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June 21st, Dublincon


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I know there are more than a few people here who are into the computer side of things and my friend is going to put together a presentation on ideas/lan thing...


Here is his description


Dublincon is not intended to be a LAN party where we all sit around and play games for hours. It is a meeting where people in Dublin can come together, share ideas, meet each other, and just have a day of good, computing fun.


The purpose of presentations is to share about a piece of technology that your are interested in or using. Ideally, everyone who showed up would give a presentation. I saw one post where someone thought he was paying to see some people give presentations. The presentations are supposed to be more discussion based. It's a way to share with people, and learn. These aren't PHD professors, they're just regular people. If you are thinking about attending, definitely plan on giving a presentation. Some presentations that are in the works:


Miles Davis: Exploiting Buffer Overflows

Chris Dieterlie: SVN

Alex Eubanks (me): Basic Cluster Computing OR Pygame

Mr. King: Topic unannounced, but he said he'll do one

Matt Drengler: Said he'll do one too, topic unannounced.





There's also talk of a more traditional LAN party afterwards, depending on where he sets the venue among other things.


Anyone interested or think they will go?

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Yeah, this is a hell of a lot of work for a LAN party...

























































































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