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Stupid Price is Right Contestant

Rally Pat

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I saw one the other night where Drew said "Say 1, 2, 3 Alakazam and then open the box." So this blonde puts her hands on the sides of the lid and says "1, 2, 3 Alakazam open the box". She procedes to stand their waiting for the box to magically open itself while the whole audience laughs.
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Seriously, is this person absolutely retarded?



lol GF and I watched that show. Fuckin laughed our asses off.



I saw one the other night where Drew said "Say 1, 2, 3 Alakazam and then open the box." So this blonde puts her hands on the sides of the lid and says "1, 2, 3 Alakazam open the box". She procedes to stand their waiting for the box to magically open itself while the whole audience laughs.

I wish I coulda seen that one.


I actually watched that Price is Right live when I was 12 that had that black girl with the tube top fall off on her way up to bid from the audience.

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