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MSF Course


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So this past weekend I did the MSF Course at American Honda in Troy. Originally the idea was the wife was supposed to get her permit and sign up for the course and I would do it with her. She planned a trip to visit family the weekend of the course, so I stayed and went anyway. :D

Great course and great facilities. I had done the Dirt Bike School here last year with my oldest and that's what made us choose there for the BRC. I honestly didn't expect to get a whole lot out of it, but I learned TO DO more than I thought I would. What I mean by that is even if it's something I knew I should be doing the course helped make sure I was doing it during the exercises. I think I definitely took somethings away from it and will probably be going back for the experienced riders course.

If you haven't taken it, I would suggest it. As long as you go into it with an open mind I think even the most experienced rider can pick something up. It's only $25 at the American Honda course and there are groups like the HRCA and Harley's Owners Group (H.O.G.) that will reimburse you the course fee if you are a member.

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I agree, it is a great course. I think everyone, even experienced riders, can take at least something away from the course. The only drawback to the course is that since it is so popular the time slots fill up months in advance, but I guess you could always go the waitlist route if that is the case.

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That's how I got my license, years ago. :banana:

Hey Fusion, I wouldn't bother with the advance course. Well atleast at the one held in Xenia, they told me it's just following a group of cruisers on highway rides, etc.

You want the advance course, do a trackday my man. :wink:

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That's how I got my license, years ago. :banana:

Hey Fusion, I wouldn't bother with the advance course. Well atleast at the one held in Xenia, they told me it's just following a group of cruisers on highway rides, etc.

You want the advance course, do a trackday my man. :wink:

The ERC is supposed to be sort of like the BRC, but with your own bike and a co-rider if you want. The topics are supposed to be similar and done on a "range". I'm not sure what it is they are doing in Xenia.

To kind of add to my earlier post...The American Honda place in Troy has dedicated ranges for the MSF and Dirt Bike Schools. It's not used for anything else. The bikes they use are replaced new every year also.

We tried to do walk-ins last year for a couple of other courses and they were held in places like parking lots for the riding portions. Seems almost like night and day to me. Not sure how they are held other places.

This was supposed to be more for the wife than for me. Hopefully I can get her butt into the course sometime this year still. Unfortunately they book real quick out there.

I definitely plan on making a few track days eventually.

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I want to get an off road vehicle, like maybe a little dirtbike or 4wheeler for my wife. I couldn't relax knowing she was on a streetbike. If something happened to her, I couldn't live with myself. :(

I don't know. I thought the same thing at first and realized I could apply that to anything really. It's also a bit unfair to think she is either not capable as being as safe or as good a rider as me or that she could be thinking the same thing and still lets me ride because I like to.

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I want to get an off road vehicle, like maybe a little dirtbike or 4wheeler for my wife. I couldn't relax knowing she was on a streetbike. If something happened to her, I couldn't live with myself. :(

I don't know. I thought the same thing at first and realized I could apply that to anything really. It's also a bit unfair to think she is either not capable as being as safe or as good a rider as me or that she could be thinking the same thing and still lets me ride because I like to.

It goes both ways. Nick, what if your wife thought the same thing about you being on the sportbike? I used to be the same way but it would be hard for me to say it's a safe enough sport for me but not for her.

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All the courses in countys around Knox are booked into November... :eek:

Dont know if I want to chance riding in the 30 degree weather all day but i have before..

You can always try the standny route. They do a lottery for any seats that are leftover if the person that reserved it does not show up at the class start time exactly. They said there is pretty much a guarantee that someone does not show up on time and loses their spot. It's worth a shot if you really want to take the class.

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