. When he awakes, the doctor tells him that they can create a new one for him, but it is an expensive operation. The operation costs $1000 an inch. He is urged to go home and discuss the matter with his wife. The next day, the man comes back looking miserable. The doctor looks at him and asks him what the problem is. "I discussed the matter with my wife and she said she'd prefer a fitted kitchen. So I killed her."

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-Knock Knock!

-Who's there?





-What did Helen Keller name her dog?





-How do you make a mime yell?


throw a brick at his face.


-A man goes to a grocery store. While he is there, he buys:



and milk.


So as he is checking out, getting ready to pay, the cashier says: "Hey, you're single, aren't you?"


The man is astonished. "Wow, that's incredible. How did you know that?"


"You're ugly."

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What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a grocery bag?


One holds groceries, the other molests children.


Q: What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza?


A: One is an edible substance and the other is a person who believes in Judaism.



Q: What did the florist do when she saw a child picking up a rubber ball outside her store?


A: She ran outside, kicked him in the ribs, and screamed maniacally until the police arrived to detain her.





I was walking down the street the other day when this bum comes up to me and says he hasn't had a bite in three days.


So I stabbed him.



Why did the clown fall off the swing?


Someone shot him in the face

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So a Morel walks into a bar. Bartender says, 'Sorry, we can't serve you.' Morel says, 'Why not? I'm a Fungi.' Bartender says, 'Oh, that's not it. We just don't have Mushroom.'


I don't think you get the concept. :D

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